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Last active November 8, 2019 05:33
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Doobie readWithDefaults
* Summon `Read[A]` instance for case class `A` with default parameters.
* {{{
* case class A(a: String, b: Boolean = false)
* implicit val aRead: Read[A] = readWithDefaults[A]()
* }}}
class readWithDefaults[A] {
def apply[
Repr <: HList,
Defaults <: HList,
ZippedIn <: HList,
WithDefaults <: HList,
ZippedOut <: HList,
Result <: HList
generic: Generic.Aux[A, Repr],
defaults: Default.Aux[A, Defaults],
zipperIn: Zip.Aux[Repr :: Defaults :: HNil, ZippedIn],
mapperIn: Mapper.Aux[readWithDefaults.MapIn.type, ZippedIn, WithDefaults],
read: Lazy[Read[WithDefaults]],
zipperOut: Zip.Aux[WithDefaults :: Defaults :: HNil, ZippedOut],
mapperOut: Mapper.Aux[readWithDefaults.MapOut.type, ZippedOut, Result],
ev: Result =:= Repr,
): Read[A] = {
val (_, _) = (zipperIn, mapperIn) // to prevent unused warning { withDefaults =>
generic.from((withDefaults zip defaults()).map(readWithDefaults.MapOut))
object readWithDefaults {
def apply[A]: readWithDefaults[A] = new readWithDefaults[A]
private object MapIn extends Poly1 {
implicit def withDefault[A]: Case.Aux[(A, Some[A]), Option[A]] =
at { case (a, _) =>
implicit def withoutDefault[A]: Case.Aux[(A, None.type), A] =
at { case (a, _) =>
private object MapOut extends Poly1 {
implicit def withDefault[A]: Case.Aux[(Option[A], Some[A]), A] =
at { case (value, Some(defaultValue)) =>
implicit def withoutDefault[A]: Case.Aux[(A, None.type), A] =
at { case (value, _) =>
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LMnet commented Nov 8, 2019

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