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Last active April 15, 2024 05:30
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  • Save Liam0205/014661fe1fb0c337bfa0dd3242430015 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Liam0205/014661fe1fb0c337bfa0dd3242430015 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
E = mc^2.
fake & table \\
%% Mimics the widetext environment of revtex4 for any other class package
%% Eg: article.cls
%% Authored by: Liam Huang
%% Advantages:
%% *) Supports float (eg: figure) in two column format (Advantage over
%% multicol package)
%% *) One and twocolumn exist on the same page
%% *) Flow of text shown via rule
%% *) Equal height of text when in two column format
%% Acknowledgment(s):
%% 1. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, two packages (flushend, cuted) of
%% the sttools bundle are used. The sttools bundle is available from CTAN.
%% Lisence of these packages rests with their corresponding author.
%% Any bug/problem with flushend and cuted should be forwarded to their
%% corresponding package authors.
%% 2. The idea of the rule came from the following latex community website
%% This package just defines the widetext environment and the rules.
%% Usage:
%% \documentclass[a4paper,12pt,twocolumn]{article}
%% \usepackage{widetext}
%% \begin{document}
%% Some text in twocolumn
%% \begin{widetext}
%% Text in onecolumn format.
%% \end{widetext}
%% Some more text in twocolumn
%% \end{document}
\typeout{Package widetext error: Install the etoolbox package. Available from CTAN.}
% Firstly, test which method of two-column document is being used
\@ifpackageloaded{multicol} % test \[email protected]
\par %\vspace{6pt}
\parindent \@parindent
}{% if the multicol package is not used, test if LaTeX standard twocolumn is used
\typeout{Package widetext error: Install the flushend package. Available from CTAN.}
\typeout{Package widetext error: Install the cuted package. Available from CTAN.}
\par %\vspace{6pt}
\parindent \@parindent
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Is it intentionally that after the widetext environment the first line of the following text is indented?
This somehow then appears as a new paragraph. According to the code in the example everything should be set in one paragraph.

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