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Created September 17, 2014 21:44
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  • Save LewkyB/45c4d7bebb733b001818 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LewkyB/45c4d7bebb733b001818 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
x = 0
print "Which is better? Coke Zero or Water?"
answer1 = raw_input("Answer: ").lower()
if answer1 == "coke zero":
print "Correct!"
x += 1
print "Wrong!"
print "Does Luke like climbing?"
answer2 = raw_input("Answer: ").lower()
if answer2 == "yes":
print "Correct!"
x += 1
print "Wrong!"
x += 0
print "Name a colour in the RGB colour set."
answer3 = raw_input("Answer: ").lower()
rgb = ["red","green","blue"]
if answer3 in rgb:
print "Correct!"
x += 1
print "Wrong!"
x += 0
print "What is 90 + 90?"
answer4 = raw_input("Answer: ")
if answer4 == "180":
print "Correct!"
x += 1
print "Wrong!"
x += 0
print "What is Russ Brown's favourite sport?"
answer5 = raw_input("Answer: ").lower()
if answer5 == "racquetball":
print "Correct!"
x += 1
print "Wrong!"
x += 0
print "Congratulations, you got",x,"answers right."
print "That is a score of",x * 20,"%"
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