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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Created by: Lee Bergstrand
# Descript: A simple program takes a list of protein accessions and an amino acide fasta file
# and extracts protiens that cluster around those clusters according to clustering
# generated by CD-HIT.
# Requirements: - This script requires the Biopython module:
# Usage: <sequenceList.txt> <sequences.faa> <cdhit.clstr>
# Example: sequenceList.txt sequences.faa cdhit.clstr
import sys
import re
from Bio import SeqIO
# Functions:
# 1: Checks if in proper number of arguments are passed gives instructions on proper use.
def argsCheck(numArgs):
if len(sys.argv) < numArgs or len(sys.argv) > numArgs:
print "Sequence Downloader"
print "By Lee Bergstrand\n"
print "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <sequenceList.txt> <sequences.faa> <cdhit.clstr>"
print "Examples: " + sys.argv[0] + " sequenceList.txt sequences.faa cdhit.clstr "
sys.exit(1) # Aborts program. (exit(1) indicates that an error occurred)
# 2: Returns a list containing each cluster in the cd hit-file as a list of accession strings.
def createClusters(cdHitClustering):
clusterList = cdHitClustering.split("Cluster")
del clusterList[0] # The first cluster in the file is split into an empty empty element and and the first cluster
# Del removes this empty element.
for x in xrange(len(clusterList)):
accessions = AccessionExtractRegex.findall(clusterList[x])
for i in xrange(len(accessions)):
accessions[i] = accessions[i].lstrip('>').rstrip('.') # Strips accession to bare id number.
clusterList[x] = accessions
return clusterList
# 3: Extracts the accessions of each member of the CD-HIT cluster that contains a sequence from the sequence list file.
def getClusterAccessions(seqList, clusterList):
clustersToCreateIntoFASTA = []
for seq in seqList:
for cluster in clusterList:
if seq in cluster:
if cluster not in clustersToCreateIntoFASTA:
return clustersToCreateIntoFASTA
# 4: Extracts the FASTA formatted sequece of each member of the CD-HIT cluster.
def getClusterFASTAs(clustersToCreateIntoFASTA, seqRecordDict):
FASTAsToWrite = []
for cluster in clustersToCreateIntoFASTA:
ClusterFASTA = []
for sequence in cluster:
FASTA = seqRecordDict[sequence].format("fasta")
except KeyError:
print "Error: " + sequence + " could not be found in input FASTA file!"
ClusterFASTAString = "".join(ClusterFASTA)
return FASTAsToWrite
# Main program code:
# House keeping...
argsCheck(4) # Checks if the number of arguments are correct.
AccessionExtractRegex = re.compile(">.*\.\.\.")
# Stores file one for input checking.
seqListFile = sys.argv[1]
seqFile = sys.argv[2]
clusterFile = sys.argv[3]
# File extension checks.
if not seqListFile.endswith(".txt"):
print "[Warning] " + seqListFile + " may not be a txt file!"
if not seqFile.endswith(".faa"):
print "[Warning] " + seqFile + " may not be a FASTA file!"
if not clusterFile.endswith(".clstr"):
print "[Warning] " + clusterFile + " may not be a CD-HIT file!"
# Reads sequence file list and stores it as a list strings. Safely closes file:
print ">> Opening sequence list..."
with open(seqListFile,"rU") as newFile:
sequences =
seqList = sequences.splitlines() # Splits string into a list. Each element is a single line from the string.
print ">> Done."
except IOError:
print "Failed to open " + seqListFile
sys.exit(1) # Aborts program. (exit(1) indicates that an error occurred)
print ">> You have listed", len(seqList), "sequences. They are:"
print "\n" + sequences
# Reads a FASTA file and stores sequences as a dictionary of sequence record objects. Safely closes file:
print ">> Opening FASTA file..."
handle = open(seqFile, "rU")
seqRecords = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta"))
print ">> Done."
except IOError:
print "Failed to open " + seqFile
sys.exit(1) # Aborts program. (exit(1) indicates that an error occurred)
# Reads a CD-HIT CLuster file and reads it into memory. Safely closes file:
print ">> Opening CD-HIT Clustering..."
with open(clusterFile,"rU") as newFile:
clustering =
clusterList = createClusters(clustering)
print ">> Done."
except IOError:
print "Failed to open " + clusterFile
sys.exit(1) # Aborts program. (exit(1) indicates that an error occurred)
print ">> Extracting clusters which contain sequences from the sequence list."
ClusterAccessions = getClusterAccessions(seqList, clusterList)
print ">> Extracting clusters from the input FASTA file."
FASTAsToWrite = getClusterFASTAs(ClusterAccessions, seqRecords)
# Writes clusters to file.
print ">> Writing clusters to file in FASTA format."
ClusterCount = 1
for FASTA in FASTAsToWrite:
OutFile = seqFile.rstrip(".faa") + "Cluster" + str(ClusterCount) + ".faa"
print ">> Writing Cluster " + str(ClusterCount) + " to file..."
with open(OutFile,"w") as newFile:
print ">> Done."
except IOError:
print "Failed to write to " + OutFile
sys.exit(1) # Aborts program. (exit(1) indicates that an error occurred)
ClusterCount += 1
print ">> All Done."
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