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Last active February 12, 2025 19:54
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Interaction Combinators (39% ugly)
import itertools
port = itertools.count()
wires = dict[int, int]()
cells = dict[int, tuple[str, int, tuple[int, ...]]]()
queue = set[tuple[int, int]]()
def wire() -> tuple[int, int]:
a, b = next(port), next(port)
wires[a], wires[b] = b, a
return a, b
def join(first: int, second: int) -> None:
queue.update({(wires[first], wires[second]), (wires[second], wires[first])})
wires[wires.pop(first)], wires[wires.pop(second)] = wires[second], wires[first]
def cut(first: int, second: int) -> None:
del cells[first]; del cells[second]
del wires[first]; del wires[second]
def cell(s: str, arity: int) -> tuple[int, tuple[int, ...]]:
p, xs = wire(), tuple(wire() for _ in range(arity))
cells[p[0]] = (s, p[0], tuple(x[0] for x in xs))
return p[1], tuple(x[1] for x in xs)
def constructor() -> tuple[int, tuple[int, ...]]:
return cell("γ", 2)
def duplicator() -> tuple[int, tuple[int, ...]]:
return cell("δ", 2)
def eraser() -> tuple[int, tuple[int, ...]]:
return cell("ε", 0)
def multiplexor(n: int) -> tuple[int, tuple[int, ...]]:
match n:
case 0:
e_p, () = eraser()
return e_p, ()
case _:
m_p, m_xs = multiplexor(n - 1)
c_p, (c_l, c_r) = constructor()
join(m_p, c_r)
return c_p, (c_l, *m_xs)
def demultiplexor(n: int) -> tuple[int, tuple[int, ...]]:
match n:
case 0:
e_p, () = eraser()
return e_p, ()
case _:
m_p, m_xs = demultiplexor(n - 1)
c_p, (c_l, c_r) = constructor()
join(m_p, c_l)
return c_p, (*m_xs, c_r)
def autodual(n: int) -> tuple[int, tuple[int, ...]]:
match n:
case 0:
e_p, () = eraser()
return e_p, ()
case _:
m_p, m_xs = autodual(n - 1)
d_p, (d_l, d_r) = duplicator()
join(m_p, d_r)
return d_p, (d_l, *m_xs)
def transpositor(p: int, q: int) -> tuple[int, tuple[int, ...]]:
cs_xs = list[int]()
m_p, m_xs = autodual(p + q)
for (c_p, (c_l, c_r)), m_x in zip((constructor() for _ in range(p)), m_xs):
cs_xs.extend([c_l, c_r])
join(c_p, m_x)
return m_p, (*cs_xs, *m_xs[p:])
def menu(*packages: int) -> tuple[int, tuple[int, ...]]:
m_p, m_xs = multiplexor(len(packages))
for package, m_x in zip(packages, m_xs):
join(package, m_x)
return m_p, ()
def selector(length: int, index: int) -> tuple[int, tuple[int, ...]]:
m_p, m_xs = demultiplexor(length)
for m_x in (*m_xs[:index], *m_xs[index + 1:]):
e_p, () = eraser()
join(e_p, m_x)
return m_p, (m_xs[index],)
def print_net() -> None:
id = itertools.count()
port_to_id = dict[int, int]()
for a, b in wires.items():
if a not in port_to_id:
port_to_id[a] = port_to_id[b] = next(id)
for s, p, xs in cells.values():
print(f"{s}{tuple(port_to_id[x] for x in xs)} → {port_to_id[p]}")
def interact(first: tuple[str, int, tuple[int, ...]], second: tuple[str, int, tuple[int, ...]]) -> None:
match first, second:
case ("γ", c_p, (c_l, c_r)), ("ε", e_p, ()):
cut(c_p, e_p)
(e1_p, ()), (e2_p, ()) = eraser(), eraser()
join(c_l, e1_p); join(c_r, e2_p)
case ("δ", d_p, (d_l, d_r)), ("ε", e_p, ()):
cut(d_p, e_p)
(e1_p, ()), (e2_p, ()) = eraser(), eraser()
join(d_l, e1_p); join(d_r, e2_p)
case ("γ", c_p, (c_l, c_r)), ("δ", d_p, (d_l, d_r)):
cut(c_p, d_p)
(d1_p, (d1_l, d1_r)), (d2_p, (d2_l, d2_r)) = duplicator(), duplicator()
(c1_p, (c1_l, c1_r)), (c2_p, (c2_l, c2_r)) = constructor(), constructor()
join(c_l, d1_p); join(c_r, d2_p)
join(d1_l, c1_l); join(d1_r, c2_l); join(d2_l, c1_r); join(d2_r, c2_r)
join(c1_p, d_l); join(c2_p, d_r)
case ("γ", c1_p, (c1_l, c1_r)), ("γ", c2_p, (c2_l, c2_r)):
cut(c1_p, c2_p)
join(c1_l, c2_r); join(c1_r, c2_l)
case ("δ", d1_p, (d1_l, d1_r)), ("δ", d2_p, (d2_l, d2_r)):
cut(d1_p, d2_p)
join(d1_l, d2_l); join(d1_r, d2_r)
case ("ε", e1_p, ()), ("ε", e2_p, ()):
cut(e1_p, e2_p)
case _:
def reduce() -> None:
while queue:
a, b = queue.pop()
if a in cells and b in cells:
interact(cells[a], cells[b])
def init() -> None:
m1_p, m1_xs = multiplexor(5)
m2_p, m2_xs = demultiplexor(5)
join(m1_p, m2_p)
def main() -> None:
print(f"Wires: {wires}")
print(f"Cells: {cells}")
print(f"Wires: {wires}")
print(f"Cells: {cells}")
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