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Created April 8, 2013 04:18
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Read Java method signatures from haskell
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (pack)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import JVM.ClassFile
import JVM.Assembler
import JVM.Builder
import JVM.Exceptions
import Java.ClassPath
args :: MethodSignature -> [ArgumentSignature]
args (MethodSignature a _) = a
ret :: MethodSignature -> ReturnSignature
ret (MethodSignature _ r) = r
copy :: (Throws ENotFound e, Throws ENotLoaded e, Throws UnexpectedEndMethod e) =>
String -> B.ByteString -> GenerateIO e ()
copy klass meth = do
-- Add current directory (with Hello.class) to ClassPath
withClassPath $ addDirectory "."
-- Load method signature: Hello.hello() from Hello.class
helloJava <- getClassMethod klass meth
let sig = ntSignature helloJava
--newMethod [ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC] "hello" [undefined] (undefined) $ do
newMethod [ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC] meth (args sig) (ret sig) $ do
setStackSize 1
return ()
printSig :: String -> String -> IO ()
printSig klass meth = do
copiedClass <- generateIO [] "Test" (copy ("./" ++ klass) (pack meth))
let methSig = methodSignature $ head $ classMethods $ copiedClass
putStrLn $ "Args: " ++ (show $ args methSig)
putStrLn $ "Returns: " ++ (show $ ret methSig)
main :: IO ()
main = do
argv <- getArgs
case argv of
[klass, meth] -> printSig klass meth
_ -> putStrLn "Usage: JavaSig className methodName"
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