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Last active October 12, 2024 00:00
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UltimateSkyrim Mod List
This is a installer for Skyrim modpacks/Ultimate Skyrim. It is very much a work in progress.
It requires files downloaded and specific metadata files in the downloads folder. I've written a script to do all of this downloading for you, however as Nexus has no official API I will be keeping that script private as to not piss them off.
It also requires my fork of pylzma to be installed:
Clone that, and run py install
It also requires rarfile to be installed:
pip install rarfile
You may also need to add the unrar executable to your PATH
You can find them here:
More deps may be required later, for other mod archive formats.
To use it right now is simple, have a ModOrginizer installed in a subfolder called 'ModOrginizer', I'll make this a command line argument eventually.
Run: py [modlist.json]
--Test Full install/extract of modlist.
--Figure out ModOrganizer's LoadOrder and finalize its install...
import json, copy, os, sys, codecs, rarfile, collections, hashlib, shutil, zipfile, codecs, io, re
from pprint import pprint
from py7zlib import Archive7z
import xml.etree.ElementTree as XML
from collections import OrderedDict
UTF8Writer = codecs.getwriter('utf8')
sys.stdout = UTF8Writer(sys.stdout)
#Hacky, but rar files need helpers... Maybe i'll teach pylzma rar files!
TOP_DATA_DIR = ['distantlod', 'facegen', 'fonts', 'interface', 'menus', 'meshes', 'music', 'scripts', 'shaders', 'sound', 'strings', 'textures', 'trees', 'video', 'skse', 'obse', 'nvse', 'fose', 'asi', 'skyproc patchers']
TOP_BAIN_DIR = TOP_DATA_DIR + ['docs', 'ini tweaks']
TOP_SUFFIXS = ['.esp', '.esm', '.bsa']
def main(modlist, mo_dir):
print('Loading ModList: ' + modlist)
errors = []
mods = json.loads(read_file(modlist), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
for index, mod in enumerate(mods):
file = install_mod(mod, mo_dir, index+1, len(mods))
if file is None:
if len(errors) > 0:
print('Error installing mods:')
for err in errors:
print(' ' + err['name'])
def install_mod(mod, mo_dir, index, count):
print('%s/%s: Installing %s' % (index, count, mod['name']))
meta_file = 'downloads/' + mod['modid'] + '.json'
if not os.path.exists(meta_file):
print(' Skipping no metadata file!')
return None
key = mod['file'].lower()
meta = json.loads(read_file(meta_file))
if not key in meta or not 'filename' in meta[key]:
print(' Skipping File "%s" not found in metadata!' % mod['file'])
return None
path = 'downloads/' + mod['modid'] + '-' + meta[key]['filename']
mod['path'] = path
if not os.path.exists(path):
print(' Skipping File "%s" not found' % path)
return None
mod['md5'] = md5_file(path)
#print(' MD5: ' + mod['md5'])
zip = open_archive(path)
install_type = None
#This detection idea/sceme whole heartedly stolen from ModOrganizer :P Not sure how well it works
#But it seems to work good enough, and there is no standard 'format' identifier :/
if install_type is None:
invalid = 0
valid = 0
for k,v in zip.tree.dirs.iteritems():
k = k.lower()
if 'fomod' == k or 'omod conversion data' == k or k.startswith('--'):
def valid_top_dir(tree):
for dir in tree.dirs.keys() + tree.files:
if dir.lower() in TOP_BAIN_DIR or os.path.splitext(dir.lower())[1] in TOP_SUFFIXS:
return True
if valid_top_dir(v):
valid += 1
invalid +=1
if valid > 1:
#if invalid == 0:
install_type = 'bain'
if install_type is None:
for fn in zip.files():
if fn.lower().endswith('fomod/moduleconfig.xml'):
install_type = 'fomod'
if install_type is None:
install_type = 'extract'
if 'install' in mod:
install_type = mod['install']
install_data = {}
if install_type in mod:
install_data = mod[install_type]
success = False
if install_type == 'extract':
success = install_extract(mod, zip, install_data, mo_dir)
elif install_type == 'bain':
success = install_bain(mod, zip, install_data, mo_dir)
elif install_type == 'fomod':
success = install_fomod(mod, zip, install_data, mo_dir)
print(' Unknown install type: %s' % install_type)
return path if success else None
def test_install(mod, zip, data, mo_dir):
target = os.path.join(os.path.join(mo_dir, 'mods'), mod['name'])
meta_file = os.path.join(target, 'installer_meta.json')
if os.path.exists(target):
if len(os.listdir(target)) == 0: #Dir is empty, just kill it and move on.
return None
if 'reinstall' in mod:
return None
if not os.path.exists(meta_file):
print ' Mod installed, but meta missing, aborting!'
return False
meta = json.loads(read_file(meta_file))
if not 'md5' in meta:
print ' Mod installed, but md5 missing, aborting!'
return False
if mod['md5'] == meta['md5']:
print ' Mod Installed and md5 matches, skipping'
return True
print ' Mod Installed but mismatched, Deleting'
if os.path.exists(target):
print(' Something went wrong, folder should not exist')
return False
return None
def install_extract(mod, zip, data, mo_dir):
target = os.path.join(os.path.join(mo_dir, 'mods'), mod['name'])
meta_file = os.path.join(target, 'installer_meta.json')
status = test_install(mod, zip, data, mo_dir)
if not status is None:
return status
prefix = None
dir = zip.tree
while not dir is None:
for root in dir.dirs.keys() + dir.files:
if root.lower() in TOP_DATA_DIR or os.path.splitext(root.lower())[1] in TOP_SUFFIXS:
prefix = dir.get_path() #Found a valid top level assuming this is data!
if len(dir.dirs) != 1 or len(dir.files) > 0:
dir = None
dir = dir.dirs.itervalues().next()
if 'prefix' in data:
prefix = data['prefix']
if prefix is None or zip.tree.get_dir(prefix) is None:
print(' Invalid mod top level: %s' % str(prefix))
return False
extract_files(zip, prefix, target)
meta = {
'md5': mod['md5']
write_file(meta_file, json.dumps(meta, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
return True
def install_bain(mod, zip, data, mo_dir):
target = os.path.join(os.path.join(mo_dir, 'mods'), mod['name'])
meta_file = os.path.join(target, 'installer_meta.json')
status = test_install(mod, zip, data, mo_dir)
if not status is None:
return status
#print('Bain: ' + ' '.join(zip.tree.dirs.keys()))
if not 'order' in data:
print(' BAIN installer, no order specified, exiting')
return False
for folder in data['order']:
tree = zip.tree.get_dir(folder)
if tree is None:
print(' BAIN Installer: Unknown tree: %s (%s)' % (folder, ', '.join(zip.tree.dirs.keys())))
return False
extract_files(zip, folder, target, overwrite=True)
meta = {
'md5': mod['md5']
write_file(meta_file, json.dumps(meta, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
return True
def install_fomod(mod, zip, data, mo_dir):
target = os.path.join(os.path.join(mo_dir, 'mods'), mod['name'])
meta_file = os.path.join(target, 'installer_meta.json')
status = test_install(mod, zip, data, mo_dir)
if not status is None:
return status
root = ''
for fn in zip.files():
if fn.lower().endswith('fomod/moduleconfig.xml'):
install_type = 'fomod'
root = fn[0:len(fn) - len('fmod/moduleconfig.xml') - 1]
#print(' '.join(zip.tree.dirs.keys()))
def find_xml_encoding(data):
# Taken from
class MyParser(object):
def __init__(self):
self.encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
def XmlDecl(self, version, encoding, standalone):
self.encoding = encoding
def Parse(self, data):
from xml.parsers import expat
Parser = expat.ParserCreate()
Parser.XmlDeclHandler = self.XmlDecl
Parser.Parse(data, 1)
boms = {
codecs.BOM_UTF8: 'utf-8-sig',
codecs.BOM_UTF16: 'utf-16',
codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE: 'utf-16',
codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE: 'utf-16',
codecs.BOM_UTF32: 'utf-32',
codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE: 'utf-32',
codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE: 'utf-32'
for bom,encoding in boms.iteritems():
if data.startswith(bom):
return encoding
parser = MyParser()
return parser.encoding
fomod_dir = zip.tree.get_dir(root + 'fomod', sensitive=False)
config_path = fomod_dir.get_file('ModuleConfig.xml')
config_xml =
#encoding = find_xml_encoding(config_xml)
print(' FOMod: ' + root)# + ' Encoding: ' + encoding)
#God I hate this, but nuke anything that isn't utf-8 in the xml because python can't fkin parse non-utf shit...
# the below is other attempts to make this crap work, if anyone has imput that's be awesome!
#Basically, we just strip out all non-utf8 characters, and just HOPE none of them are in file names....
config_xml = config_xml.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').encode('utf-8')
# Dirty dirty haxs >.< I can't find a way to make python accept utf-16 xml. So fake it being utf-8
#if 'utf-16' in encoding.lower() and ('encoding="%s"' % encoding) in config_xml:
# config_xml = config_xml.replace('encoding="%s"' % encoding, 'encoding="utf-8"', 1)
# encoding = 'utf-8'
#config_xml = config_xml.decode(encoding)
#write_file('temp.txt', config_xml)
config = XML.fromstring(config_xml)
#config = XML.parse(io.BytesIO(config_xml))
def parse_files(xml):
if xml is None:
return {'files': [], 'folders': []}
folders = []
for folder in xml.findall('folder'):
dest = '' if not 'destination' in folder.attrib else folder.attrib['destination']
'src': folder.attrib['source'].replace('\\', '/'),
'dest': dest.replace('\\', '/')
files = []
for file in xml.findall('file'):
dest = file.attrib['source'] if not 'destination' in file.attrib else file.attrib['destination']
'src': file.attrib['source'].replace('\\', '/'),
'dest': dest.replace('\\', '/')
return {'files': files, 'folders': folders}
def parse_deps(xml):
if xml is None:
return lambda flags: True
type = 'and' if not 'operator' in xml.attrib else xml.attrib['operator'].lower()
conds = []
for ele in xml:
if ele.tag == 'flagDependency':
conds.append(lambda state, ele=ele: ele.attrib['flag'] in state['flags'] and state['flags'][ele.attrib['flag']] == ele.attrib['value'])
elif ele.tag == 'dependencies':
print 'Unknown FOMod dependancy condition: %s' % ele.tag
raise ValueError('Unknown FOMod dependancy condition: %s' % ele.tag)
def AND(state, conditions):
for c in conditions:
if c(state) == False:
return False
return True
def OR(state, conditions):
for c in conditions:
if c(sate) == True:
return True
return False
if 'and' == type:
return lambda state: AND(state, conds)
elif 'or' == type:
return lambda state: OR(state, conds)
print 'Unknown FOMod dependancy type: %s' % type
raise ValueError('Unknown FOMod dependancy type: %s' % type)
steps = {}
for step in config.findall('installSteps/installStep'):
step_name = step.attrib['name']
groups = {}
for group in step.findall('optionalFileGroups/group'):
group_name = group.attrib['name']
for plugin in group.findall('plugins/plugin'):
plugin_name = plugin.attrib['name']
p_info = parse_files(plugin.find('files'))
p_info['flags'] = {}
for flag in plugin.findall('conditionFlags/flag'):
p_info['flags'][flag.attrib['name']] = flag.text
groups[group_name + '/' + plugin_name] = p_info
x = 2
while step_name in steps:
step_name = '%s_%d' % (step.attrib['name'], x)
x += 1
steps[step_name] = groups
conditionalFiles = []
for cond in config.findall('conditionalFileInstallList/pattern') + config.findall('conditionalFileInstalls/patterns/pattern'):
c_info = parse_files(cond.find('files'))
c_info['deps'] = parse_deps(cond.find('dependencies'))
requiredFiles = []
for req in config.findall('requiredInstallFiles'):
def extract_fomod_files(zip, root, target, list):
for folder in list['folders']:
t = target if folder['dest'] == '' else os.path.join(target, folder['dest'])
src = root + folder['src']
if zip.tree.dir_exists(src, sensitive=False): # Some installers have 'none' options that point to empty folders
extract_files(zip, src, t, overwrite=True, sensitive=False) #Some bad mods dont use correct casing -.-
for file in list['files']:
extract_file(zip, root + file['src'], os.path.join(target, file['dest']))
for req in requiredFiles:
extract_fomod_files(zip, root, target, req)
install_state = {'flags':{}}
for k,v in data.iteritems():
if not k in steps:
print(' Invalid Config: Step: "%s" Valid: %s' % (k, ', '.join(['"%s"' % x for x in steps])))
return False
step = steps[k]
for plugin in v:
if not plugin in step:
print(' Invalid Config: Step: "%s" Plugin: "%s" Valid: %s' % (k, plugin, ', '.join(['"%s"' % x for x in step])))
return False
extract_fomod_files(zip, root, target, step[plugin])
for fk,fv in step[plugin]['flags'].iteritems():
install_state['flags'][fk] = fv
for cond in conditionalFiles:
if cond['deps'](install_state):
extract_fomod_files(zip, root, target, cond)
meta = {
'md5': mod['md5']
write_file(meta_file, json.dumps(meta, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
return True
def extract_files(zip, path, target, overwrite=False, sensitive=True):
dir = zip.tree.get_dir(path, sensitive=sensitive)
if dir is None:
raise ValueError('Attempted to extract invalid root: %s' % path)
path = dir.get_path()
for name in dir.walk(''):
file = os.path.join(target, name)
#if not 'ulfricgo.nif' in name:
#if not 'WAF_ArmorSwapScript.psc' in name:
# continue
if not os.path.exists(file):
print ' Extracting: %s' % name
write_file(file, + name))
elif overwrite:
print ' Overwriting: %s' % name
write_file(file, + name))
print ' File Exists Aborting: %s' % name
raise ValueError('Extracting File "%s" that already exists in "%s"' % (name, target))
def extract_file(zip, path, target, overwrite=False):
if not os.path.exists(target):
print ' Extracting: %s' % path
elif overwrite:
print ' Overwriting: %s' % path
print ' File Exists Aborting: %s' % path
raise ValueError('Extracting File "%s" that already exists "%s"' % (path, target))
def md5_file(fname):
if os.path.exists(fname + '.md5'):
return read_file(fname + '.md5')
hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
md5 = hash_md5.hexdigest()
write_file(fname + '.md5', md5)
return md5
def ensure_dir(file_path):
directory = os.path.dirname(file_path)
if not directory == '' and not os.path.exists(directory):
def write_file(file, data):
with open(file, 'wb') as fh:
def read_file(file):
data = None
with open(file, 'r') as fh:
data =
return data
def open_archive(path):
if rarfile.is_rarfile(path):
return rarFile(path)
if zipfile.is_zipfile(path):
return zipFile(path)
return z7File(path)
def build_tree(files):
ret = Tree()
for file in files:
return ret
class Tree:
def __init__(self, parent=None, name=None):
self.files = []
self.dirs = collections.OrderedDict()
self.parent = parent = name
def add(self, path):
if not '/' in path:
pts = path.split('/', 1)
if not pts[0] in self.dirs:
self.dirs[pts[0]] = Tree(self, pts[0])
def dump(self, indent):
for k in self.dirs:
print(indent + k + ':')
self.dirs[k].dump(indent + ' ')
for file in self.files:
print(indent + file)
def get_dir(self, path, sensitive=True):
if '' == path:
return self
if '/' in path:
pts = path.split('/', 1)
return self.get_dir(pts[0], sensitive=sensitive).get_dir(pts[1], sensitive=sensitive)
if sensitive:
return self.dirs[path]
for dir in self.dirs:
if dir.lower() == path.lower():
return self.dirs[dir]
return None
def walk(self, path=''):
for file in self.files:
yield path + file
for dir in self.dirs:
child = path + dir + '/'
for cf in self.dirs[dir].walk(child):
yield cf
def get_path(self):
if not self.parent is None:
path = self.parent.get_path()
return path + + '/' if not path == '' else + '/'
return '' if is None else + '/'
def get_file(self, name, sensitive=True):
if sensitive:
return self.get_path() + name if name in self.files else None
for file in files:
if file.lower() == name.lower():
return self.get_path() + file
return None
def dir_exists(self, path, sensitive=True):
if '' == path:
return True
if '/' in path:
pts = path.split('/', 1)
if not self.dir_exists(pts[0]):
return False
return self.get_dir(pts[0], sensitive=sensitive).dir_exists(pts[1], sensitive=sensitive)
if path in self.dirs:
return True
if not sensitive:
for dir in self.dirs:
if dir.lower() == path.lower():
return True
return False
class rarFile:
archive = None
tree = None
file_list = None
def __init__(self, path):
self.archive = rarfile.RarFile(path)
self.tree = build_tree(self.files())
def files(self):
if self.file_list is None:
self.file_list = [x.filename for x in self.archive.infolist() if not x.isdir()]
return self.file_list
def data(self, path):
def close(self):
self.archive = None
class zipFile:
archive = None
tree = None
file_list = None
def __init__(self, path):
self.archive = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
self.tree = build_tree(self.files())
def files(self):
if self.file_list is None:
self.file_list = [x.filename for x in self.archive.infolist() if not x.filename.endswith('/')]
return self.file_list
def data(self, path):
def close(self):
self.archive = None
class z7File:
FH = None
archive = None
def __init__(self, path):
self.FH = open(path, 'rb')
self.archive = Archive7z(self.FH)
self.tree = build_tree(self.files())
def files(self):
return self.archive.getnames()
def data(self, path):
return self.archive.getmember(path).read()
def close(self):
self.archive = None
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
main(sys.argv[1], 'ModOrginizer')
main('modlist_cleaned.json', 'ModOrginizer')
"authors": "tony971, SkyrimTuner, Ghostifish, & The STEP Team",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Optimized versions of the vanilla Bethesda textures. Boosts performance AND stability. This mod is technically optional, but I strongly recommend it.",
