// wait and hear, denmark |
// accompanying 4-channel soundscape for the wait and hear presentation at Sound Art Lab in 2024 |
// 2024, Till Bovermann |
( |
q = q ? (); |
q.numChans = 4; // needs to be an even number |
q.playbackDurationRange = ControlSpec(30, 50); // seconds |
q.freqRange = ControlSpec(10, 20000, \exp); // Hz |
// s.options.memSize_(600 * 1024 * 1024); |
s.options.numOutputBusChannels = q.numChans; |
// s.options.device = "Scarlett 6i6 USB"; |
s.options.device = "BlackHole 64ch"; |
s.reboot; |
s.meter; |
s.makeWindow; |
/////////// load buffers |
q.dirname = thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.dirname; |
q.fileNames = (q.dirname +/+ "_renders/*.wav").pathMatch; |
q.loopFileNames = (q.dirname +/+ "_renders/loops/*.wav").pathMatch; |
// assume all soundfiles to have the same length, samplerate and number of channels |
s.waitForBoot{ |
q.soundfile = SoundFile.openRead(q.fileNames[0]); |
q.soundfile.close; |
// cue all the files at random positions |
q.allBuffers = q.fileNames.collect({ |path| |
Buffer.cueSoundFile(s, path, rrand(0, q.playbackDurationRange.map(1)), q.soundfile.numChannels) |
}); |
q.loopBuffers = q.loopFileNames.collect({ |path| |
Buffer.read(s, path) |
}); |
} |
) |
////////////////// synthesis definitions |
( |
// a Synthdef that plays back a buffer for a given duration using DiskIn |
SynthDef(\playback, {|out = 0, buf = 0, dur = 10, attack = 0.5, decay = 0.5, pos = 0, amp = 0.1, spread= 0.5, width = 2| |
var snd, env; |
var lpFreq = \lpFreq.kr(2000); |
var lpRq = \lpRq.kr(1); |
var hpFreq = \hpFreq.kr(200); |
var hpRq = \hpRq.kr(1); |
// create an envelope with attack and decay |
env = Env.linen(attack, dur - (attack + decay), decay).ar(doneAction: 2); |
// buffer playback |
snd = DiskIn.ar(q.soundfile.numChannels, buf); |
// simple musical filter |
// snd = RLPF.ar(snd, lpFreq, lpRq); |
// snd = RHPF.ar(snd, hpFreq, hpRq); |
// panning |
snd = SplayAz.ar( |
numChans: q.numChans, |
inArray: snd * env, |
spread: spread, |
center: pos, |
level: amp, |
width: width, |
orientation: 0.5 |
); |
Out.ar(out, snd.tanh); |
}).add; |
// some sines |
SynthDef(\sine, {|out = 0, freq = 100, dur = 10, attack = 0.5, decay = 0.5, pos = 0, amp = 0.1, spread= 0.5, width = 2| |
var snd, env, rev, revEnv; |
var lpFreq = \lpFreq.kr(2000); |
var lpRq = \lpRq.kr(1); |
var hpFreq = \hpFreq.kr(200); |
var hpRq = \hpRq.kr(1); |
// create an envelope with attack and decay |
env = Env.linen(attack, dur - (attack + decay), decay).ar(doneAction: 0); |
revEnv = Env.linen(attack, dur - (attack + decay), decay + 20).ar(doneAction: 2); |
freq = (freq + [0, \freqSpread.kr(10)]) * [LFNoise2.kr(Rand(0.5, 2)).range(0.95, 1.0), LFNoise2.kr(Rand(0.5, 2)).range(0.95, 1.0)]; |
freq = freq * AmpCompA.kr(freq, 25); |
// sinewave |
snd = SinOscFB.ar(freq, \fb.kr(0.5)); |
// simple musical filter |
// snd = RLPF.ar(snd, lpFreq, lpRq); |
// snd = RHPF.ar(snd, hpFreq, hpRq); |
// panning |
snd = SplayAz.ar( |
numChans: q.numChans, |
inArray: snd * env, |
spread: spread, |
center: pos, |
level: amp, |
width: width, |
orientation: 0.5 |
); |
rev = AdCVerb.ar(snd, 10, nOuts: q.numChans) * revEnv; |
Out.ar(out, (snd + (0.25 * rev)).tanh * 0.5); |
}).add; |
// some noise |
SynthDef(\noise, {|out = 0, dur = 10, attack = 0.5, decay = 0.5, pos = 0, amp = 0.1, spread= 0.5, width = 2| |
var snd, env; |
var lpFreq = \lpFreq.kr(2000); |
var lpRq = \lpRq.kr(1); |
var hpFreq = \hpFreq.kr(200); |
var hpRq = \hpRq.kr(1); |
// create an envelope with attack and decay |
env = Env.linen(attack, dur - (attack + decay), decay).ar(doneAction: 2); |
// noise |
snd = {PinkNoise.ar}!2; |
// simple musical filter |
snd = LPF.ar(snd, lpFreq); |
snd = HPF.ar(snd, hpFreq); |
// panning |
snd = SplayAz.ar( |
numChans: q.numChans, |
inArray: snd * env, |
spread: spread, |
