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#!/usr/bin/env python | |
import serial | |
import time | |
import os | |
import sys | |
from string import Template | |
if os.geteuid() != 0: # Source: https://gist.github.com/davejamesmiller/1965559 | |
os.execvp("sudo", ["sudo"] + sys.argv) | |
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0',9600,timeout=1) # Open Serial port | |
counter = 0 # Used to generate a html page every 10s | |
in_file = open("maps_template.html", "rt") # Read html template | |
template = in_file.read() | |
in_file.close() | |
def generateHtml(latlng): | |
global template | |
output = Template(template).substitute(lat=latlng[0], lng=latlng[1]) | |
#print(output) | |
out_file = open("html/index.html", "wt") | |
out_file.write(output) | |
out_file.close() | |
def readString(): | |
while 1: | |
while ser.read().decode("utf-8") != '$': # Wait for the begging of the string | |
pass # Do nothing | |
line = ser.readline().decode("utf-8") # Read the entire string | |
return line | |
def getTime(string,format,returnFormat): | |
return time.strftime(returnFormat, time.strptime(string, format)) # Convert date and time to a nice printable format | |
def getLatLng(latString,lngString): | |
lat = latString[:2].lstrip('0') + "." + "%.7s" % str(float(latString[2:])*1.0/60.0).lstrip("0.") | |
lng = lngString[:3].lstrip('0') + "." + "%.7s" % str(float(lngString[3:])*1.0/60.0).lstrip("0.") | |
return lat,lng | |
def printRMC(lines): | |
global counter | |
print("========================================RMC========================================") | |
#print(lines, '\n') | |
print("Fix taken at:", getTime(lines[1]+lines[9], "%H%M%S.%f%d%m%y", "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"), "UTC") | |
print("Status (A=OK,V=KO):", lines[2]) | |
latlng = getLatLng(lines[3],lines[5]) | |
print("Lat,Long: ", latlng[0], lines[4], ", ", latlng[1], lines[6], sep='') | |
print("Speed (knots):", lines[7]) | |
print("Track angle (deg):", lines[8]) | |
print("Magnetic variation: ", lines[10], end='') | |
if len(lines) == 13: # The returned string will be either 12 or 13 - it will return 13 if NMEA standard used is above 2.3 | |
print(lines[11]) | |
print("Mode (A=Autonomous, D=Differential, E=Estimated, N=Data not valid):", lines[12].partition("*")[0]) | |
else: | |
print(lines[11].partition("*")[0]) | |
counter += 1 | |
if counter == 10: # Generate HTML every 10s | |
counter = 0 | |
generateHtml(latlng) | |
def printGGA(lines): | |
print("========================================GGA========================================") | |
#print(lines, '\n') | |
print("Fix taken at:", getTime(lines[1], "%H%M%S.%f", "%H:%M:%S"), "UTC") | |
latlng = getLatLng(lines[2],lines[4]) | |
print("Lat,Long: ", latlng[0], lines[3], ", ", latlng[1], lines[5], sep='') | |
print("Fix quality (0 = invalid, 1 = fix, 2..8):", lines[6]) | |
print("Satellites:", lines[7].lstrip("0")) | |
print("Horizontal dilution:", lines[8]) | |
print("Altitude: ", lines[9], lines[10],sep="") | |
print("Height of geoid: ", lines[11],lines[12],sep="") | |
print("Time in seconds since last DGPS update:", lines[13]) | |
print("DGPS station ID number:", lines[14].partition("*")[0]) | |
def printGSA(lines): | |
print("========================================GSA========================================") | |
#print(lines, '\n') | |
print("Selection of 2D or 3D fix (A=Auto,M=Manual):", lines[1]) | |
print("3D fix (1=No fix,2=2D fix, 3=3D fix):", lines[2]) | |
print("PRNs of satellites used for fix:", end='') | |
for i in range(0, 12): | |
prn = lines[3+i].lstrip("0") | |
if prn: | |
print(" ", prn, end='') | |
print("\nPDOP", lines[15]) | |
print("HDOP", lines[16]) | |
print("VDOP", lines[17].partition("*")[0]) | |
def printGSV(lines): | |
if lines[2] == '1': # First sentence | |
print("========================================GSV========================================") | |
else: | |
print("===================================================================================") | |
#print(lines, '\n') | |
print("Number of sentences:", lines[1]) | |
print("Sentence:", lines[2]) | |
print("Satellites in view:", lines[3].lstrip("0")) | |
for i in range(0, int(len(lines)/4)-1): | |
print("Satellite PRN:", lines[4+i*4].lstrip("0")) | |
print("Elevation (deg):", lines[5+i*4].lstrip("0")) | |
print("Azimuth (deg):", lines[6+i*4].lstrip("0")) | |
print("SNR (higher is better):", lines[7+i*4].partition("*")[0]) | |
def printGLL(lines): | |
print("========================================GLL========================================") | |
#print(lines, '\n') | |
latlng = getLatLng(lines[1],lines[3]) | |
print("Lat,Long: ", latlng[0], lines[2], ", ", latlng[1], lines[4], sep='') | |