"file": "High Definition Base Game Textures for Everyone (Part 1 of 2)",
"modid": "57353",
"name": "Optimized Vanilla Textures FINAL",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Choose your Mod Manager": ["Mod Manager/ModOrganizer"]
"authors": "Lord Conti",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Allows modders to create more complex/functional Mod Configuration Menus.",
"file": "FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Scripts - FISS",
"modid": "48265",
"name": "FISS - FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Scripts",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Arthmoor & UPP Team",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "The essential bugfixing mod for Skyrim, and the foundation of any modded installation.",
"file": "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch",
"modid": "71214",
"name": "Ultimate Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "volnaiskra",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod makes animal footsteps more consistent. Some sounds are volume adjusted, while others are outright replaced. Better Animal Footsteps provides a nice boost to immersion at virtually no FPS cost.",
"file": "Better Animal Footsteps 1.5",
"modid": "24805",
"name": "Better Animal Footsteps",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Custom": ["Select one option/Install all of the footstep sounds"]
"authors": "LoRd KoRn",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "AOS adjusts nearly everything about Skyrim's sound experience. It introduces new effects, replaces many lackluster sound files, adjusts each sound's audible distance, and more. Sound is paramount to staying alive in Requiem's harsh environment, and AOS makes it easier to hear important audible queues like traps, enemy attacks, enemy idles, etc.",
"file": "AOS 2.5.1 Full Installer",
"modid": "43773",
"name": "Audio Overhaul for Skyrim",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Welcome to the AOS installer": ["Choose the type of installation:/Choose options manually"],
"Main Files_2": ["Main AOS plugin/Skyrim + DG + DB", "AOS Sounds/Sound Files"],
"Compatibility Patches - Part 1_2": ["Sounds of Skyrim/I don't use Sounds of Skyrim", "Weather Mod Patches/None"]
"authors": "apachii",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Skyrim's pre-eminent hair mod. It adds many lore friendly hairstyles for male/female characters and distributes these hairstyles among NPC's.",
"file": "ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_6_Full",
"modid": "10168",
"name": "Apachii Sky Hair",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Data/"
"authors": "Leviathan1753",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Automatic Variants increases visual variety for creatures through \"texture packs\". The more texture packs you install, the more varieties you'll see!",
"file": "Automatic Variants",
"modid": "21377",
"name": "Automatic Variants",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "LegendAeternus",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds many variants for Flame and Frost Atronachs. <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "Aeternus Atronachs",
"modid": "22420",
"name": "Automatic Variants - Flame and Frost Atronachs",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Bellyache (wrig675)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds many high-quality variants for animals. <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "Bellyaches Animals AV Package",
"modid": "21377",
"name": "Automatic Variants - Bellyache's Animals",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "David Hartley (scumpunx)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds different colored variants for Dwemer constructs. <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "dwemer automatic variants",
"modid": "46207",
"name": "Automatic Variants - Dwemer Automatons",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Grace Darkling",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds high-quality textures for dogs and foxes. <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "Automatic Variants - GD Dogs and Foxes and Read Me",
"modid": "22727",
"name": "Automatic Variants - Grace Darklings Dogs & Foxes",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Automatic Variants - GD Dogs & Foxes & Readme/Data/"
"authors": "PlagueHush",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds high-quality textures for Huskies. Adorbs! <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "Husky 2k Variants",
"modid": "63598",
"name": "Automatic Variants - Huskies 2k",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "InsanitySorrow",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds variants for chickens, skeevers, Draugr, and skeletons. <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "InsanitySorrow AV Package",
"modid": "21377",
"name": "Automatic Variants - InsanitySorrow's Creatures",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Sounaipr (wolverine2710)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds variants for giants, mammoths, and sabrecats. <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "Sounaipr AV Package",
"modid": "21377",
"name": "Automatic Variants - Sounaipr's Creatures",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "StarX",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds high-quality, super creepy variants for Draugr. <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "StarX AV Package Draugr SDM",
"modid": "21542",
"name": "Automatic Variants - StarX Draugr",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "StarX",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds high-quality variants for Falmer. <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "StarX AV Package Falmer SDM",
"modid": "21542",
"name": "Automatic Variants - StarX Falmer",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "StarX",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds high-quality variants for giants. <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "StarX AV Package Giant SDM",
"modid": "21542",
"name": "Automatic Variants - StarX Giants",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "StarX",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds high-quality variants for Hagravens. They're rad as heck! <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "StarX AV Package Hagraven SDM",
"modid": "21542",
"name": "Automatic Variants - StarX Hagravens",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "StarX",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds high-quality variants for Trolls. <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "StarX AV Package Trolls SDM",
"modid": "21542",
"name": "Automatic Variants - StarX Trolls",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "StarX",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds high-quality variants for wolves. <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "StarX AV Package Wolves",
"modid": "21542",
"name": "Automatic Variants - StarX Wolves",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "AfroCircus",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This AV Texture Pack adds high-quality variants for Storm Atronachs. <strong>This mod requires Automatic Variants.</strong>",
"file": "Storms - Hotfixed",
"modid": "53715",
"name": "Automatic Variants - Storm Atronachs",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "ecirbaf",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Better Dialogue Controls fixes the annoying bug that occasionally disallows the mouse cursor from selecting responses in dialogue. There's really no reason not to use this mod.",
"file": "Better Dialogue Controls v1_2",
"modid": "27371",
"name": "Better Dialogue Controls",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "ecirbaf",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Better MessageBox Controls allows you to navigate message boxes with the keyboard.",
"file": "Better MessageBox Controls v1_2",
"modid": "28170",
"name": "Better MessageBox Controls",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Hvergelmir",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod replaces vanilla beards with lore-friendly, high-res textures.",
"file": "Beards - 1K Resolution",
"modid": "28363",
"name": "Beards 1K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Hvergelmir",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod replaces vanilla beards with lore-friendly, high-res textures.",
"file": "Beards - 2K Resolution",
"modid": "28363",
"name": "Beards 2K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Hvergelmir",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod replaces vanilla eyebrows with lore-friendly, high-res textures.",
"file": "Brows - Standard Resolution",
"modid": "30411",
"name": "Brows - Standard",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Hvergelmir",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod replaces vanilla eyebrows with lore-friendly, high-res textures.",
"file": "Brows - High Resolution",
"modid": "30411",
"name": "Brows - High",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Hein84",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod is an excellent texture replacer for Dungeons and Ruins. I use the 2048 version because Dungeons and Ruins are generally easy on performance, but you might want to use the 1024 version if you're worried about VRAM. <strong>This mod requires an ENB shader.</strong>",
"file": "xVivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins - for ENB - 1024",
"modid": "39874",
"name": "Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins 1K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "Hein84",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod is an excellent texture replacer for Dungeons and Ruins. I use the 2048 version because Dungeons and Ruins are generally easy on performance, but you might want to use the 1024 version if you're worried about VRAM. <strong>This mod requires an ENB shader.</strong>",
"file": "Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins - for ENB - 2048",
"modid": "39874",
"name": "Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins 2K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "nerdofprey",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Cidhna Mine Expanded adds new NPC's, quests, and areas to Markarth's prison mine. These additions transform Cidhna Mine into an engaging experience for any character.",
"file": "Cidhna Mine Expanded - Basic Version",
"extra": "If you enabled Apachii Sky Hair use the Deluxe Version, if not use the Basic Version",
"modid": "59277",
"name": "Cidhna Mine Expanded - Basic",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "nerdofprey",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Cidhna Mine Expanded adds new NPC's, quests, and areas to Markarth's prison mine. These additions transform Cidhna Mine into an engaging experience for any character.",
"file": "Cidhna Mine Expanded - Deluxe Version",
"extra": "If you enabled Apachii Sky Hair use the Deluxe Version, if not use the Basic Version",
"modid": "59277",
"name": "Cidhna Mine Expanded - Deluxe",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "JJC71",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Climates of Tamriel is a visual overhaul that introduces wonderful new weather/lighting effects at a very low performance cost compared to other similar mods. This mod is technically optional, but I strongly recommend it.",
"file": "Climates of Tamriel",
"modid": "17802",
"name": "Climates of Tamriel",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Installation Options": ["Main Files/ClimatesOfTamriel", "Dungeons and Caves/Default Experience", "Interiors/Default Experience", "Optional Vanilla Nights/Default Experience"]
"authors": "fadingsignal",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "True Storms transforms Skyrim's lackluster storms into raging downpours, complete with new visual effects and sounds. These changes wonderfully compliment Climates of Tamriel. Storms will genuinely impair your sight and hearing. Find shelter to survive!",
"file": "True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone",
"modid": "63478",
"name": "True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Custom": ["True Storms Packages - Select One (required)/Vanilla"]
"authors": "Nivea",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod adds new cloaks and weather gear to help players stay alive in harsh climates.",
"file": "WIC Cloaks NMM 2_4",
"modid": "13486",
"name": "Winter is Coming Cloaks",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Installation Options": ["Main Modules/Main Plugin"],
"Main Plugin": []
"authors": "Noodles (Nikinoodles)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds even more cloaks, and works wonderfully alongside Winter is Coming.",
"file": "Cloaks of Skyrim 1-2",
"modid": "12092",
"name": "Cloaks of Skyrim",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Arindel (omega2008)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Customizable Camera adds a ton of options for both first and third person cameras. There's even specific options for sneaking, combat, shoulder swapping, and more. All of this comes at zero performance impact, so I highly recommend you install it.",
"file": "Customizable Camera 2.11",
"modid": "37347",
"name": "Customizable Camera",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "CaBaL, EmeraldReign & AMB Team",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod retextures many vanilla creatures with CaBaL's excellent replacement textures.\nIf you're looking for visual fidelity, you cannot beat aMidianBorn. This mod barely earns a \"Medium\" performance rating, so check it out if you've got VRAM to spare.",
"file": "aMidianBorn book of silence_Creatures",
"modid": "24909",
"name": "aMidianBorn Creatures Retexture",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["Options/Install Cabal's Cut (default)"]
"authors": "CaBaL120, EmeraldReign & AMB Team",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures much of the Dragonborn content, including landscapes, buildings, and more.\nThese textures are very high quality, like all the aMidianBorn textures. This mod firmly earns its \"Medium\" performance rating because it replaces a larger number of textures than most of the aMidianBorn mods. Low VRAM users beware.",
"file": "aMidianBorn book of silence_DRAGONBORN DLC",
"modid": "24909",
"name": "aMidianBorn Dragonborn Retexture",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["Options/Install Cabal's Cut (default)"]
"authors": "navida1",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod makes NPC faces visible through helmets. This small touch adds a lot of humanity to NPC interactions.",
"file": "Improved Closefaced Helmets (Legendary Edition)",
"modid": "15927",
"name": "Improved Closefaced Helmets",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "CaBaL, EmeraldReign & AMB Team",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures many unique weapons, armors, artifacts, and other miscellanea. These textures are absolutely gorgeous if you can spare the VRAM.",
"file": "aMidianBorn book of silence_UNIQUE ITEMS",
"modid": "24909",
"name": "aMidianBorn Unique Items Retexture",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["Options/Install everything"]
"authors": "Dragten",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Bandolier adds a large assortment of satchels, pouches, and other items that augment carry weight. You can craft these items, or loot them from NPC's.",
"file": "Bandolier - Bags and Pouches v1dot2",
"modid": "16438",
"name": "Bandolier - Bags and Pouches",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Dragten",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds additional Bandolier equipment with Dawnguard assets.",
"file": "Bandolier - Dawnguard v1",
"modid": "22119",
"name": "Bandolier - Dawnguard",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "aluckymuse",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds many quality-of-life improvements to the Dawnstar Dark Brotherhood sanctuary.",
"file": "Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Dawnstar Sanctuary",
"modid": "20700",
"name": "Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Dawnstar Sanctuary",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Aipex8 & TaikoDragon",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "DVA dynamically adjusts the appearance of player vampires to visually represent different stages of vampirism and certain vampire abilities. Late-stage vampires are appropriately beastlike, vampire mouths will bloody after feeding, eyes will glow during night vision, and so on.",
"file": "DVA Dynamic Vampire Appearance",
"modid": "41634",
