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Created August 5, 2018 16:53
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Helpful commands for parsing results
# Go to and copy and paste the contents
# of the columns into a textfile, including the phone
# image.
# Take out “Direct Dial Available” from textfile.txt
sed -Ei 's/Direct Dial Available//g' ./textfile.txt
# Grab last names
cut -d “,” -f 1 textfile.txt > lastnames.txt
cat lastnames.txt | tr -d [:blank:] > lastnames2.txt
# Grab first names
cut -d "," -f 2 textfile.txt | cut -f 1 > firstnames.txt
cat firstnames.txt | tr -d [:blank:] > firstnames2.txt
# -----------------------------
# For First letter + Lastname
# -----------------------------
# Grab first letter of each line:
cat firstnames2.txt | cut -c 1-1 > firstletter.txt
# Append two files line by line together:
paste -d “” firstletter.txt lastnames2.txt > userlist.txt
# Cleanup files
rm lastnames*.txt firstnames*.txt firstletter.txt
# -------------------------------------------
# For First Name [dot] Last Name
# -------------------------------------------
# Append for after each first name:
sed 's/\r\?$/./' firstnames2.txt > firstnamesdot.txt
# Append two files line by line together:
paste -d “” firstnamesdot.txt lastnames2.txt > userlist.txt
# Append e-mail:
sed 's/\r\?$/' userlist.txt
# Cleanup files
rm lastnames*.txt firstnames*.txt
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