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Created April 18, 2016 05:57
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Comparison of EncodeForURL, URLEncodedFormat and EncodeRFC3986 (UDF)
* URI encoding per RFC 3986, which has treats the following as unreserved: ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
* @text Text to encode
* @returns URI encoded text
public function encodeRFC3986(required string text) {
// Requires CF10+
Local.encoded = encodeForURL(arguments.text);
// Reverse encoding of tilde "~"
Local.encoded = replace( Local.encoded, "%7E", "~", "all" );
// Change space encoding from "+" to "%20"
Local.encoded = replace( Local.encoded, "+", "%20", "all" );
// Asterisk "*" should be encoded
Local.encoded = replace( Local.encoded, "*", "%2A", "all" );
return Local.encoded;
// Non-reserved characters
writeOutput("<hr><strong>Non-reserved characters (excluding letters and numbers):</strong><br>");
variables.nonReservedChars = ["-","_",".","~"," "];
for (variables.original in variables.nonReservedChars) {
writeOutput("<br> Original #variables.original# || encodeForURL = [ #encodeForURL( variables.original )# ]");
writeOutput(" urlEncodedFormat = [ #urlEncodedFormat( variables.original )# ]");
writeOutput(" encodeRFC3986 = [ #encodeRFC3986( variables.original )# ]");
// Reserved characters
writeOutput("<hr><strong>Reserved characters:</strong><br>");
variables.reservedChars = listToArray(": / ? ## [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = ", " ");
for (variables.original in variables.reservedChars) {
writeOutput("<br> Original #variables.original# || encodeForURL = [ #encodeForURL( variables.original )# ]");
writeOutput(" urlEncodedFormat = [ #urlEncodedFormat( variables.original )# ]");
writeOutput(" encodeRFC3986 = [ #encodeRFC3986( variables.original )# ]");
// Unicode
variables.unicodeText = ["An preost wes on leoden, Laȝamon was ihoten"
, "He wes Leovenaðes sone -- liðe him be Drihten."
, "He wonede at Ernleȝe at æðelen are chirechen,"
, "Uppen Sevarne staþe, sel þar him þuhte,"
, "Onfest Radestone, þer he bock radde."
for (variables.line in variables.unicodeText) {
writeOutput("<hr> <strong>#variables.line#</strong>");
writeOutput("<br><br> 1. [ #encodeForURL( variables.line )# ]");
writeOutput("<br> 2. [ #urlEncodedFormat( variables.line )# ]");
writeOutput("<br> 3. [ #encodeRFC3986( variables.line )# ]");
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