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#Luke , Python , 9/17/2014
month = raw_input("Month: ").lower() # asks what month it is and forces the entry to be in lower case so that it matches with my list entries
# when you put things in "" it makes it print
year = int(raw_input("Year: ")) # asks for year and the int() requires the entry to be a number
month30 = ["september", "april", "june", "november"] # all the months with 30 days
month31 = ["january", "march", "may", "july", "august", "october", "december"] # all months with 31 days
month29 = ["february"] #month with 28 /w no leap and 29 with leap
# elif means "else if"
x = 0
print "Which is better? Coke Zero or Water?"
answer1 = raw_input("Answer: ").lower()
if answer1 == "coke zero":
print "Correct!"
x += 1
print "Wrong!"
print "Which is better? Coke Zero or Water?"
answer1 = raw_input("Answer: ").lower()
if answer1 == "coke zero":
print "Correct!"
print "Wrong!"
print "Does Luke like climbing?"
answer2 = raw_input("Answer: ").lower()
if answer2 == "yes":
#Luke , Python , 9/17/2014
month = raw_input("Month: ").lower()
year = int(raw_input("Year: "))
month30 = ["september", "april", "june", "november"]
month31 = ["january", "march"]
month29 = ["february"]
if month in month30: