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Last active December 6, 2024 22:52
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Installing networked HP printer and scanner on Fedora Linux
# docs for more information see the official HPLIP project site here.
# Step 1. Update Fedora Linux
# Simply run dnf command:
$ sudo dnf upgrade
# Step 2. Search for HPLIP software
# Search for HPLIP, run:
$ dnf search hplip
# Step 3. Install HPLIP on Fedora Linux 29
# We are going to install hplip-gui and hplip using the dnf command:
$ sudo dnf install hplip hplip-gui
# Step 4. Configure HP printer on Fedora Linux
$ hp-setup
# If you have USB based HP printer, try:
$ hp-setup -b usb
# For example, my printer is networked and it has IP address, so I run:
$ hp-setup
# Next, I will set description, name, FAX number (if any) and other information for my HP printer.
# Finally, click on the "Add Printer" button:
# How do I control my HP printer with “HP Device Manager”?
# The HP Device Manager (aka “Toolbox”) for HPLIP supported devices such as printers and scanners.
# It provides access to status of printer, tools, ink/supplies levels and more. Simply type the following command:
$ hp-toolbox
# install and configure scanner
$ sudo dnf install xsane sane-backends-devel dbus-devel cups-devel libusb1-devel net-snmp-devel gcc-c++ sane-devel avahi-tools cups python3-PyQt4
# check error logs
$ hp-check log
# run scanner app
$ xsane
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The .run file from the HP website didn't work, but this worked and was very helpful. Thank you! I used hp-scan instead of xsane.

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