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Created September 23, 2018 18:02
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A list of talents with their IDs for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition.
1 ItemMovement
2 ItemCreation
3 Flanking
4 AttackOfOpportunity
5 Backstab
6 Trade
7 Lockpick
8 ChanceToHitRanged
9 ChanceToHitMelee
10 Damage
11 ActionPoints
12 ActionPoints2
13 Criticals
14 IncreasedArmor
15 Sight
16 ResistFear
17 ResistKnockdown
18 ResistStun
19 ResistPoison
20 ResistSilence
21 ResistDead
22 Carry
23 Throwing
24 Repair
25 ExpGain
26 ExtraStatPoints
27 ExtraSkillPoints
28 Durability
29 Awareness
30 Vitality
31 FireSpells
32 WaterSpells
33 AirSpells
34 EarthSpells
35 Charm
36 Intimidate
37 Reason
38 Luck
39 Initiative
40 InventoryAccess
41 AvoidDetection
42 AnimalEmpathy
43 Escapist
44 StandYourGround
45 SurpriseAttack
46 LightStep
47 ResurrectToFullHealth
48 Scientist
49 Raistlin
50 MrKnowItAll
51 WhatARush
52 FaroutDude
53 Leech
54 ElementalAffinity
55 FiveStarRestaurant
56 Bully
57 ElementalRanger
58 LightningRod
59 Politician
60 WeatherProof
61 LoneWolf
62 Zombie
63 Demon
64 IceKing
65 Courageous
66 GoldenMage
67 WalkItOff
68 FolkDancer
69 SpillNoBlood
70 Stench
71 Kickstarter
72 WarriorLoreNaturalArmor
73 WarriorLoreNaturalHealth
74 WarriorLoreNaturalResistance
75 RangerLoreArrowRecover
76 RangerLoreEvasionBonus
77 RangerLoreRangedAPBonus
78 RogueLoreDaggerAPBonus
79 RogueLoreDaggerBackStab
80 RogueLoreMovementBonus
81 RogueLoreHoldResistance
82 NoAttackOfOpportunity
83 WarriorLoreGrenadeRange
84 RogueLoreGrenadePrecision
85 WandCharge
86 DualWieldingDodging
87 Human_Inventive
88 Human_Civil
89 Elf_Lore
90 Elf_CorpseEating
91 Dwarf_Sturdy
92 Dwarf_Sneaking
93 Lizard_Resistance
94 Lizard_Persuasion
95 Perfectionist
96 Executioner
97 ViolentMagic
98 QuickStep
99 Quest_SpidersKiss_Str
100 Quest_SpidersKiss_Int
101 Quest_SpidersKiss_Per
102 Quest_SpidersKiss_Null
103 Memory
104 Quest_TradeSecrets
105 Quest_GhostTree
106 BeastMaster
107 LivingArmor
108 Torturer
109 Ambidextrous
110 Unstable
111 ResurrectExtraHealth
112 NaturalConductor
113 Quest_Rooted
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