- Click the Linux Mint Menu Button at the bottom left of the screen to open the Linux Mint Menu.
- Under the "System" section, click "Software Manager".
- In the Software Manager window, use the search box at the top right and search for "docker".
- Click on "Docker.io - Linux Container Runtime".
- Click the green "Install" button at the top right. Enter your administrator password when prompted.
- Open the Linux Mint Menu again (see step 1), search for "Users and Groups", and click it to open the "User Settings".
To convert animation GIF to MP4 by ffmpeg, use the following command
ffmpeg -i animated.gif -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" video.mp4
movflags – This option optimizes the structure of the MP4 file so the browser can load it as quickly as possible.
pix_fmt – MP4 videos store pixels in different formats. We include this option to specify a specific format which has maximum compatibility across all browsers.