"name": "Dynamic Vampire Appearance",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Xenius",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "XCE is a great general purpose appearance enhancement for characters and NPC's.\nIt implements high-quality edits for skin, eyes, lips, scars, warpaint, dirt textures, facial meshes, and more. These edits are lore-friendly, and avoid the \"over-beautification\" of other similar mods.",
"file": "XCE-1_13",
"modid": "2356",
"name": "Xenius Character Enhancement",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Data/"
"authors": "AltheaR",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Unmasked Faces removes the strange green neck tint found on certain NPC's.",
"file": "Unmasked Faces v1.1",
"modid": "76607",
"name": "Unmasked Faces",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "UnmaskedFaces_v1_1/Data/"
"authors": "AltheaR",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Removes the strange green neck tint on Argonians and Khajiit. I don't know why these races are separate from the main file, but here we are.",
"file": "UnmaskedFaces_Beasts",
"modid": "76607",
"name": "Unmasked Faces for Beasts",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "UnmaskedFaces_Beasts/Data/"
"authors": "Expired",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "EFF is a follower overhaul with a focus on stability and convenience. Other follower mods have more features, but EFF's radial menu makes it easy to manage followers on the fly. <strong>Choose Extensible Follower Framework OR Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks. If you install BOTH, your game will malfunction.</strong>",
"file": "Extensible Follower Framework v4-0-2",
"modid": "12933",
"name": "Extensible Follower Framework",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "chinagreenelvis",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "iAFT is a follower overhaul with a focus on immersion and roleplaying. You can make followers into Vampires/Werewolves, exactly control their combat behavior, and more. <strong>Choose Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks OR Extensible Follower Framework.\nIf you install BOTH, your game will malfunction.</strong>",
"file": "Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks",
"modid": "71689",
"name": "Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "lesi123",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Hidden Hideouts adds inconspicuous shelters to many different locations across Skyrim. These shelters often contain a fire or bedroll for weary adventurers. I highly recommend this mod for its synergy with Frostfall, Campfire, and iNeed.",
"file": "Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim - Merged",
"modid": "49723",
"name": "Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim - Merged": ["Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim - Merged/Standard"]
"authors": "lesi123",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds hidden hideouts to Dawnguard and Dragonborn content. Also highly recommended!",
"file": "Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim - DLC",
"modid": "49723",
"name": "Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim DLC",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim - DLC": ["Ancient Shrine/Standard", "Subterranean Hot Spring/Standard"]
"authors": "Mike Hancho",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Helgen Reborn adds a DLC-sized questline to rebuild Helgen after the dragon attack. Claim Helgen for the Stormcloaks, the Imperials, or your own independent estate. This mod features hours of content, painstakingly crafted and professionally voice-acted.",
"file": "Helgen Reborn V105_3",
"modid": "35841",
"name": "Helgen Reborn",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Helgen Reborn V105.3/Data/"
"authors": "Grimy Bunyip",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "The Grimy Plugin is an extension for the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE).",
"file": "Grimy Plugin",
"modid": "69341",
"name": "Grimy Plugin",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "silvericed",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "JContainers adds additional features to Skyrim's scripting system.",
"file": "JContainers",
"modid": "49743",
"name": "JContainers",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Data/"
"authors": "Sheson",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod expands the Skyrim Memory Patch by logging memory usage. This info makes it easier to properly allocate memory if you encounter issues.",
"file": "MemoryBlocksLog",
"modid": "50471",
"name": "Memory Blocks Log",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "data/"
"authors": "exiledviper & meh321",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Like JContainers, PapyrusUtil adds additional functions to Skyrim's scripting system.",
"file": "PapyrusUtil - Scripting Utility Functions",
"modid": "58705",
"name": "PapyrusUtil",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "egocarib",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod fixes an annoying bug that drains enchantment charges on save/reload.",
"file": "Enchantment Reload Fix",
"modid": "52717",
"name": "Enchantment Reload Fix",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Chesko",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "The ultimate camping mod for Skyrim. Craft or purchase camping equipment, train your survival skills, and utilize your surroundings to conquer Skyrim's harsh climate. Seamlessly integrated with Frostfall, Chesko's other weather survivalism mod.",
"file": "Campfire 1.11",
"modid": "64798",
"name": "Campfire - Complete Camping System",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "dDefinder",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures blood spatter and wound decals, overhauls actor bleeding conditions, and adds \"blood\" to a couple new actor types. EBT's changes are subtle, but effective.",
"file": "Enhanced Blood Textures 3_6c NMM",
"modid": "60",
"name": "Enhanced Blood Textures",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Custom": ["Main Plugin/Enhanced Blood Textures Main"],
"Textures": ["Resolution and Color/High Res / Default Color"],
"Alternate Textures": []
"authors": "Chesko",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Simply Knock allows you to knock on locked doors. Residents may allow you inside, depending on your Speech skill, personal relationship, and the mod's MCM settings.",
"file": "Simply Knock 1.0.8 Release",
"modid": "73236",
"name": "Simply Knock",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "isoku",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Wet and Cold adds weather-dependent visual effects and NPC AI enhancements.\nNPC's drip when wet, equip appropriate weather gear, and seek shelter during storms. Auto-integrates with Frostfall, Campfire, iNeed, Winter is Coming, and Cloaks of Skyrim.",
"file": "Wet and Cold v2_02",
"modid": "27563",
"name": "Wet and Cold",
"optional": false,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["Core/Wet and Cold", "Optionals/Wet and Cold - Ashes"]
"authors": "Hoax2",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Get Snowy adds a snowy visual effect to characters and NPC's in a snowfall. Basically the snow equivalent of Wet and Cold.",
"file": "Get Snowy V5-5",
"modid": "19660",
"name": "Get Snowy",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Eckss",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "GDO teaches guards how to socialize like people instead of idiots. Guard dialogue will better reflect your accomplishments and skills, and guards will no longer mouth off to their superiors.",
"file": "Guard Dialogue Overhaul",
"modid": "23390",
"name": "Guard Dialogue Overhaul",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "SkyrimENB (Hritik Vaishnav)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod adds a noise layer to distant landscape textures, greatly enhancing the visual quality of distant terrain at very little FPS cost.",
"file": "HD Enhanced Terrain PRO - Blended Version",
"modid": "29782",
"name": "HD Enhanced Terrain PRO",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "PrivateEye",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "One of the finest weapon packs in the modding scene. Craft, loot, and purchase an insane variety of new weapons and weapon types including Spears, Glaives, Mauls, Hatchets, Quarterstaves, Tridents, Halberds, and more. (Seriously, there's way more.)",
"file": "Heavy Armory V3.3",
"modid": "21120",
"name": "Heavy Armory",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "PrivateEye",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod retextures Heavy Armory's Skyforge weapons with dank aMidianBorn textures.",
"file": "Heavy Armory - aMidianBorn Skyforge Patch",
"modid": "21120",
"name": "Heavy Armory - aMidianBorn Skyforge Patch",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Alek (mitchalek)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Followers will no longer trigger traps. Highly recommeded because followers are dinks.",
"file": "Follower Trap Safety v1_3",
"modid": "11609",
"name": "Follower Trap Safety",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "fore",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "FNIS is an animation system required by most animation mods.",
"file": "FNIS Behavior V6_3",
"modid": "11811",
"name": "Fore's New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS)",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "FNIS Behavior 6.3/Data/"
"authors": "Gopher",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Immersive HUD is a wonderful mod that fades out UI elements according to the situation. iHUD is highly configurable, so you have total control over each part of the interface.",
"file": "Immersive HUD - iHUD",
"modid": "3222",
"name": "Immersive HUD",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Scrabbulor",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Immersive Patrols adds dynamic faction patrols to the game. These patrols will move about the world with their own agendas, capturing locations and fighting enemies.\nSome patrols will offer services, and all patrols respond to your own faction affiliations. This is one of my favorite mods in the lineup. It really adds to that \"living world\" feel.",
"file": "DLC Aggressive IP 2.0.3",
"modid": "12977",
"name": "Immersive Patrols",
"optional": false,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "Ghengisbob",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod changes the way loot chests are calculated and adds new items to loot lists. These items often have unique and interesting effects you won't see in the vanilla game.",
"file": "More Interesting Loot for Skyrim v5_7",
"modid": "48869",
"name": "More Interesting Loot",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Ripple",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Inconsequential NPC's enhances social ambiance by adding unique NPC's to Skyrim. These NPC's are logically distributed, and fit seamlessly into the world. For example, carriages are now guarded by mercenaries, new advisors serve the Jarls, and so on.",
"file": "Inconsequential NPCs 1 dot 9e",
"modid": "36334",
"name": "Inconsequential NPC's",
"optional": true,
"perf": "high"
"authors": "Chesko",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "A wonderful little mod that adds easily digestible Elder Scrolls lore to loading screens.",
"file": "Lore-Based Loading Screens 1.2",
"modid": "21265",
"name": "Lore-Based Loading Screens",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Valistar",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "MFR changes the in-game font. A small touch, but it can make a big thematic difference! I prefer the \"Centaur\" font, but feel free to use whichever font you like best!",
"file": "Centaur Font",
"modid": "95",
"name": "Main Font Replacement - Centaur Font",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"file": "Andalus Font",
"modid": "95",
"name": "Main Font Replacement - Andalus Font",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"file": "Fertigo Pro Font",
"modid": "95",
"name": "Main Font Replacement - Fertigo Pro Font",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"file": "Magic Cards Font",
"modid": "95",
"name": "Main Font Replacement - Magic Cards Font",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"file": "Morpheus Font",
"modid": "95",
"name": "Main Font Replacement - Morpheus Font",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"file": "Tara Type",
"modid": "95",
"name": "Main Font Replacement - Tara Type",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "volnaiskra",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod removes repetitious/annoying merchant responses, such as:\n\"Some may call this junk - I call them treasures!\" and \"Oh, so you're an alchemist then?\" Another small touch, but I personally can't stand those canned responses.",
"file": "Less Annoying Merchants v1",
"modid": "58487",
"name": "Less Annoying Merchants",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "less annoying merchants/data"
"authors": "perseid9",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "My favorite overhaul for inns and taverns. New features include extended stays, enhanced interiors, new amenities for patrons, follower support, configurable inn cost, traveling merchants, and more!",
"file": "RealisticRoomRental-Enhanced",
"modid": "25029",
"name": "Perseid's Inns and Taverns",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Custom": []
"authors": "Arthmoor",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Point the Way vastly improves signposts all across Skyrim by adding more town signs where appropriate, and fixing misplaced signposts from the vanilla game.",
"file": "Point The Way",
"modid": "33393",
"name": "Point the Way",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Hanaisse",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Enhances the texture/legibility of signposts. Works wonderfully alongside Point the Way.",
"file": "Roadsigns Redone",
"modid": "33603",
"name": "Roadsigns Redone",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "ThreeTen (Robinsage)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Awnings, caves, and other objects will ACTUALLY shelter the player from rain and snow.",
"file": "Real Shelter",
"modid": "52612",
"name": "Real Shelter",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "dDefinder",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Ragdolls will behave more realistically. They have more \"weight\", more \"crumple\", etc.",
"file": "Realistic Force",
"modid": "601",
"name": "Realistic Ragdolls and Force",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "xp32",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod replaces the player's \"skeleton\", used for animations and animation mods.",
"file": "XP32 Maximum Skeleton",
"modid": "26800",
"name": "XP32 Maximum Skeleton",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Choose Your Setup": ["Bow and Quiver/XPMS Default"],
"1st Person Skeleton": ["Do You USE Joy Of perspective Mod ?/NO"],
"Choose Your Setup_2": ["1 Handed Sword Placement/XPMS Default"],
"Choose Your Setup_3": ["Dagger Placement/XPMS Default"],
"Options": ["01 - Required Files/Skeleton Rig map"],
"authors": "SkyUI Team (schlangster)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "The ultimate interface mod! Overhauls primary interfaces (Inventory, Magic, Map, etc.), adds a new favorites menu, and more. What Skyrim's UI was always meant to be!",
"file": "SkyUI_5_1",
"modid": "3863",
"name": "SkyUI",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "isoku",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Sleep Tight gives sleeping schedules to all NPC's, including enemies. NPC's also remove equipment when they sleep. Plan your adventures accordingly!",
"file": "Sleep Tight v1_04",
"modid": "50954",
"name": "Sleep Tight",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "NeoRunek",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "With Smart Cast, you can execute complex spell combos, auto-cast spells, and more.This mod requires a little learning, so check out the mod page for detailed instructions.",
"file": "Smart Cast",
"modid": "43123",
"name": "Smart Cast",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Guardly & MrCasual",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This puzzle-oriented quest mod adds several hours of awesome content to Skyrim. It's like a small DLC, about the size of Fallout's Dead Money or Operation Anchorage.",
"file": "The Lost Wonders of Mzark",
"modid": "36317",
"name": "The Lost Wonders of Mzark",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "isoku",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds some simple weather features like rain drops, shooting stars, and rainbows.",
"file": "Wonders of Weather v1_01",
"modid": "64941",
"name": "Wonders of Weather",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["Core/Wonders of Weather"]
