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Created October 25, 2017 13:05
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# based from twisted doc
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
def getDeferredObj(inputData):
print('getDeferredObj called')
deferred = defer.Deferred()
# simulate a delayed result by asking the reactor to fire the
# Deferred in 2 seconds time with the result inputData * 3
reactor.callLater(2, deferred.callback, inputData * 3)
return deferred
def printDataCallback(result):
this function is called asynchronous by twisted
print('Result received: {}'.format(result))
# stopping reactor manually
deferred = getDeferredObj(3)
# start up the Twisted reactor (event loop handler) manually
print('Starting the reactor')
# getDeferredObj called
# Starting the reactor
# Result received: 9
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