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Created February 16, 2017 07:48
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import cats.{Id, Monad}
import io.aecor.liberator.{FreeAlgebra, ProductKK}
import cats.implicits._
object Main extends App {
case class Foo(id: Int, content: String)
trait CrudActions[F[_]] {
def create(a: Foo): F[Int]
def read(id: Int): F[Foo]
def update(a: Foo): F[Unit]
def delete(id: Int): F[Unit]
trait SumActions[F[_]] {
def concat(a: Foo, b: Foo): F[Foo]
def sum(a: Foo, b: Foo): F[Foo]
def program[F[_] : Monad : CrudActions : SumActions] : (Foo) => F[List[Foo]] = f => {
for {
id <- CrudActions[F].create(f)
created <- CrudActions[F].read(id)
_ <- CrudActions[F].update(created.copy(content = "bar"))
updated <- CrudActions[F].read(id)
concated <- SumActions[F].concat(created, updated)
summed <- SumActions[F].sum(created, updated)
} yield List(concated, summed)
val freeAlgebra = FreeAlgebra[ProductKK[CrudActions, SumActions, ?[_]]]
val freeProg = program[Free[freeAlgebra.Out, ?]]
val idCrud = new CrudActions[Id] {
var store = Map.empty[Int, Foo]
var ai = 1
def create(a: Foo): Id[Int] = {
val aId = a.copy(id = ai)
store = store + (ai -> aId)
ai = ai + 1
def read(id: Int): Id[Foo] = store(id)
def update(a: Foo): Id[Unit] = {
store = store.updated(, a)
def delete(id: Int): Id[Unit] = {
store = store - id
val idSum = new SumActions[Id] {
def concat(a: Foo, b: Foo): Id[Foo] = Foo(, a.content + b.content)
def sum(a: Foo, b: Foo): Id[Foo] = Foo( +, a.content)
val toRun = freeProg(Foo(-100, "content"))
assert {
toRun.foldMap(freeAlgebra(ProductKK(idCrud, idSum))) == List(Foo(1, "contentbar"), Foo(2, "content"))
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