"authors": "jonx0r",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Wyrmstooth is DLC-sized quest mod that adds a new continent and hours of content. Unfortunately, the mod is no longer available on the Nexus. If you already have access to Wyrmstooth, this is where you should place it in MO's left pane.",
"file": "Wyrmstooth 1_16_2-25704-1-16",
"modid": "0",
"name": "Wyrmstooth",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Arodicus Snaux",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Fishing in Skyrim adds fishing poles, fishing nets, and other goodies for aspiring anglers.",
"file": "Fishing In Skyrim",
"modid": "16139",
"name": "Fishing in Skyrim",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "anamorfus",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "ELFX makes lighting more realistic by adding/adjusting light sources and removing lights where they don't belong. This is one of my favorite mods in the lineup!",
"file": "Enhanced Lights and FX",
"modid": "27043",
"name": "Enhanced Lights and FX",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Main": ["Main/Enhanced Lights and FX", "Main - Ambience/ELFX - Hardcore", "Main - Exterior/ELFX - Exteriors"],
"Patches": ["SMIM/SMIM Meshes", "SMIM/SMIM Lantern", "Patches/No Breezehome", "Patches/No Hjerim", "Patches/No Honeyside", "Patches/No Proudspire"],
"Misc. Optionals": ["Optionals/No Candle Smoke"]
"authors": "Brumbek",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "SMIM improves the visuals of many static objects like furniture, clutter, architecture, etc. The scope and quality of this mod is incredible. Follow the Additional Installation exactly, or you'll encounter errors.",
"file": "SMIM 2-04",
"modid": "8655",
"name": "Static Mesh Improvement Mod",
"optional": false,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Main Installer Choice": ["Skyrim Game Version and Install Choices/Original 2011 Skyrim: Everything with Dragonborn DLC"]
"authors": "raiserfx",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "RCI improves the atrocious clutter in Nordic ruins at very little performance cost.",
"file": "Ruins_Clutter_Improved_NMM_v2-9",
"modid": "14227",
"name": "Ruins Clutter Improved",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["Options/Install Everything"]
"authors": "Prometheus",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Removes snow from covered areas. Works wonderfully with Frostfall and Real Shelter.",
"file": "No Snow Under the Roof and 3D snow 2_3",
"modid": "51188",
"name": "No Snow Under the Roof",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"No Snow Under The Roof 2.3": ["BSA Type/BSA - Static Mesh Improvement Mod", "Plugin Type/Vanilla + Dawnguard + Dragonborn", "Compatibility Patches/Falskaar - Dawnstar Dock"]
"authors": "Hein84",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Makes SMIM compatible with Vivid Landscapes: Dungeons and Ruins. <strong>Install this mod if you installed Vivid Landscapes: Dungeons and Ruins.</strong>",
"file": "SMIM Compatibility patch",
"modid": "39874",
"name": "Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins - SMIM Patch",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "missjennabee",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "The ultimate village expansion mod. Overhauls villages and towns with new NPC's, buildings, vendors, and other immersive details.",
"file": "ETaC - Complete",
"modid": "13608",
"name": "Expanded Towns and Cities",
"optional": true,
"perf": "high",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Version": ["ESM Version/MCM", "ETaC Version/w/o Inn Changes", "LOD/Select to install..."],
"Extras": ["Extras/Dragon Bridge South", "Extras/Orc Strongholds", "Extras/Whiterun Exterior Market", "Extras/Solstheim"],
"Texture Options": ["Building Textures/I have read this...", "Horse Saddles/Vanilla Horse Saddles", "Walls - Dawnstar/Option #1", "Walls - Morthal/Option #1"]
"authors": "missjennabee",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Updates Expanded Towns and Cities to the newest version. <strong>Install this mod if you installed Expanded Towns and Cities.</strong>",
"file": "ETaC v14.2.10 Update",
"modid": "13608",
"name": "Expanded Towns and Cities - Update",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Version": ["Select Mod Version/ETaC Complete"],
"ETaC Complete": ["ETaC Version/Complete w/o Inns", "Extras/Dragon Bridge South Add-On", "Extras/Solstheim Add-On", "Extras/Whiterun Exterior Add-On"]
"authors": "kojak747",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Patches Expanded Towns and Cities for Real Shelter. <strong>Install this mod if you installed Expanded Towns and Cities.</strong>",
"file": "ETaC v14 Real Shelter Patch",
"modid": "76368",
"name": "Real Shelter - Expanded Towns and Cities Patch",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Kalzim7878",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds a busy Docks District underneath Solitude's arch, complete with vendors, services, and tradespeople. This mod makes Solitude feel like an actual trade hub.",
"file": "Solitude A City Of Trade",
"modid": "22821",
"name": "Solitude Docks District",
"optional": true,
"perf": "high"
"authors": "Bjs_336",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Expands the Windhelm Docks with additional buildings, services, and tradespeople. Basically the Windhelm equivalent of Solitude Docks District.",
"file": "Windhelm Exterior Altered 2.0",
"modid": "50977",
"name": "Windhelm Exterior Altered",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "zebra0",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Expands the dock areas for many towns, but we're only installing the Riften module.",
"file": "Better Docks FOMOD Installer",
"modid": "14087",
"name": "Better Docks",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["Choose Version/Modular"],
"Modular": ["Riften/Riften Normal Edition"]
"authors": "Expired",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "RaceMenu adds additional options and features to the character creation interface.",
"file": "RaceMenu v3-4-5",
"modid": "29624",
"name": "RaceMenu",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Aipex8",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "BVFE improves textures and meshes for vampire fangs and eyes. Spooky!",
"file": "Better Vampire Fangs and Eyes",
"modid": "38829",
"name": "Better Vampire Fangs and Eyes",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Alek (mitchalek)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Automatically unequips ammo when drawing a melee weapon, and re-equips ammo when drawing a ranged weapon. A nice little quality-of-life improvement.",
"file": "Auto Unequip Ammo v5_0",
"modid": "10753",
"name": "Auto Unequip Ammo",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Hothtrooper44, Ironman5000, & Eckss",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Another incredible weapon pack full of dope new killing implements.",
"file": "Immersive Weapons",
"modid": "27644",
"name": "Immersive Weapons",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Ellise",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod replaces IW's ugly quivers with nicer versions. Highly recommended.",
"file": "Alternate quivers for Immersive Weapons",
"modid": "47380",
"name": "Immersive Weapons - Alternate Quivers",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "LogicDragon",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "With Enhanced Camera, you can remain in first-person all the time - even on horseback. You can also see your body if you look down, which is neat.",
"file": "Enhanced Camera 1.4",
"modid": "57859",
"name": "Enhanced Camera",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Therobwil",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Fences of Skyrim replaces wooden fences with high quality, less-polygonal versions.",
"file": "Fences of Skyrim",
"modid": "58980",
"name": "Fences of Skyrim",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "CaBaL",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "CaBaL's beautiful retexture of Solstheim's landscape and environment. Use the 1K version if you're worried about VRAM.",
"file": "aMidianBorn Solstheim Land",
"modid": "50013",
"name": "aMidianBorn Solstheim Landscape Retexture 2K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "CaBaL",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "CaBaL's beautiful retexture of Solstheim's landscape and environment. Use the 1K version if you're worried about VRAM.",
"file": "aMidianBorn Solstheim Land 1K",
"modid": "50013",
"name": "aMidianBorn Solstheim Landscape Retexture 1K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "CaBaL",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures Imperial Fort exteriors and interiors. Use the 1K version if you're worried about VRAM.",
"file": "C amb forts 1k",
"modid": "49710",
"name": "aMidianBorn Imperial Fort Retexture 1K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "CaBaL",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures Imperial Fort exteriors and interiors. Use the 1K version if you're worried about VRAM.",
"file": "A amb forts 2k",
"modid": "49710",
"name": "aMidianBorn Imperial Fort Retexture 2K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "CaBaL",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures the whole Farmhouse set, including interiors. I recommend the 1k version, since Farmhouse textures are common in low-performance areas like villages and cities.",
"file": "aMidianBorn Farmhouse 1k",
"modid": "49040",
"name": "aMidianBorn Farmhouse Retexture 1K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "CaBaL",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures the whole Farmhouse set, including interiors. I recommend the 1k version, since Farmhouse textures are common in low-performance areas like villages and cities.",
"file": "aMidianBorn Farmhouse 2k hires",
"modid": "49040",
"name": "aMidianBorn Farmhouse Retexture 2K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "CaBaL",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures the stone walls found in villages and farms. I recommend the 1k version, since this texture is common in low-performance areas like villages and cities.",
"file": "amb farmhouse stonewall addon 1k",
"modid": "59091",
"name": "aMidianBorn Stone Wall Retexture 1K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "CaBaL",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures the stone walls found in villages and farms. I recommend the 1k version, since this texture is common in low-performance areas like villages and cities.",
"file": "amb farmhouse stonewall addon 2k",
"modid": "59091",
"name": "aMidianBorn Stone Wall Retexture 2K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "vurt",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "The ultimate flora mod. SFO adds brand new, high-quality textures and meshes to virtually every plant type in Skyrim, including ground cover and trees.",
"file": "Skyrim Flora Overhaul v2.5b",
"modid": "141",
"name": "Skyrim Flora Overhaul",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "CaBaL",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Replaces Skyrim's landscapes with hand-painted parallax textures. Absolutely beautiful!",
"file": "amb landscape with terrain parallax 2k",
"modid": "37865",
"name": "aMidianBorn Landscape Retexture",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "CaBaL",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures for Cave and Mine interiors. These areas are generally high-performance, so you should be safe with the 2K version, but you can use the 1K textures if you want.",
"file": "aMidianBorn Caves and Mines 1k",
"modid": "39190",
"name": "aMidianBorn Caves and Mines Retexture 1K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "CaBaL",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures for Cave and Mine interiors. These areas are generally high-performance, so you should be safe with the 2K version, but you can use the 1K textures if you want.",
"file": "aMidianBorn Caves and Mines 2k",
"modid": "39190",
"name": "aMidianBorn Caves and Mines Retexture 2K",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "tktk",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds visual variety to children so they don't all have the same weird babyface.",
"file": "TK Children",
"modid": "49756",
"name": "TK Children",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Select Language": ["Language/English"],
"Patch": ["Features/USLEEP Patch"],
"Options": ["01 SSS Glitch/None", "02 Babette Eyes/Normal Eyes"]
"authors": "Franklin Zunge",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds many weathered armor variants to bandits. Lootable, craftable, and upgradeable!",
"file": "Brigandage v.4",
"modid": "32706",
"name": "Brigandage",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Hothtrooper44",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Immersive Armors adds a buttload of craftable and lootable armor sets to Skyrim. Also the first Skyrim mod to use \"Immersive\" in its name. Neat!",
"file": "Immersive Armors v8",
"modid": "19733",
"name": "Immersive Armors",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": []
"authors": "LargeStyle",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod makes corpses solid. You can stack them, jump on them, whatever!",
"file": "With Improved Fireball Spell",
"modid": "30947",
"name": "Dead Body Collision Fix",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "isoku",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "My favorite water overhaul. RWT offers a great balance of beauty and performance.",
"file": "Realistic Water Two v1_11",
"modid": "41076",
"name": "Realistic Water Two",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["0. Core/Core Files", "1. Resolution/High", "2. Compatibility/Default"],
"Options_2": ["4. New Lands/Dawnguard", "4. New Lands/Dragonborn", "4. New Lands/Falskaar"]
"authors": "isoku",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "My favorite water overhaul. RWT offers a great balance of beauty and performance.",
"file": "Realistic Water Two v1_11",
"modid": "41076",
"name": "Realistic Water Two - Wyrmstooth",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["0. Core/Core Files", "1. Resolution/High", "2. Compatibility/Default"],
"Options_2": ["4. New Lands/Dawnguard", "4. New Lands/Dragonborn", "4. New Lands/Wyrmstooth", "4. New Lands/Falskaar"]
"authors": "Hein84",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "A wonderful parallax retexture for Skyrim's weirdly gray mountains and rocks. If you're worried about VRAM, there's a 1K version in the Optional Files section. <strong>This mod requires an ENB shader.</strong>",
"file": "Rocking Stones Parallax for ENB - 2k BROWNISH",
"modid": "38004",
"name": "Vivid Landscapes - Rocks, Stones, Mountains",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "Hein84",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mesh update increases performance for VL: Rocks, Stones, & Mountains. <strong>Install this mod if you installed Vivid Landscapes: Rocks, Stones, & Mountains.</strong>",
"file": "Rocking Stones Parallax for ENB - Update for all types",
"modid": "38004",
"name": "Vivid Landscapes - Rocks, Stones, Mountains - Update",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "KettleWitch",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds telescopes for scouting distant locations. Tremendously helpful for many situations.",
"file": "KWTelescope 093",
"modid": "30473",
"name": "Telescopes",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "FrankFamily",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "FrankFamily's high-quality retexture for iron telescopes.",
"file": "KWT093FrankFamilyIronTelescopeReplacer",
"modid": "30473",
"name": "Telescopes - Iron Telescope Retexture",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "FrankFamily",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "FrankFamily's high-quality retexture for leather telescopes.",
"file": "KWT093FrankFamilyPatch",
"modid": "30473",
"name": "Telescopes - Leather Telescope Retexture",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Korvik (kove400)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Replaces Skyrim's wonky wolf howls with new awesome versions. Woof!",
"file": "Realistic Wolf Howls Less barks",
"modid": "30636",
"name": "Realistic Wolf Howls",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "volvaga0",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds Dwemer Goggles & Scouters to Skyrim. These unique recon tools can zoom, assess threats, detect life, and more. They aren't easy to get, but they're well worth the effort!",
"file": "Dwemer Goggles and Scouter",
"modid": "13133",
"name": "Dwemer Goggles and Scouter",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "volvaga0",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Fixes some small script errors for Dwemer Goggles and Scouter.",
"file": "Script Hotfix v2",
"modid": "13133",
