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Created September 8, 2016 21:50
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Haskell Norvig Spell Correcter
-- Based off of the Peter Norvig Python implementation:
module Spell where
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
wordProbability :: Fractional v => Map.Map String v -> String -> v
wordProbability allWords myWord =
let total = sum (Map.elems allWords)
prob = maybe 0 (id) (Map.lookup myWord allWords)
in prob / total
correction :: (Fractional v, Ord v) => Map.Map String v -> String -> String
correction allWords myWord =
let myCandidates = candidates allWords myWord
getWP = wordProbability allWords
compWP a b = compare (getWP a) (getWP b)
in List.maximumBy compWP myCandidates
nonEmpty :: Foldable t => t a -> Bool
nonEmpty = not.null
orSet :: [Set.Set a] -> Set.Set a
orSet sets = maybe Set.empty id (List.find (nonEmpty) sets)
candidates :: Map.Map String v -> String -> Set.Set String
candidates allWords word =
let known = knownWords allWords
knownNoEdit = known (edits 0 word)
knownEdits1 = known (edits 1 word)
knownEdits2 = known (edits 2 word)
unknown = Set.singleton word
in orSet [knownNoEdit, knownEdits1, knownEdits2, unknown]
knownWords :: Map.Map String v -> Set.Set String -> Set.Set String
knownWords allWords mySet = Set.filter inDictionary mySet
where inDictionary someWord = Map.member someWord allWords
edits :: Integer -> String -> Set.Set String
edits 0 word = Set.singleton word
edits 1 word = edits1 word
edits num word =
let prevEdits = (edits (num - 1) word) :: Set.Set String
addNewEdits prevEdit newSet = Set.union (edits1 prevEdit) newSet
in Set.foldr addNewEdits prevEdits prevEdits
edits1 :: String -> Set.Set String
edits1 word =
let letters = ['a'..'z']
size = length word
splits = [ List.splitAt i word | i <- [0..(size + 1)] ]
deletes = map deletion splits
transposes = map transpose splits
replaces = [ replace pair char | pair <- splits, char <- letters ]
inserts = [ insert pair char | pair <- splits, char <- letters ]
allEdits = deletes ++ transposes ++ replaces ++ inserts
actualEdits = filter (nonEmpty) allEdits
in Set.fromList actualEdits
deletion :: (String, String) -> String
deletion (left, r:ight) = left ++ ight
deletion _ = []
transpose :: (String, String) -> String
transpose (left, r:i:ght) = left ++ i:r:ght
transpose _ = []
replace :: (String, String) -> Char -> String
replace (left, r:ight) c = left ++ c:ight
replace _ _ = []
insert :: (String, String) -> Char -> String
insert (left, right) c = left ++ c:right
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