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Created December 29, 2014 07:57
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import datetime
from pprint import pprint
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def apriori(dataset, min_support=0.5, min_hconf=0.5, verbose=False):
"""Implements the Apriori algorithm.
The Apriori algorithm will iteratively generate new candidate
k-itemsets using the frequent (k-1)-itemsets found in the previous
dataset : list
The dataset (a list of transactions) from which to generate
candidate itemsets.
min_support : float
The minimum support threshold. Defaults to 0.5.
F : list
The list of frequent itemsets.
support_data : dict
The support data for all candidate itemsets.
.. [1] R. Agrawal, R. Srikant, "Fast Algorithms for Mining Association
Rules", 1994.
C1 = create_candidates(dataset) # generate 1-item sets
D = list(map(set, dataset))
support_data = {}
# prune candidate 1-itemsets
F1 = support_prune(D, C1, min_support, min_hconf,
support_data, verbose=verbose)
F = [F1] # list of frequent itemsets; initialized to frequent 1-itemsets
k = 2 # the itemset cardinality
while (len(F[k - 2]) > 0):
Ck = apriori_gen(F[k - 2], k) # generate candidate itemsets
# prune candidate itemsets
Fk = support_prune(D, Ck, min_support, min_hconf,
support_data, verbose=verbose)
# add the pruned candidate itemsets to the list of frequent itemsets
k += 1
if verbose:
# Print a list of all the frequent itemsets.
for kset in F:
for item in kset:
print(item, round(support_data[item], 3))
return F, support_data
def create_candidates(dataset, verbose=False):
"""Creates a list of candidate 1-itemsets from a list of transactions.
dataset : list
The dataset (a list of transactions) from which to generate candidate
The list of candidate itemsets (c1) passed as a frozenset (a set that is
immutable and hashable).
c1 = set() # list of all items in the database of transactions
for transaction in dataset:
c1.update([frozenset([i]) for i in transaction])
if verbose:
# Print a list of all the candidate items.
# Map c1 to a frozenset because it will be the key of a dictionary.
return c1
def support_prune(dataset, candidates, min_support, min_hconf,
support_data, verbose=False):
"""Returns all candidate itemsets that meet a minimum support threshold.
By the apriori principle, if an itemset is frequent, then all of its
subsets must also be frequent. As a result, we can perform support-based
pruning to systematically control the exponential growth of candidate
itemsets. Thus, itemsets that do not meet the minimum support level are
pruned from the input list of itemsets (dataset).
dataset : list
The dataset (a list of transactions) from which to generate candidate
candidates : frozenset
The list of candidate itemsets.
min_support : float
The minimum support threshold.
support_data : dict
The support data for all candidate itemsets.
retlist : list
The list of frequent itemsets.
# updata support data
sscnt = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # set for support counts
for tid in dataset:
for cand in candidates:
if cand.issubset(tid):
sscnt[cand] += 1
# total number of transactions in the dataset
n_all_items = len(dataset)
retlist = [] # array for unpruned itemsets
for cand, n_supp in sscnt.items():
# Calculate the support of itemset cand.
support = n_supp / n_all_items
if len(cand) > 1:
# Calculate h-confidence
hconf = support / max([support_data[frozenset([_])] for _ in cand])
hconf = 1
if support >= min_support and hconf >= min_hconf:
retlist.insert(0, cand)
support_data[cand] = support
# Print a list of the pruned itemsets.
if verbose:
for cand, cnt in sscnt.items():
print(cand, cnt, support_data[cand])
return retlist
def apriori_gen(freq_sets, k):
"""Generates candidate itemsets (via the F_k-1 x F_k-1 method).
This operation generates new candidate k-itemsets based on the frequent
(k-1)-itemsets found in the previous iteration. The candidate generation
procedure merges a pair of frequent (k-1)-itemsets only if their first k-2
items are identical.
freq_sets : list
The list of frequent (k-1)-itemsets.
k : integer
The cardinality of the current itemsets being evaluated.
retlist : list
The list of merged frequent itemsets.
retList = [] # list of merged frequent itemsets
lenLk = len(freq_sets) # number of frequent itemsets
freq_sets = [frozenset(sorted(_)) for _ in freq_sets]
for i in range(lenLk):
a = list(freq_sets[i])
F1 = a[: k - 2] # first k-2 items of freq_sets[i]
for j in range(i + 1, lenLk):
b = list(freq_sets[j])
F2 = b[: k - 2] # first k-2 items of freq_sets[j]
if F1 == F2: # if the first k-2 items are identical
# Merge the frequent itemsets.
retList.append(freq_sets[i] | freq_sets[j])
return retList
def main():
dataset = np.random.exponential(scale=10, size=(1000, 10)).astype(np.int64)
# print(dataset)
r = apriori(dataset, min_support=0.0, min_hconf=0.5, verbose=False)
print(sum([len(_) for _ in r[0]]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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