"name": "Dwemer Goggles and Scouter - Script Hotfix",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Supernastypants",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Skyrim's most popular housing mod! Adds a unique craftable home between Whiterun and Windhelm. Build your foundation, then expand your settlement with fisheries, smithys, farms, gardens, decorations, and other accoutrements.",
"file": "Version 1_82 BSA",
"modid": "18480",
"name": "Build Your Own Home",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "Supernastypants",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "A quick fix for a small error in BYOH's craftable shrines. <strong>Install this mod if you installed Build Your Own Home.</strong>",
"file": "Version 1_82 Quick Fix",
"modid": "18480",
"name": "Build Your Own Home - Quick Fix",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "da5id2701 & Nazenn",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Store more items and item types on bookshelves, such as books, clutter, ingredients, etc.",
"file": "Unlimited Bookshelves 2.2",
"modid": "10891",
"name": "Unlimited Bookshelves",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Olivier Doorenbos",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Makes subtle improvements to AI sneak detection. Sneaking characters are easier to spot during the day and much harder to spot at night. Plan your missions accordingly!",
"file": "Realistic AI Detection Lite",
"modid": "74355",
"name": "Realistic AI Detection",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "isoku",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "My favorite \"needs\" mod for Skyrim. Keep your characters fed, hydrated, and rested for optimal performance and unique bonuses. Neglect your needs at your own peril!",
"file": "iNeed v1_602",
"modid": "51473",
"name": "iNeed - Food, Water, and Sleep",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["Core/Food, Water and Sleep"]
"authors": "BralorMarr",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "DA adds a chance for characters to be knocked out or captured instead of killed. There are several possible scenarios, each with unique challenges. Act carefully to survive! Death Alternative reduces the harshness of a typical permadeath playthrough.",
"file": "Death Alternative - Your Money Or Your Life",
"modid": "45894",
"name": "Death Alternative",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "BralorMarr",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This small expansion for Death Alternative adds several new \"captured\" scenarios.",
"file": "Death Alternative - Captured",
"modid": "54867",
"name": "Death Alternative - Captured",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "virusek",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "OneTweak fixes Skyrim's strange Alt+Tab behavior and several other minor issues.",
"file": "OneTweak",
"modid": "40706",
"name": "OneTweak",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Skyrimaguas",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Grass on Steroids somehow increases grass density AND frame rate. It's voodoo magic!Regular Edition = very tall grass, Goldilocks = medium grass, and Natural = short grass. <strong>If you skip this mod, edit iMinGrassSize=120 to iMinGrassSize=40 in your Skyrim.ini!</strong>",
"file": "Grass On Steroids Regular Edition - Vanilla",
"modid": "33582",
"name": "Grass on Steroids - Regular",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Skyrimaguas",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Grass on Steroids somehow increases grass density AND frame rate. It's voodoo magic!Regular Edition = very tall grass, Goldilocks = medium grass, and Natural = short grass. <strong>If you skip this mod, edit iMinGrassSize=120 to iMinGrassSize=40 in your Skyrim.ini!</strong>",
"file": "Grass On Steroids Goldilocks Edition - Vanilla",
"modid": "33582",
"name": "Grass on Steroids - Goldilocks",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Skyrimaguas",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Grass on Steroids somehow increases grass density AND frame rate. It's voodoo magic!Regular Edition = very tall grass, Goldilocks = medium grass, and Natural = short grass. <strong>If you skip this mod, edit iMinGrassSize=120 to iMinGrassSize=40 in your Skyrim.ini!</strong>",
"file": "Grass On Steroids Natural Edition - Vanilla",
"modid": "33582",
"name": "Grass on Steroids - Natural",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "SilentResident",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod removes Location Markers from the compass. Explore like a REAL adventurer!",
"file": "iCompass - Immersive Compass",
"modid": "56992",
"name": "Immersive Compass",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Blitz54",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds new varieties of fish to Skyrim. Synergizes wonderfully with Fishing in Skyrim.",
"file": "Improved Fish 3.5",
"modid": "14320",
"name": "Improved Fish",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Ethatron",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "New landscape meshes vastly improve the appearance of distant terrain. These meshes can actually increase performance in some cases.",
"file": "HQLODs - Meshes Med-Res",
"modid": "4834",
"name": "High Quality LODs - Medium",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Ethatron",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "New landscape meshes vastly improve the appearance of distant terrain. These meshes can actually increase performance in some cases.",
"file": "HQLODs - Meshes Hi-Res",
"modid": "4834",
"name": "High Quality LODs - High",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"desc": "Adds a variety of lore-friendly holidays, each with unique festivities and NPC behavior. Some holidays even confer bonuses to the player, so get your party on!",
"file": "Holidays v2_0",
"modid": "64820",
"name": "Holidays",
"optional": false,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["Core/Holidays"]
"authors": "Carah",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds wild horse packs to Skyrim. You can ride the stallions, but you can't keep them!",
"file": "HorsesGoneWildV1_4",
"modid": "15305",
"name": "Horses Gone Wild",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "DarkWolfModding",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Makes the Sleep/Wait menu less intrusive. Check the screenshots for an example.",
"file": "iWASM V 1",
"modid": "51087",
"name": "Immersive Wait and Sleep Menu",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "iWASM V1.0/Data/"
"authors": "Sagittarius22",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "NPC's are renamed \"Stranger\" until you've met them. Makes for a neat immersion boost!",
"file": "MAIN - People are Strangers",
"modid": "56744",
"name": "People are Strangers",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "gorey666",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Makes bounty payouts adjustable through the Mod Configuration Menu.",
"file": "Bounty Gold",
"modid": "36534",
"name": "Bounty Gold",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Hein84",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Makes ELFX compatible with Vivid Landscapes: Dungeons and Ruins. <strong>Install this mod if you installed Vivid Landscapes: Dungeons and Ruins.</strong>",
"file": "Enhanced Lights and FX Compatibility patch",
"modid": "39874",
"name": "Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins - ELFX Patch",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Sheson",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "DynDOLOD improves distant graphics by making objects visible from much farther away. This is not the actual mod - it's just the resources required for DynDOLOD to function. You can skip this download if you don't want to use DynDOLOD.",
"file": "DynDOLOD Resources",
"modid": "59721",
"name": "DynDOLOD Resources",
"optional": true,
"perf": "high",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Main": ["DynDOLOD Resources/Core Files"],
"Options": ["Visual Options/DLC2 Vvardenfell 3D Plume", "Misc Options/Desync Birds of Prey"]
"authors": "Palerider",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "These \"billboards\" improve distant trees and flora. Required by DynDOLOD and other LOD generation mods/tools.",
"file": "Vanilla Skyrim and Dragonborn billboards Medium Res 512",
"modid": "75269",
"name": "Indistinguishable Vanilla Tree Billboards",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "vurt",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "These \"billboards\" improve distant trees and flora. Designed for Skyrim Flora Overhaul. <strong>Install this mod if you installed Skyrim Flora Overhaul.</strong>",
"file": "SFO Billboards for v2.5b",
"modid": "141",
"name": "Skyrim Flora Overhaul LOD Billboards",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "fore",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Change your character's animations with a simple MCM menu. So easy!",
"file": "FNIS PCEA2 1.3",
"modid": "71055",
"name": "FNIS Player Exclusive Animations",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "FNIS PCEA2 1.3/Data/"
"authors": "SkylineR390",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Pay Smiths to craft/temper equipment. Pay Court Wizards to enchant/recharge gear. A brilliant feature sorely missing from vanilla Skyrim.",
"file": "Honed Metal",
"modid": "51024",
"name": "Honed Metal",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "MannyGT",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Inns and taverns will post Notice Boards with local news and all new radiant quests. This simple mod enhances immersion and adds additional utility to towns and villages.",
"file": "The Notice Board",
"modid": "70142",
"name": "Notice Board",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Memnochs (Sthaagg)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Patches the Notice Board for Dragonborn and fixes several bugs.",
"file": "The Notice Board UPDATED",
"modid": "79296",
"name": "Notice Board - Updated",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "AndrealphusVIII",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Patches the Notice Board for Falskaar.",
"file": "The Notice Board for Falskaar",
"modid": "70273",
"name": "Notice Board - Falskaar",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "fadingsignal",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "A much sharper mesh/texture for Notice Boards. The 4K version is performance friendly, but there's a lower-res 2K version in the Optional Files if you're worried about VRAM.",
"file": "The Notice Board Redefined 4K (Recommended)",
"modid": "70260",
"name": "Notice Board - New Meshes and Textures",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "AndrealphusVIII",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Various bugfixes and tweaks for Wyrmstooth. Adds new craftable armor sets and more! <strong>Install this mod if you installed Wyrmstooth.</strong>",
"file": "Wyrmstooth - Tweaks and Enhancements",
"modid": "69501",
"name": "Wyrmstooth - Tweaks and Enhancements",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Custom": ["Typo Fix/Typo Fix", "Craftable Wyrmstone and Brimstone Sets/Craftable Sets", "Follower Tweaks/Follower Tweaks", "Quest Tweaks/Quest Tweaks - No delayed quest", "Alberthor - Realistic Ownership/Realistic Ownership", "Radiant Encounter Tweaks - Main Files/Radiant Encounter Tweaks - Dawnguard", "Notice Board/Notice Board - Realistic Ownership Compatible"]
"authors": "Dahveed",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "GFD adds new fortifications, NPC's, followers, trainers, and visuals to Fort Dawnguard.",
"file": "Fortified Dawngaurd - aka Glorious Dawnguard",
"modid": "52340",
"name": "Glorious Fort Dawnguard",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "skyrimaguas",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Replaces the nasty textures for Hearthfire's stone and clay deposits.",
"file": "HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit 2K",
"modid": "38479",
"name": "HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Kinaga",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Expands Hearthfire's features and fixes broken mechanics. Place furniture anywhere, build new rooms and resources, hire new NPC's, breed new animals, and more.",
"file": "Hearthfire Extended - All DLCs (Legendary Edition)",
"modid": "66783",
"name": "Hearthfire Extended",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "goatk",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Revamps the Hjerim player house with more features and amenities. Part of the excellent TNF homes series.",
"file": "HjerimTNF 0-3",
"modid": "44807",
"name": "TNF - Hjerim",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Data/"
"authors": "goatk",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Revamps the Honeyside player house with more features and amenities. Part of the excellent TNF homes series.",
"file": "HSTNF 1-6",
"modid": "33888",
"name": "TNF - Honeyside",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Data/"
"authors": "goatk",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Revamps the Vlindrel Hall player house with more features and amenities. Part of the excellent TNF homes series.",
"file": "VHTNF1-5",
"modid": "35278",
"name": "TNF - Vlindrel Hall",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Data/"
"authors": "goatk",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Revamps the Breezehome player house with more features and amenities. Part of the excellent TNF homes series.",
"file": "BHTNFver2-8",
"modid": "31222",
"name": "TNF - Breezehome",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Sjogga",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Randomizes the Words of Power you receive from Word Walls. This reduces repetition for successive playthroughs and fits nicely with Ultimate Skyrim's roguelike design.",
"file": "Randomized Word Walls 1_0",
"modid": "43409",
"name": "Randomized Word Walls",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Autan Waspeez",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures the ugly stone panels depicting Windhelm's kings.",
"file": "WindhelmLegendaryKings",
"modid": "54314",
"name": "Windhelm - Legendary Kings",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "taleden",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "With Trade Routes, the cost of goods will change based on their availability in each hold. This incredible mod completely changes Skyrim's economy. Buy low and sell high!",
"file": "Trade Routes v2-0",
"modid": "49369",
"name": "Trade Routes",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Trade Routes": ["Trade Routes/Core Files"]
"authors": "Chesko",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "The ultimate weather survivalism mod! Rain, snow, and water can threaten your life. Keep yourself warm and dry with new equipment, abilities, and survival mechanics.",
"file": "Frostfall 3.4.1 Release",
"modid": "11163",
"name": "Frostfall",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Install": ["/Install Frostfall with SkyUI 5.1 Add-On"]
"authors": "Chesko",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Wearable Lanterns are a hands-free light source, but they must be fueled by lantern oil. Craft oil at a cooking pot or purchase it from general merchants and traveling caravans.",
"file": "Wearable Lanterns 4.0.2 Release",
"modid": "17416",
"name": "Wearable Lanterns",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "kryptopyr",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "T&B adjusts the value of goods through variables like character race, status, location, relationship with the vendor, the vendor's knowledge of particular goods, and more.",
"file": "Trade And Barter - Hearthfire",
"modid": "34612",
"name": "Trade and Barter",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "fadingsignal",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Bards will only play instrumentals unless you specifically request a song with vocals.",
"file": "Bard Instrumentals Only - Sing Upon Request - USKP Version",
"modid": "58555",
"name": "Bard Instrumentals Only",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Snotgurg",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds a hotkey for dropping lit torches. Very useful if you're in combat with no lantern/oil.",
"file": "Simple Drop Lit Torches",
"modid": "56566",
"name": "Simple Drop Lit Torches",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "AlexanderJVelicky",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Falskaar is a DLC-sized explorable region with new quests, NPC's, and items. Wow!",
"file": "Falskaar V1_2_1final",
"modid": "37994",
"name": "Falskaar",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Grantyboy050",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "ICW overhauls the College with new quests, decorations, rooms, NPC's, and amenities. The College of Winterhold is particularly lackluster, and this mod really helps fill it out.",
