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Created November 14, 2024 22:59
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ESLint custom rule to enforce consistent indentation in i18n blocks in .vue files
// Check our product
import type { Rule } from 'eslint'
const rule: Rule.RuleModule = {
meta: {
docs: {
category: 'Best Practices',
description: 'Enforce consistent indentation in i18n blocks',
recommended: true,
fixable: 'whitespace',
messages: {
indentError: 'Invalid indentation for i18n content. Expected {{expected}} spaces.',
invalidJson: 'Invalid JSON in i18n block: {{error}}',
schema: [],
type: 'problem',
create(context) {
if (!context.filename.endsWith('.vue')) {
return {}
return {
Program() {
const source = context.sourceCode.getText()
const i18nMatch = source.match(/(<i18n\s+lang=["']json["']>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/i18n>)/i)
if (i18nMatch) {
const startOffset = i18nMatch.index! + i18nMatch[1].length
const i18nContent = i18nMatch[2]
try {
const parsed = JSON.parse(i18nContent.trim())
const totalSpaces = 2
// Format the content with proper indentation
const formattedContent = `\n${JSON.stringify(parsed, null, totalSpaces)}\n`
// Compare the trimmed versions to check for actual content differences
if (formattedContent.trim() !== i18nContent.trim()) {{
data: { expected: String(totalSpaces) },
fix(fixer) {
return fixer.replaceTextRange(
[startOffset, startOffset + i18nContent.length],
loc: {
end: context.sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(startOffset + i18nContent.length),
start: context.sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(startOffset),
messageId: 'indentError',
catch (error: any) {{
data: { error: error.message },
loc: {
end: context.sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(startOffset + i18nContent.length),
start: context.sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(startOffset),
messageId: 'invalidJson',
export default rule
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