print("Fix taken at:", getTime(lines[5], "%H%M%S.%f", "%H:%M:%S"), "UTC") | |
print("Status (A=OK,V=KO):", lines[6]) | |
if lines[7].partition("*")[0]: # Extra field since NMEA standard 2.3 | |
print("Mode (A=Autonomous, D=Differential, E=Estimated, N=Data not valid):", lines[7].partition("*")[0]) | |
def printVTG(lines): | |
print("========================================VTG========================================") | |
#print(lines, '\n') | |
print("True Track made good (deg):", lines[1], lines[2]) | |
print("Magnetic track made good (deg):", lines[3], lines[4]) | |
print("Ground speed (knots):", lines[5], lines[6]) | |
print("Ground speed (km/h):", lines[7], lines[8].partition("*")[0]) | |
if lines[9].partition("*")[0]: # Extra field since NMEA standard 2.3 | |
print("Mode (A=Autonomous, D=Differential, E=Estimated, N=Data not valid):", lines[9].partition("*")[0]) | |
def checksum(line): | |
checkString = line.partition("*") | |
checksum = 0 | |
for c in checkString[0]: | |
checksum ^= ord(c) | |
try: # Just to make sure | |
inputChecksum = int(checkString[2].rstrip(), 16); | |
except: | |
print("Error in string") | |
return False | |
if checksum == inputChecksum: | |
return True | |
else: | |
print("=====================================================================================") | |
print("===================================Checksum error!===================================") | |
print("=====================================================================================") | |
print(hex(checksum), "!=", hex(inputChecksum)) | |
return False | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
while 1: | |
line = readString() | |
lines = line.split(",") | |
if checksum(line): | |
if lines[0][2:] == "RMC": | |
printRMC(lines) | |
pass | |
elif lines[0][2:] == "GGA": | |
printGGA(lines) | |
pass | |
elif lines[0][2:] == "GSA": | |
#printGSA(lines) | |
pass | |
elif lines[0][2:] == "GSV": | |
#printGSV(lines) | |
pass | |
elif lines[0][2:] == "GLL": | |
printGLL(lines) | |
pass | |
elif lines[0][2:] == "VTG": | |
printVTG(lines) | |
pass | |
else: | |
print("\n\nUnknown type:", lines[0], "\n\n") |
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> | |
<style type="text/css"> | |
html { height: 100% } | |
body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 } | |
#map-canvas { height: 100% } | |
</style> | |
<script type="text/javascript" | |
src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY&sensor=false"> | |
</script> | |
<script type="text/javascript"> | |
function initialize() { | |
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng($lat,$lng); | |
var mapOptions = { | |
center: myLatlng, | |
zoom: 18, | |
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID | |
}; | |
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), mapOptions); | |
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ | |
position: myLatlng, | |
map: map, | |
title: '$lat,$lng' | |
}); | |
} | |
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); | |
</script> | |
</head> | |
<body> | |
<div id="map-canvas"/> | |
</body> | |
</html> |
@tppaz sorry for the late reply. It is simply a Python script. Please see: https://www.python.org/.
I downloaded the .ZIP, unpacked it. Changed the serial port to the one my GPS board is connected to and ran it.
Here's what happened:
corv-root: chmod 0755 gps.py
corv-root: ./gps.py
File "./gps.py", line 22
output = Template(template).substitute(lat=latlng[0], lng=latlng[1])
IndentationError: unexpected indent
System: LMDE linux
IndentationError: unexpected indent
The code has mixed tabs and spaces. Line 22 starts with a tab. Do a search-and-replace for the tab character and replace it with the right number of spaces (often 4).
@trickidicki thanks. It should be fixed now.
We are trying to run the code and get the following error
lat = latString[:2].lstrip('0') + "." + "%.7s" % str(float(latString[2:])*1.0/60.0).lstrip("0.")
ValueError: could not convert string to float:
Could you help? Thank you
getLatLng() appears to mishandle decimal seconds with leading 0, ex:
print(lngString[:3].lstrip('0') + "." + "%.7s" % str(float(lngString[3:])*1.0/60.0).lstrip("0."))
actual answer is 103.020476
(The lstrip("0.") is matching twice.)
Affects lat and lng
So I went this direction:
def getLatLng(latString,lngString):
DD = int(float(latString)/100)
SS = float(latString) - DD * 100
lat = round(DD+SS/60,5)
DD = int(float(lngString)/100)
SS = float(lngString) - DD * 100
lng = round(DD+SS/60,5)
return lat,lng
sorry for not being a pro but I keep getting command not found when hitting run.
Good day Mr Lauszus! What specific program did you use to run this code?