"file": "Immersive College of Winterhold",
"modid": "36849",
"name": "Immersive College of Winterhold",
"optional": false,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["CWI Core/CWI Core Files", "Book Covers Saturation/Original"]
"authors": "Thicketford",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds banners to Hold borders. These banners show which hold you're entering/leaving. A small touch, but very nice for immersion.",
"file": "Hold Border Banners",
"modid": "43493",
"name": "Hold Border Banners",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "TMPhoenix",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This resource allows mods to use custom races, and fixes some race-related bugs.",
"file": "RaceCompatibility All-in-One NMM installer - Fixed Installer Version",
"modid": "24168",
"name": "RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["Options/Dawnguard"],
"Dawnguard Optionals": ["Optional Compatiblity patches (Dawnguard)/Only USKP/USLEEP", "Optional Vampire overhaul patches (Dawnguard)/Vampiric Thirst", "Optional Vampire Lord Transformation fix script (Dawnguard)/Install"]
"authors": "sevencardz",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Prevents the annoying bug where dragon corpses follow you around between cells.",
"file": "Dragon Stalking Fix",
"modid": "54274",
"name": "Dragon Stalking Fix",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Introduction": ["Click next to proceed with installation./Install Dragon Stalking Fix"],
"Installation Method": ["Choose an installation method./Plugin (Default)"],
"Mod Edition": ["Choose an edition of the mod to install./Plugin for Dragonborn"]
"desc": "Cutting Room Floor restores unfinished content that Bethesda never completed. This includes a handful of quests, NPC's, locations, and other miscellaneous content.",
"file": "Cutting Room Floor - Legendary Edition",
"modid": "47327",
"name": "Cutting Room Floor",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "kryptopyr",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod overhauls Nightingale Hall with new features and a new follower. No spoilers!",
"file": "Nightingale Hall Restored",
"modid": "13632",
"name": "Nightingale Hall Restored",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Ghaunadaur",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Revamps the Proudspire Manor player house with more features and amenities.",
"file": "Proudspire Manor Refurbished - Hearthfire",
"modid": "14630",
"name": "Proudspire Manor Refurbished",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Data/"
"authors": "Antioch08",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Undeath adds a Lich themed questline with new dungeons, player homes, and a new player transformation. Will you quell the undead threat, or embrace undeath as a Lich?",
"file": "Skyrim - Undeath 1-3",
"modid": "40607",
"name": "Undeath",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Dominoid",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Dynamic Things allows interaction with some static objects. Chop down trees for wood, collect stone from rocks, harvest tinder from bushes, practice skills on training dummies, receive beverages from kegs, collect firewood from wood piles, and more!",
"file": "Dynamic Things",
"modid": "32448",
"name": "Dynamic Things",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "FleischHals",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This makes Dynamic Things compatible with mods like Requiem, iNeed, and Campfire. It also tweaks some Dynamic Things features, and adds a Mod Configuration Menu. <strong>Install this mod if you installed Dynamic Things.</strong>",
"file": "Dynamic Things - Enhanced v1.7",
"modid": "54116",
"name": "Dynamic Things - Enhanced",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "shadeMe",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Fuz Ro D-oh allows mods to use \"silent dialogue\" for conversations without voice acting.",
"file": "Fuz Ro Doh 60",
"modid": "14884",
"name": "Fuz Ro D-oh",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "meh321",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "If no one sees you steal an inexpensive item, that item will not be marked \"Stolen\". Valuable items (400+ gold) are still marked \"Stolen\".",
"file": "Better Stealing 1_0",
"modid": "75296",
"name": "Better Stealing",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "johnskyrim",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "My fav Dragon Claw retexture. I use the 2k version, but you can easily get away with 4k.",
"file": "2k Textures",
"modid": "75377",
"name": "JS Dragon Claws",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "lazygecko (lazyskeever)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "ISC provides multiple versions of many sounds to reduce repetition and improve realism. Footstep sounds differ by creature, combat sounds differ by weapon, etc.",
"file": "Immersive Sounds Compendium 2.0.2",
"modid": "54387",
"name": "Immersive Sounds - Compendium",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Main Files": ["Immersive Sounds - Compendium/Main Files (Required)"],
"Melee Options": ["Weapon Impact Options/IS Default (Extra Bloody)", "Weapon Draw/Sheathe Options/Smooth Equip"],
"Ranged Weapon Options": ["Bow Shot Options/Realistic - Twangy", "Bow Pull Options/IS Default", "Arrow Impact Options/High Fantasy"],
"Bonus Weaponry Options Options": ["Extra Weaponry Options/Silent Arrow Projectile Loop"],
"Magic Options": ["Restoration Options/High Fantasy", "Firebolt Options/Swooshy"],
"Creature Options": ["Creature Options/Demonic Draugr", "Creature Options/Sensible Storm Atronachs"],
"Misc Options": ["Nirnroot Options/High Fantasy", "Misc Options/Silent Weapon Enchants"],
"Compatibility Patches": []
"authors": "Sagittarius22",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Removes location names from doors. This mod isn't for everyone, but I find it encourages exploration and maintains the enjoyable mystery of new locations.",
"file": "Address_Unknown",
"modid": "57920",
"name": "Address Unknown",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Neokore",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "A beautiful hi-res retexture of Skyrim's moons and night sky. Truly gorgeous!",
"file": "Horizon of Dreams",
"modid": "35708",
"name": "Horizon of Dreams - Night Sky Texture",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "rgabriel15",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "SPO improves performance in many areas by unloading objects the player can't see.",
"file": "Skyrim Project Optimization - No Homes - Full Version",
"modid": "32505",
"name": "Skyrim Project Optimization (No Homes)",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install_type": "bain",
"bain": {
"order": ["Data", "Optional"]
"authors": "OutLaw666",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Craft scopes for your favorite bows, or loot scoped bows from enemies. This mod works wonderfully with iHUD's \"Disable Crosshair\" feature.",
"file": "Scoped Bows 3.1.1_Marksman Edition",
"modid": "50528",
"name": "Scoped Bows",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"PLUGINS+DATA": ["Plugins/Legendary"],
"RETICLES": ["Dwarven Sniper/Blue Reticle", "Nordic Assault Bow/Red Reticle", "Dragonbone Bow/Red Reticle", "Daedric Wrath/Red Reticle"],
"OPTIONS": ["Options/Install Selected Tweaks"],
"Finish": ["Done/Finish"]
"authors": "Wiseman303",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Fixes an annoying bug that prevents harvestable flora/ingredients from respawning.",
"file": "WM Flora Fixes",
"modid": "70656",
"name": "Wiseman303's Flora Fixes",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Install": ["Wiseman303's Flora Fixes/Core"]
"authors": "Wiseman303",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Makes WM Flora Fixes compatible with Static Mesh Improvement Mod.",
"file": "WM Flora Fixes SMIM Patch",
"modid": "70656",
"name": "Wiseman303's Flora Fixes - SMIM Patch",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "sevencardz",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "The ultimate horse mod! Horses have new abilities, different breeds have different stats, follower horses are easy to manage, and it's all customizable through the MCM.",
"file": "Immersive Horses",
"modid": "64067",
"name": "Immersive Horses",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Introduction": ["Click next to choose installation options./Install Immersive Horses"],
"Horse Textures": ["Choose your preferred horse textures./Realistic Primitive Horse Textures"],
"Horse Whistle Sound": ["Choose your preferred horse whistle sound./Soft Whistle Sound"],
"Finalization": ["Click finish to proceed with installation./Complete Installation"]
"authors": "KrittaKitty",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Beautiful high-res horse retextures by KrittaKitty.",
"file": "Immersive Horses 2K Horse Textures",
"modid": "64067",
"name": "Immersive Horses - 2K Horse Textures",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "Deserter X",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds new craftable crossbows for the Dawnguard, Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, and Civil War factions. Find the crafting manuals to learn the recipes!",
"file": "A. Faction Crossbows",
"modid": "58704",
"name": "Faction Crossbows",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Sagittarius22",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Rest in a bed before you can allocate perks, like in Morrowind and other classic RPG's. This mod fits well with Ultimate Skyrim's emphasis on towns and resting.",
"file": "Classic Level Up",
"modid": "45293",
"name": "Classic Level Up",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Chesko",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds the atmospheric level up messages from Morrowind. One of my favorite mods!",
"file": "Reflection 1_1",
"modid": "25469",
"name": "Reflection",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "BluePianoTwo",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Dawn of Skyrim overhauls cities with new decorations, vendors, and NPC's. Unlike other city mods, DoS retains each city's unique atmosphere with subtle, lore-friendly additions.",
"file": "Dawn of Skyrim Collection 1.2",
"modid": "58275",
"name": "Dawn of Skyrim",
"optional": true,
"perf": "high"
"authors": "BluePianoTwo",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Updates Dawn of Skyrim to version 1.3. <strong>Install this mod if you installed Dawn of Skyrim.</strong>",
"file": "Upgrade to 1.3",
"modid": "58275",
"name": "Dawn of Skyrim - Update",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "kojak747",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Patches Dawn of Skyrim for Real Shelter. <strong>Install this mod if you installed Dawn of Skyrim.</strong>",
"file": "Dawn Of Skyrim Real Shelter Patch",
"modid": "76368",
"name": "Real Shelter - Dawn of Skyrim Patch",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "DanielCoffey & doccdr",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Book Covers Skyrim is a high quality retexture of all the books in Skyrim and its DLC's.\nI prefer the Desaturated version, but either version is fine.",
"file": "Book Covers Skyrim 3_6 LEGENDARY - Original",
"modid": "35399",
"name": "Book Covers Skyrim - Original",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "DanielCoffey & doccdr",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Book Covers Skyrim is a high quality retexture of all the books in Skyrim and its DLC's.\nI prefer the Desaturated version, but either version is fine.",
"file": "Book Covers Skyrim 3_6 LEGENDARY - Desaturated",
"modid": "35399",
"name": "Book Covers Skyrim - Desaturated",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "DanielCoffey",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "BCS: Lost Library adds almost 300 books from Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion. These books are purchaseable from vendors and distributed throughout the world. <strong>This mod requires Book Covers Skyrim.</strong>",
"file": "Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library - ORIGINAL",
"modid": "57120",
"name": "Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library - Original",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "DanielCoffey",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "BCS: Lost Library adds almost 300 books from Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion. These books are purchaseable from vendors and distributed throughout the world. <strong>This mod requires Book Covers Skyrim.</strong>",
"file": "Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library - DESATURATED",
"modid": "57120",
"name": "Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library - Destaturated",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "CaBaL",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "CaBaL's retextures for Skyforge Weapons, Glass/Ebony Variants, and other miscellanea.",
"file": "aMidianBorn - Content Addon",
"modid": "24909",
"name": "aMidianBorn Content Addon",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "kryptopyr",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "CCOR corrects logical inconsistencies and imbalances in Skyrim's crafting system. Restores missing recipes, reduces recipe clutter, makes more items smeltable, and more.",
"file": "Complete Crafting Overhaul",
"modid": "49791",
"name": "Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "DreamKing",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod overhauls the Companions questline with new radiant quests, better followers, new outcomes and choices for pre-existing quests, and other miscellaneous changes.",
"file": "ESFCompanions FULL VERSION",
"modid": "22650",
"name": "Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "kryptopyr",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Brynjolf will only recruit you to the Thieves Guild if you have appropriate thief skills. You can also actually purchase Falmer Blood Elixir from Brynjolf, which is super neat.",
"file": "Thieves Guild Requirements",
"modid": "14157",
"name": "Thieves Guild Requirements",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "The Requiem Dungeon Masters",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Requiem is a MASSIVE overhaul that changes everything about Skyrim's core gameplay. Combat, enemies, leveling, skills, perks, races, NPC's, training, exploration... you name it. Unlearn everything you know about Skyrim. You're playing Requiem now, bitch.",
"file": "Requiem 1.9.4 - Chasing the Dragon",
"modid": "19281",
"name": "Requiem",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Core files": ["Core Files/Core Mod", "Unofficial Patches Compliance/Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch"],
"Visual Options": ["Font/Use current font", "Activate Button/Show Activate Button", "Guard Armor textures/aMidianBorn textures"]
"authors": "The Requiem Dungeon Masters",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "A small fix for Requiem that prevents a Dragon-related bug.",
"file": "Requiem - Hotfix for 1.9.4",
"modid": "19281",
"name": "Requiem - Hotfix",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Axonis",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "MA makes distinct changes to several Requiem features and factions. Companions won't send fresh recruits to fight Vampires,Forsworn are more fearsome, the Vigilants of Stendarr are better at hunting daedra, civil war soldiers won't drop like flies, and more.",
"file": "Requiem - Minor Arcana",
"modid": "72865",
"name": "Requiem - Minor Arcana",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Fozar",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Patches Dragonborn for Requiem. This patch is intended for mid/high level characters.",
"file": "Requiem - Dragonborn Patch",
"modid": "78139",
"name": "Requiem - Dragonborn Patch",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Nerimir",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Patches Falskaar for Requiem. This patch is intended for mid level characters.",
"file": "NRM Falskaar - Requiem Patch",
"modid": "60508",
"name": "Requiem - Falskaar Patch",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Tx12001",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Expands Undeath with new perks, abilities, visuals, and other miscellaneous tweaks. This addon makes Undeath's content even more awesome!",
"file": "Undeath Immersive Lichdom V3.5",
"modid": "60783",
"name": "Undeath - Immersive Lichdom",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "CDCooley",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod slows the Main Quest so it doesn't feel as weird if you do side quests during. This one is hard to explain, so check out the mod description to see if it's right for you.",
"file": "NotSoFast-MainQuestV14",
"modid": "62894",
