Many PDF file names are not explicit, but their title is. I was looking for a mean to show PDF title in file explorer column (when using detailed view), I posted on stackexchange but did not found any solution
I was using Thunar, and I changed file explorer to thunar because some python bindings exists. It is Python nautilus project
Just install it, on arch it is python2-nautilus
After, you have just to read /usr/share/doc/nautilus-python/README
And check it works adding copying /usr/share/doc/nautilus-python/examples/
to ~/.local/share/nautilus-python/extensions/
and selectring block-size
in column list
nautilus preferences.
Now I was sure it was possible some custom columns in nautilus detailed view. It was time to show pdf title. I've tested different python packages to get pdf title :
package, it cannot decrypt