center: pos, |
level: amp, |
width: width, |
orientation: 0.5 |
); |
Out.ar(out, snd.tanh); |
}).add; |
) |
//////////////// playback routine for oneshots |
( |
q.playingBuffers = Set[]; |
q.allIndices = Array.iota(q.allBuffers.size).asSet; |
q.cueAndPlay = { |
var idx, buf, bufFilename, dur, pos, lpFreqStart, lpFreq, hpFreq; |
idx = (q.allIndices - q.playingBuffers).choose; |
idx.isNil.if({ "all buffers currently playing".postln; }, { |
buf = q.allBuffers[idx]; |
bufFilename = q.fileNames[idx]; |
dur = q.playbackDurationRange.map(1.0.rand); |
pos = rrand(0, 2.0); |
lpFreqStart = 1.0.sum3rand + 1 /2; // randomize the filter frequency |
// where to cut lows |
hpFreq = q.freqRange.map(lpFreqStart); |
// where to cut highs |
lpFreq = q.freqRange.map(rrand(lpFreqStart, 1.0)); |
r { |
q.playingBuffers.add(idx); |
"playing buffer % % for % seconds at %".format(idx, bufFilename.basename, dur, pos).postln; |
// buf.cueSoundFile(bufFilename, (q.soundfile.duration - dur).rand * q.soundfile.sampleRate, q.soundfile.numChannels); |
buf.cueSoundFile(bufFilename, 0, q.soundfile.numChannels); |
1.wait; // wait for the buffer to be ready |
Synth(\playback, [ |
\buf, buf, |
\dur, dur, |
\attack, 10, |
\decay, 15, |
\pos, pos.round(0.25), |
// \amp, ((1.0.sum3rand + 1 /2) * 0.5 + 0.5).postln, |
\amp, rrand(0.7, 1), |
\spread, 0.75, |
\width, 2, |
// \lpFreq, lpFreq, |
// \hpFreq, hpFreq, |
// \lpRq, [0.1, 2].asSpec.map(1.0.sum3rand + 1 /2), |
// \hpRq, [0.1, 2].asSpec.map(1.0.sum3rand + 1 /2), |
]); |
// wait for a longer period to make sure the sound will show up again only after a longer period of time |
(dur * 5).wait; |
q.playingBuffers.remove(idx); |
}.play; |
}); |
}; |
) |
///////////////////////// playback loops |
( |
// all one-shots randomly |
Tdef(\playback, { |
loop{ |
rrand(15, 25).wait; |
q.cueAndPlay |
} |
}).play; |
) |
Tdef(\playback).stop |
// play back a random buffer for a random duration |
// Synth(\playback, [\buf, q.allBuffers.choose, \dur, q.playbackDurationRange.map(1.0.rand).postln]); |
( |
// a low sine |
Tdef(\sineplayerLow, { |
loop{ |
var freq = exprand(25, 100.0); |
"Sine Low".postln; |
Synth(\sine, [\dur, q.playbackDurationRange.map(1.0.rand), \pos, 2.0.rand, \freq, freq, \amp, rrand(0.01, 0.06), \spread, 1, \attack, 20, \decay, 20, \fb, rrand(0.2, 0.7), \freqSpread, rrand(1.0, 7)].postln); |
rrand(60, 120.0).wait; |
} |
}).play |
) |
Tdef(\sineplayerLow).stop |
( |
// a high sine |
Tdef(\sineplayerHigh, { |
loop{ |
var freq = exprand(1000, 1500.0); |
"Sine High".postln; |
Synth(\sine, [\dur, q.playbackDurationRange.map(1.0.rand), \pos, 2.0.rand, \freq, freq, \amp, rrand(0.005, 0.008) * 0.5, \spread, 1, \attack, 20, \decay, 20, \fb, rrand(0.2, 0.7), \freqSpread, rrand(1.0, 7)].postln); |
rrand(120, 160.0).wait; |
} |
}).play |
) |
Tdef(\sineplayerHigh).stop |
// q.playingBuffers = q.allIndices.copy; |
( |
// some noise |
Tdef(\noiseplayer, { |
loop{ |
rrand(60, 120.0).wait; |
"Noise".postln; |
Synth(\noise, [\dur, q.playbackDurationRange.map(1.0.rand), \pos, 2.0.rand, \amp, rrand(0.01, 0.08), \spread, 1, \attack, 20, \decay, 20, \fb, rrand(0.2, 0.7), \freqSpread, rrand(1.0, 7), \hpFreq, exprand(20, 600.0), \lpFreq, exprand(500, 5000.0)].postln); |
} |
}).play |
) |
Tdef(\noiseplayer).play |
Tdef(\noiseplayer).stop |
( |
// a rumble loop |
Ndef(\looper).fadeTime = 10; |
Ndef(\looper, { |
var trigMute = Impulse.ar(1/LFNoise1.kr(0.1).range(220, 400)); |
( |
{PlayBuf.ar(2, q.loopBuffers.first, 1, loop: 1, startPos: 0.125 * q.loopBuffers.first.numFrames)}!(q.numChans/2)).flat |
* ({LFNoise2.kr(LFNoise1.kr(0.1).range(0.1, 0.03)).range(0.5, 1.0)}!q.numChans |
) * Env([1, 0, 0, 1], [20, 60, 60]).ar(gate: trigMute.poll(trigMute)) |
}); |
Ndef(\looper).play; |
Ndef(\looper).vol = 0.25; |
) |
// s.makeWindow; |
Ndef(\looper).edit |