"name": "Not So Fast - Main Quest",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Arthmoor",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds additional choices to a weird forced moment during the Main Quest. (No spoilers!)",
"file": "The Paarthurnax Dilemma",
"modid": "18465",
"name": "The Paarthurnax Dilemma",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "kryptopyr",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds dialogue to turn down optional quests. Keeps your quest journal nice and neat!",
"file": "The Choice is Yours - Legendary",
"modid": "26359",
"name": "The Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Inari Whitebear (Pinkishu)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Prevents a Requiem \"bug\" in which telescopes drain stamina. This mod was created by one of our own community members - thanks Inari!",
"file": "Requiem - Telescope Compatibility Patch",
"modid": "81255",
"name": "Telescope - Requiem Compatibility Patch",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Arthmoor",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This awesome mod allows you to choose alternate starts for your characters.\nOne of the cornerstones of Ultimate Skyrim's \"roguelike\" experience!",
"file": "Alternate Start - Live Another Life",
"modid": "9557",
"name": "Alternate Start - Live Another Life",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "BralorMarr",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds Death Alternative's \"death scenarios\" as alternate starts for Live Another Life. Start as a bandit ransom, Falmer slave, Thalmor prisoner, or even a victim of Soul Trap!",
"file": "Death Alternative - Live Another Life Addon",
"modid": "61788",
"name": "Death Alternative - Alternate Start Addon",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "flo27",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds even more scenarios to Alternate Start. Start as a skooma addict, a wandering alchemist, a city beggar, a traveling merchant, a Frostmoon Crag werewolf, and more!",
"file": "New Beginnings -- Live Another Life Extension",
"modid": "70959",
"name": "New Beginnings - Alternate Start Addon",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Data/"
"authors": "Miss Leeches",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Vampiric Thirst is a great vampire overhaul with a nice balance of features and simplicity, modeled after classics like Vampire: The Masquerade and Morrowind's Vampiric Hunger. I highly suggest you check out the mod page for a full list of features and changes.",
"file": "Vampiric Thirst 2-61",
"modid": "24222",
"name": "Vampiric Thirst",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Miss Leeches",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Patches VT for Requiem... but perhaps the same could be said of ALL religions.",
"file": "Vampiric Thirst Requiem Compatibility Patch 1-0",
"modid": "24222",
"name": "Vampiric Thirst - Requiem Patch",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Tx12001",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This expansion for Vampiric Thirst adds new perks, powers, and other balance tweaks.",
"file": "Vampiric Thirst Redone for Requiem",
"modid": "78337",
"name": "Vampiric Thirst Redone - Requiem Version",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "GarlantheGreat",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Makes children killable/pickpocketable. How controversial!",
"file": "Immersive Children 3.1 - FOMOD BAIN installer (slight fix)",
"modid": "83554",
"name": "Immersive Children",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Custom": ["Legendary or Vanilla/Legendary / All DLCs"]
"authors": "Zer0Morph",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "BtC allows for new/unconventional builds by overhauling races, standing stones, perks, crafting systems, and more. BtC also adds new equipment types to experiment with. This is another extensive mod, so check out the mod page for a full list of changes. Also, Ultimate Skyrim does not utilize the \"Forgemaster\" changes present in 1.9.",
"file": "Requiem - Behind the Curtain 1.9 The Forgemaster",
"modid": "74330",
"name": "Requiem - Behind the Curtain",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Ecthelion & MissLexi",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Replaces the textures on BtC's new robes with high-quality HD versions. Sweet!",
"file": "Monk-Necromancer-Warlock HD Robe Texture Replacements",
"modid": "74330",
"name": "Requiem - Behind the Curtain - HD Robe Textures",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "whickus & William Imm",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Makes quest objectives clearer and less dependent on quest markers.",
"file": "Even Better Quest Objectives - 1.5.8a",
"modid": "32695",
"name": "Even Better Quest Objectives",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options for this mod": ["Main/Main Plugin"]
"authors": "kryptopyr",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "WAF corrects inconsistencies and improper values for weapons and armor.",
"file": "Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade",
"modid": "34093",
"name": "Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Main File and DLC Selection": ["Main File and DLC Selection/Skyrim Legendary", "Options/Customize Options"],
"Compatibility Patches_2": ["Improved Closefaced Helmets/Legendary"]
"authors": "kryptopyr",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "CCF corrects inconsistencies and improper values for clothing and miscellaneous clutter.",
"file": "Clothing and Clutter Fixes",
"modid": "43053",
"name": "Clothing and Clutter Fixes",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Saerileth",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds new textures and meshes for Skyrim's ugly jewelry. Snazzy!",
"file": "Gemling Queen Jewelry - All in One Installer v4-1c",
"modid": "52266",
"name": "Gemling Queen Jewelry",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Main Modules": ["Main Modules/Amulets", "Main Modules/Circlets", "Main Modules/Rings", "DLC Addons/Dawnguard Addon"],
"Amulet Textures": ["Amulet Texture Options/Gamwich Amulet Textures - 512"],
"Ring Textures": ["Ring Texture Options/Gamwich Ring Textures - Combined - 1k"]
"authors": "UnmeiX",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Patches aMidianBorn's Content Addon for Requiem.",
"file": "CAR - Content Addon Reqtified",
"modid": "72562",
"name": "aMidianBorn Content Addon Reqtified",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Select Content Addon Reqtified Edition": ["Options/Content Addon Reqtified - Crafting Overhaul Reqtified Edition"]
"authors": "UnmeiX",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Patches Kryptopyr's fixes (WAFR & CCF) for Requiem.",
"file": "KFR - Kryptopyr's Fixes Reqtified",
"modid": "61520",
"name": "Kryptopyr's Fixes Reqtified",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Select Installation Type": ["Install Type/Kryptopyr's Fixes Reqtified - Basic Install"]
"authors": "UnmeiX",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Patches Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade for Requiem.",
"file": "COR - Crafting Overhaul Reqtified",
"modid": "61569",
"name": "Complete Crafting Overhaul Reqtified",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Select Installation Type": ["Install Type/Crafting Overhaul Reqtified - Basic Install"]
"authors": "Nerimir",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Patches Undeath for Requiem. Undeadly!",
"file": "NRM Undeath - Requiem Patch",
"modid": "60508",
"name": "Requiem - Undeath Patch",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Nerimir",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Patches Wyrmstooth for Requiem. Wyrmy! <strong>Install this mod if you installed Wyrmstooth.</strong>",
"file": "NRM Wyrmstooth - Requiem Patch",
"modid": "60508",
"name": "Requiem - Wyrmstooth Patch",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "CaBaL, EmeraldReign & AMB Team",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures most vanilla armor sets with CaBaL's excellent replacement textures.",
"file": "aMidianBorn book of silence_ARMORS",
"modid": "24909",
"name": "aMidianBorn Armors Retexture",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["Options/Install Cabal's Cut (default)"]
"authors": "CaBaL, EmeraldReign & AMB Team",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures most vanilla weapon sets with CaBaL's excellent replacement textures.",
"file": "aMidianBorn book of silence_WEAPONS",
"modid": "24909",
"name": "aMidianBorn Weapons Retexture",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options": ["Options/Install all weapons (default)"]
"authors": "Cutthroat Mods (Blackie)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures bows with beautiful (and more realistic) wood finishes. Absolutely wonderful!",
"file": "CM Wooden Bows - All in One",
"modid": "49777",
"name": "CM Wooden Bows",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "LeanWolf & masterofshadows",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Replaces Skyrim's dumb paddleboard weapons with thinner, more realistic versions.",
"file": "LeanWolfs Better-Shaped Weapons v2.0.09",
"modid": "39870",
"name": "Better Shaped Weapons",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Options 2": ["Options 2/Install everything (default)"],
"Patches": ["Patches/Dawnguard", "Patches/Dragonborn", "Patches/Skyforge weapons", "Patches/Glass with Refraction", "Patches/Keening with Refraction"],
"Glass": ["Glass Weapons/Refractive Glass Weapons", "Glass Quivers/Glass Quiver with Refraction", "Chillrend options/Chillrend with Refraction"],
"Dawnguard": ["Dragonbone Weapons/DragonBling Weapons Red", "Dragonbone Quivers/DragonBling Quiver Red", "More Quivers/Auriel Quivers"],
"Dragonborn": ["Stalhrim Weapons/Stalhrim with Refraction", "Stalhrim Quivers/Stalhrim Quiver with Refraction", "Nordic Weapons/Swords", "Nordic Weapons/Quiver"]
"authors": "sevencardz",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Purchase & craft new horse armors and saddles. Some sets require a skilled craftsman!",
"file": "Craftable Horse Barding",
"modid": "64069",
"name": "Craftable Horse Barding",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Introduction": ["Click next to proceed with installation./Install Craftable Horse Barding"]
"authors": "EtaYorius",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "SkyTEST overhauls animal AI to make wildlife and predators behave more realistically. Animals will hunt, graze, hibernate, etc. They also adjust to the time of day and season!",
"file": "SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators v1_56_03",
"modid": "10175",
"name": "SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "cloudedtruth",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds over 5,000 lines of contextual dialogue to NPC's. Breathes life into stale characters!",
"file": "Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO v2.0",
"modid": "74568",
"name": "Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - EFF",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Main": ["Main Install/Main File"],
"Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Patches": ["Follower Mods/Extensible Follower Framework v4.0.2"]
"authors": "cloudedtruth",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds over 5,000 lines of contextual dialogue to NPC's. Breathes life into stale characters!",
"file": "Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO v2.0",
"modid": "74568",
"name": "Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - iAFT",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Main": ["Main Install/Main File"],
"Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Patches": ["Follower Mods/Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks"]
"authors": "Gorgulla",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Improves the conversations NPC's have with each other. They won't pause awkwardly between lines, they won't repeat dialogue as much, and they'll emote appropriately.",
"file": "Realistic Conversations",
"modid": "80355",
"name": "Realistic Conversations",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "DServant",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Drastically improves horse animations. Horses actually lean as they turn now! Wow!",
"file": "Horses Revamped - Animations",
"modid": "70640",
"name": "Horses Revamped",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "meh321",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "A bug-fixing SKSE plugin by the illustrious meh321.",
"file": "Bug Fixes v1",
"modid": "76747",
"name": "Bug Fixes",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "ravenmast0r",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Disables kill-cams for projectiles and magic. I use this mod because I don't like the way ranged kill-cams disrupt my situational awareness.",
"file": "Disable Ranged KillCams",
"modid": "18938",
"name": "Disabled Ranged and Magic Kill Cams",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "wgstein",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Craft and operate your own market stall. Haggle with patrons, employ followers to run the stall, and hone your Speech skill to net better prices!",
"file": "YourMarketStallV1_4_1",
"modid": "35305",
"name": "Your Market Stall",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "YourMarketStallV1-4-1/Data/"
"authors": "jonwd7",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod adds footprints to players, NPC's, and creatures. This mod's scripts may cause problems for some users, but the effect is really nice if you've got the hardware.",
"file": "Footprints v1_00 - Legendary",
"modid": "22745",
"name": "Footprints",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "meh321",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This SKSE plugin fixes many annoying crashes, and logs useful info if crashes still occur. An absolute must-have for any modded installation.",
"file": "Crash Fixes v12",
"modid": "72725",
"name": "Crash Fixes",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Brevi & Al99 (spwned)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Overhauls the werewolf experience with new features, perks, powers, and more.\nYou can even customize your werewolf appearance!",
"file": "Moonlight Tales Version 2_33",
"modid": "35470",
"name": "Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Wivru",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Allows you to toggle nighteye as a werewolf. Unfortunately the key is hard-coded to \"Right Ctrl\", but I consider this feature integral to werewolf play, so whatevs.",
"file": "Werewolf Nighteye Toggle",
"modid": "37824",
"name": "Werewolf Nighteye Toggle",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "NsJones",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Makes werewolf sounds more fearsome and intimidating. A personal favorite of mine!",
"file": "Alpha Werewolf sounds - Lower volume",
"modid": "13779",
"name": "Heart of the Beast - Werewolf Sounds",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Bjs_336",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "WBO turns the Windhelm Bridge into a small market with many different merchants. This mod synergizes wonderfully with Windhelm Exterior Altered.",
"file": "Windhelm Bridge Overhaul v2 - Minus Guard Area WITH Tent Roof",
"modid": "50243",
"name": "Windhelm Bridge Overhaul",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "raiserfx",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Replaces Skyrim's ugly rug textures with new dank rug textures. Oh boy!",
"file": "Detailed Rugs v1-4",
"modid": "29608",
"name": "Detailed Rugs",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "UnmeiX",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adjusts Requiem's Smithing perks so players don't need prerequisite perks to craft higher level materials. Orcish can be crafted without Dwarven, Glass without Elven, etc.",
"file": "SPR - Smithing Perks Reqtified",
"modid": "69587",
"name": "Smithing Perks Reqtified",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Warburg",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures the map screen with an old-fashioned parchment texture. I prefer Texture 1.",
"file": "Texture 1",
"modid": "25501",
"name": "Paper World Map - Texture 1",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Data/"
"authors": "Warburg",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures the map screen with an old-fashioned parchment texture. I prefer Texture 1.",
"file": "Texture 2",
"modid": "25501",
"name": "Paper World Map - Texture 2",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Data/"
"authors": "Warburg",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Retextures the Soul Cairn map screen with an old-fashioned parchment texture. <strong>This mod requires Paper World Map.</strong>",
"file": "Dawnguard - Addon",
"modid": "25501",
