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Created February 3, 2020 19:10
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Fetch recent google news articles matching a keyword
''' Script to fetch recent google news articles matching a keyword
* Utilizes Google News RSS feed
requests - pip install requests
newspaper - pip install newspaper3k
import json
import re
from newspaper import Article
import requests
import feedparser
def call_url(url):
response = None
user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 " \
"(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36"
response = requests.get(
url, headers={"User-Agent": user_agent})
except requests.HTTPError as e:
print("\nError accessing '{}': {} [{}]".format(url, e.reason, e.code),
except Exception as e:
print("\nError accessing '{}'\n".format(url), e, "\n")
if response and response.status_code == 200:
return response.text
def parse_article_from_url(url):
article = Article("")
source_html = call_url(url)
if source_html:
if article.text:
article_dict = dict(title=article.title, article=article.text)
return article_dict
def parse_news(keyword=None, include_related_coverage=False):
if (keyword is not None and keyword.strip() != ""):
keyword = keyword.strip()
print("\n Please wait... Fetching news article links"
" about '{}' on Google News...\n".format(keyword))
print("\n Please wait... Fetching recent news articles links...\n")
keyword_url = "" \
url = keyword_url if keyword else ALL_NEWS_FEED_URL
xml_news_feed = call_url(url)
parsed_feed = feedparser.parse(xml_news_feed)
news_links = [news_item["link"] for news_item in parsed_feed["entries"]]
if include_related_coverage:
xml_news_links = [news_item["summary"]
for news_item in parsed_feed["entries"]]
news_links = []
for related_news_links in xml_news_links:
all_related_links = re.findall(
r'(?<=\shref=")http\S+(?=")', related_news_links
del all_related_links[-1]
print("\nArticle Links acquired:\n\n", news_links,
"\n\nTotal no. of links:", len(news_links), "\n")
print("\n...Fetching and parsing articles from acquired links.\n")
formatted_response = [parse_article_from_url(link)
for link in news_links
if not link.endswith((".mp4", ".mp3"))]
articles_json = json.dumps(
[article for article in formatted_response if article is not None],
return articles_json
print(parse_news('kenya')) # Test search
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