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Created August 24, 2016 15:34
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An implementation of McCulloch's machine from Smullyan's book "What Is the Name of This Book?"
from re import match as _m
calcule=(lambda n,machine='machi'
'ne-1': ( lambda m:(lambda
f:(lambda x: x(x))(lambda
x:f(lambda v: (x(x ))(v))))(
lambda f:lambda x:(lambda r:r
.group(1) if r else m[1][x[
0]](f(x[1:])) )(_m(m[0],x)
))(n) if _m( r'[{}]*{}'.
format( ''. join(m[1])
,m[0]),n) else None)({''
'machin' 'e-1': (r'2([1'
r'-9]+' r')$' , {'3''':
lambda y:y+'2'+y ,''
'4': lambda y:y[: :-1
], '5':lambda y:2* y}),
lambda y:'2'+y,'4':lambda y:y[::-
1],'5':lambda y:y*2})}[machine]))
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