"name": "Paper World Map - Dawnguard",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Duncan E Larsen",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Duncan's excellent paper retextures for Solstheim, Falskaar, and Wyrmstooth. <strong>This mod requires Paper World Map.</strong>",
"file": "Paper World Map Addons",
"modid": "84734",
"name": "Paper World Map - Addons",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Core Files": ["Required/CORE"],
"Maps": ["Select all that apply/Solstheim (Dragonborn DLC)", "Select all that apply/Falskaar", "Select all that apply/Wyrmstooth"]
"authors": "kapaer",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Expands the developer console (~) to provide additional info on selected actors/objects. Incredibly useful for tracing mod problems, but has no effect on gameplay.",
"file": "MfgConsole",
"modid": "44596",
"name": "Mfg Console",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "data/"
"authors": "betterbecause",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "An awesome retexture for Dragon Priest Masks. These textures improve visuals while remaining faithful to the original designs.",
"file": "Main File",
"modid": "54805",
"name": "Dragon Masks Retextured",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "Dragon Masks/data/"
"authors": "Osmodius",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "A great texture pack for Solitude with some really wonderful visuals. I recommend the \"Medium\" version because Solitude is already a performance hog.",
"file": "OSTP Medium",
"modid": "53879",
"name": "Solitude Texture Pack",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "Osmodius",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This add-on for Osmodius' Solitude replaces the walls at the base of many buildings.",
"file": "Alternate Wall",
"modid": "53879",
"name": "Solitude Texture Pack - Alternate Wall",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Osmodius",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "A great texture pack for Windhelm. I recommend the \"Regular\" version.",
"file": "OWTP Regular",
"modid": "54322",
"name": "Windhelm Texture Pack - Regular",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "Osmodius",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "A great texture pack for Windhelm. I recommend the \"Regular\" version.",
"file": "OWTP Ultra",
"modid": "54322",
"name": "Windhelm Texture Pack - Ultra",
"optional": true,
"perf": "mid"
"authors": "Osmodius",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This add-on improves Windhelm's ground texture by smoothing texture bleeding.",
"file": "Alternate Ground Texture",
"modid": "54322",
"name": "Windhelm Texture Pack - Alternate Ground",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "isoku",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "L&D makes it possible for weapons and armor to degrade (or even break) with use.\nTake care of your equipment, or be prepared to improvise when your shit breaks!",
"file": "Loot and Degradation v1_31",
"modid": "55677",
"name": "Loot and Degradation",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "OfftheRails",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adjusts the night-eye shader so it's more effective and interesting to look at.",
"file": "Spectacular Night Eye",
"modid": "35281",
"name": "Spectacular Night Eye",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Choose your vanilla shader": ["Night-Eye effect/Temeraire"]
"authors": "kapaer",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Helps to prevent freezing and the \"infinite loading screen\" bug. Praise kapaer!",
"file": "SafetyLoad 1_2",
"modid": "46465",
"name": "Safety Load",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "extract",
"extract": {
"prefix": "data/"
"authors": "Oriius (Ph0rce)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Replaces Arvak's crappy mesh and textures with new AWESOME versions.",
"file": "Dawnguard Rewritten - Arvak",
"modid": "24019",
"name": "Dawnguard Rewritten",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Installation Options": ["Plugins/Main File", "Texture Sizes/Standard Definition", "Model Options/Soul Cairn"]
"authors": "TorchicBlaziken",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds a skill threshold for entering the College of Winterhold. They don't want no scrubs! (The requirements are adjustable through the MCM.)",
"file": "College of Winterhold Entry Requirements 2.4",
"modid": "38448",
"name": "College of Winterhold Entry Requirements",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Gandaganza",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Allows you to choose the school of magic for your College entry test. Mirabelle will also give you robes for the school you choose, instead of generic destruction robes! Neat!",
"file": "College Application - Plugin Version",
"modid": "60061",
"name": "Better College Application",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Kevin Kidder (sushisquid)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds an alternate ending to Molag Bal's Daedric quest for good-aligned characters. Simply drop the Mace of Molag Bal to conclude the quest.",
"file": "HouseOfHorrorsAlternateEnding",
"modid": "21700",
"name": "House of Horrors Alternate Ending",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "kojak747",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Removes the big annoying snowflakes from blizzards. (Other snowflakes remain.)",
"file": "Remove Big Blurry Snowflakes",
"modid": "73181",
"name": "Remove Big Blurry Snowflakes",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Yuatari",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Replaces horse damage sounds with much quieter, less disruptive alternatives.",
"file": "Better Horse Pain Sounds",
"modid": "12608",
"name": "Better Horse Pain Sounds",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Jjinx (Syynx)",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Lowers your hands when they're not holding anything. A small immersive touch!",
"file": "Lowered Hands",
"modid": "16137",
"name": "Lowered Hands",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Kinaga",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "A fully-featured overhaul for Carriages and Ferries. Travel to any village or town, sail downriver with new ferries, and more. Features realistic travel prices and great stability.",
"file": "Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul",
"modid": "68221",
"name": "Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Forzane",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds rain covers to carriages. A small touch, but very neat.",
"file": "Covered Carriages - SMIM Version",
"modid": "37084",
"name": "Covered Carriages",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Kinaga",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Makes Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul compatible with Covered Carriages. <strong>This mod requires CFTO & Covered Carriages.</strong>",
"file": "CFTO - Covered Carriages add-on",
"modid": "68221",
"name": "CFTO - Covered Carriages Addon",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "center05",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Enemies (and the player) can no longer turn during attacks. Think \"Dark Souls\" combat. Strike carefully and dodge skillfully to survive!",
"file": "Mortal Enemies v1.4 - Requiem - No Movement Tweaks Version",
"modid": "73921",
"name": "Mortal Enemies - De-aimbot Your Foes",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "MilletGtR",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Removes the Key/Action prompts from activateable objects for a truly minimalist HUD. For example, \"Harvest Thistle\" will read \"Thistle\", \"Sleep Bed\" will read as \"Bed\", etc.",
"file": "iActivate_v5.0",
"modid": "58510",
"name": "iActivate",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Installation Options": ["Main versions/Full Experience"]
"authors": "Skvindt",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Purchase, renovate, and manage your own farm. Earn fat stacks with your green thumb!",
"file": "Heljarchen Farm - BSA",
"modid": "50992",
"name": "Heljarchen Farm",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Sagittarius22",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Invest in most businesses across Skyrim. Manage your employees, hire mercenaries to protect your assets, open trade routes through the East Empire Company, and more!",
"file": "LandLord v1.2",
"modid": "72610",
"name": "Landlord",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "brump",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adjusts player and NPC movement speed (walking, running, & sprinting). Allows you to walk alongside NPC's naturally, instead of constantly falling behind/speeding ahead.",
"file": "Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed 1_03",
"modid": "32229",
"name": "Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Lord Conti",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds a nifty journal for in-game notes, complete with customizable chapter headers.",
"file": "Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn",
"modid": "48375",
"name": "Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "NorthHare",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Rent out your house for extra gold! (Major cities only, and your house must be furnished.) Talk to a court steward when you're ready to rent!",
"file": "Rent My House",
"modid": "75073",
"name": "Rent My House",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "OnHolyServiceBound",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adjusts body shapes so races are more distinguishable. Immersive, lore-friendly, and useful for accurately scouting your enemies. This mod is a quick favorite of mine!",
"file": "Racial Body Morphs",
"modid": "81201",
"name": "Racial Body Morphs",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Gopher",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Your character's muscles will grow as their martial skills advance. Beefy!",
"file": "Pumping Iron - Dynamic Muscle Growth v1_0_1",
"modid": "29476",
"name": "Pumping Iron - Dynamic Muscle Growth",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Alexandriel",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "More NPC's will trade with you and carry items relevant to their occupations. Miners sell ores, farmers sell their crop, priests offer blessings in exchange for donations, and more.This mod is another new favorite of mine, and breathes even more life into the economy.",
"file": "Immersive Merchandising",
"modid": "77680",
"name": "Immersive Merchandising",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low",
"install": "bain",
"bain": {
"order": ["00 Core Mod", "02 Requiem Patch"]
"authors": "IronDusk33",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Learn spells organically through careful study and research. Craft scrolls, process relics with new alchemical tools, and more. Check the mod page for more info and instructions.",
"file": "Spell Research 1.2",
"modid": "81214",
"name": "Spell Research",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Fall Hammer",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds a purchaseable merchant cart to the outskirts of Whiterun. The cart functions as a mobile player home, and has tons of storage for aspiring merchants and adventurers!",
"file": "Travelers Covered Wagon - BSA Version 2.1",
"modid": "56390",
"name": "Travelers Covered Wagon",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "raccoondance",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Hunters will no longer taunt or shout at their prey. A wonderfully immersive touch!",
"file": "Hunters Not Bandits for RDO",
"modid": "79258",
"name": "Hunters Not Bandits",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "sialivi",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This oddly-named mod adjusts NPC hammer sounds so they don't sound metallic when they're hitting wood. Really nice for areas with a lot of maintenance/worker NPC's.",
"file": "Sound Hammering Sounds",
"modid": "80655",
"name": "Sound Hammering Sounds",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Kalivore",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Followers will use restorative and resistive potions based on conditions you define!",
"file": "Follower Potions 1.03.00 - RE-UPLOAD (fixed the BSA name)",
"modid": "78982",
"name": "Follower Potions",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Borgut1337",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "A simple tweak that allows you to block/parry while dual wielding.",
"file": "00 Dual Wield Parrying SKSE 3_1 beta",
"modid": "9247",
"name": "Dual Wield Parrying",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Andrelo",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds simple options for adjusting the Sneak Eye stealth indicator. I use the Static mode, which visually indicates sneaking without showing detection (which I consider cheap).",
"file": "Stealth Meter Tweak",
"modid": "60665",
"name": "Stealth Meter Tweak",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Ahzaab",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This UI mod adds more info to the player's HUD, such as Carry Weight, ingredient effects, weapon/armor rating, etc. The changes are subtle, but very useful!",
"file": "AHZmoreHUD_v2_1_3",
"modid": "51956",
"name": "moreHUD",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "SkyAmigo",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds a highly configurable Clock to the HUD. A sleek, intuitive way to track time/date.",
"file": "AMatterOfTime_v2_0_7",
"modid": "44091",
"name": "A Matter of Time - Clock Widget",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Verteiron",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adjusts conditions for combat music so it doesn't alert you to unseen threats.",
"file": "SmarterCombatMusic112",
"modid": "51617",
"name": "Smarter Combat Music",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Mattiewagg",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Allows simple taxes for followers, houses, and horses. We'll use this to balance followers.",
"file": "Simple Taxes 3.5",
"modid": "57239",
"name": "Simple Taxes",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "EnaiSiaion",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Prevents bugs related to brawling. Surprising, I know.",
"file": "Modern Brawl Bug Fix v104",
"modid": "77465",
"name": "Modern Brawl Bug Fix",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Sagittarius22",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Adds gambling & table games to inns and taverns. A great way to pass the time!",
"file": "Tavern Games - Mini Games in Skyrim 1.4",
"modid": "68553",
"name": "Tavern Games",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Sagittarius22",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "This mod makes death permanent (more or less). Are you a bad enough dude? <strong>New Requiem players: consider skipping Dead is Dead until you learn the ropes.</strong>",
"file": "Dead is Dead 1.02",
"modid": "60179",
"name": "Dead is Dead",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Exalerion",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "My ENB recommendation. Offers wonderful visuals without tanking your performance. <strong>If you do not install an ENB, consider installing ENBoost for increased performance. You must disable ENB (default Shift+F12) when using Night-Eye.</strong>",
"file": "RealVision ENB for Climates of Tamriel V",
"modid": "73661",
"name": "RealVision ENB for Climates of Tamriel",
"optional": true,
"perf": "low",
"install": "fomod",
"fomod": {
"Main Files:": ["Core Files/Core Files - These must be installed!", "1. Do you want to use RLO or ELFX together with RealVision?/Option B: Enhanced Lights and FX"],
"Main Files:_3": ["2. Choose your desired level of performance:/Medium"],
"Optionals:": ["3. Pick your desired Sun type:/Realistic Sun - Normal (recommended)", "4. Do you want the Sunsprite Shader?/No", "6. Which type of Depth of Field do you want?/None"],
"The last step: Installation": ["7. Automatic or Manual Installation?/Automatic: RealVision Installer (recommended)"]
"authors": "Belmont Boy",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "The final piece of the puzzle! Ultimate Skyrim contains a lot of changes, so watch the introduction video on my YouTube channel for a full introduction to its features.",
"file": "Ultimate Skyrim",
"modid": "82846",
"name": "Ultimate Skyrim",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
"authors": "Belmont Boy & elgatoenlaluna",
"authors_url": "",
"desc": "Contains all patches for Ultimate Skyrim. Follow the FOMOD instructions carefully!",
"file": "Ultimate Skyrim - Compatibility Patches",
"modid": "82846",
"name": "Ultimate Skyrim - Compatibility Patches",
"optional": false,
"perf": "low"
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