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Created March 25, 2015 03:27
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Get-Entropy with hotspot implemented via Add-Type
## Not measurably faster. Doing this via Add-Type or direct PowerShell still takes about 4 seconds per megabyte.
function Get-Entropy
Calculate the entropy of a byte array.
Derived from Get-Entropy by Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
Specifies the byte array containing the data from which entropy will be calculated.
C:\PS> $RandArray = New-Object Byte[](10000)
C:\PS> foreach ($Offset in 0..9999) { $RandArray[$Offset] = [Byte] (Get-Random -Min 0 -Max 256) }
C:\PS> $RandArray | Get-Entropy
Calculates the entropy of a large array containing random bytes.
C:\PS> 0..255 | Get-Entropy
Calculates the entropy of 0-255. This should equal exactly 8.
Get-Entropy accepts a byte array from the pipeline
Get-Entropy outputs a double representing the entropy of the byte array.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
$FrequencyTable = @{}
$ByteArrayLength = 0
Add-Type -Name EntropyCalculator -Namespace Kansa -MemberDefinition '
public static void ProcessBytes(System.Collections.Hashtable frequencyTable, Byte[] byteArray)
foreach(Byte inputByte in byteArray)
if(! frequencyTable.ContainsKey(inputByte))
frequencyTable[inputByte] = 0;
frequencyTable[inputByte] = (int) frequencyTable[inputByte] + 1;
$ByteArrayLength += $ByteArray.Length
[Kansa.EntropyCalculator]::ProcessBytes($FrequencyTable, $ByteArray)
$Entropy = 0.0
foreach ($Byte in 0..255)
$ByteProbability = ([Double] $FrequencyTable[[Byte]$Byte]) / $ByteArrayLength
if ($ByteProbability -gt 0)
$Entropy += -$ByteProbability * [Math]::Log($ByteProbability, 2)
Write-Output $Entropy
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