<?php |
// At top level file you must place token generation and check logic |
//It should be bellow the session start |
@session_start(); |
// We must have a Constant to control it, to disable if need (and must not be, but just in case) |
// The token can be anything, in this case, just a really random id |
//Create/Get the Token |
function genToken($force = false){ |
//To increase security a random key is generated every time |
$key = getTokenKey($force); |
//Sent $force = true if want to force renew the token. |
if($force || (!array_key_exists($key,$_SESSION ) || !$_SESSION[$key])){ |
$_SESSION[$key] = genHash(); |
} |
return $_SESSION[$key]; |
} |
function getTokenKey($force = false){ |
//Sent $force = true if want to force renew the token. |
if($force || (!array_key_exists('csrf_token_key_name',$_SESSION ) || !$_SESSION['csrf_token_key_name'])){ |
$_SESSION['csrf_token_key_name'] = genHash(); |
} |
return $_SESSION['csrf_token_key_name']; |
} |
function genHash(){ |
return md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)."SALT"); |
} |
// This is the process to check the token |
function checkToken(){ |
$key = getTokenKey($force); |
//Safe retrive token from the input: |
$token = filter_input(INPUT_POST, $key, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); |
$currentToken = $_SESSION[$key]; |
genToken(true); |
if (!$token || $token !== $currentToken) { |
// return 405 http status code, default error response for this case, but you can customize anyway. |
header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 405 Method Not Allowed'); |
exit; |
} |
} |
// We only check this for POST method, if you are using GET to "create/update" data its wrong and must be fixed |
// Also, in some cases people uses PUT and PATCH in those cases it must be fixed as weel. |
checkToken(); |
} |