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Last active September 29, 2023 08:46
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Read and write .npy (numpy) files in javascript
// npy-rw.js
// Lingdong Huang 2019
// npy specs:
// reference:
const is_node = (typeof process !== 'undefined')
var npy = {};
if (is_node){
var fs = require('fs');
const descrToConstructor = {
const constructorNameToDescr = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(descrToConstructor).map(x=>[x[1].name,x[0]]));
const constructorNameToNumBytes = {
const printbuffer = function(buf){ // for debugging *small* buffers
console.log(Array.from(new Uint8Array(buf)).map(x=>x.toString(16).padStart(2)).join(" "))
npy.frombuffer = function(buf) {
// adapted from:
function asciiDecode(buf) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buf));
function readUint16LE(buffer) {
var view = new DataView(buffer);
var val = view.getUint8(0);
val |= view.getUint8(1) << 8;
return val;
// Check the magic number
var magic = asciiDecode(buf.slice(0, 6));
if (magic.slice(1, 6) != 'NUMPY') {
throw new Error('unknown file type');
var version = new Uint8Array(buf.slice(6, 8))
var headerLength = readUint16LE(buf.slice(8, 10))
var headerStr = asciiDecode(buf.slice(10, 10 + headerLength))
var offsetBytes = 10 + headerLength;
// a less hacky hack
var info = JSON.parse(headerStr.toLowerCase().replace('(', '[').replace(/\,*\)\,*/g, ']').replace(/'/g,"\""));
// Intepret the bytes according to the specified dtype
var Typ = descrToConstructor[info.descr];
if (!Typ){
throw new Error('dtype not supported')
var data = new Typ(buf, offsetBytes);
return {
shape: info.shape,
fortran_order: info.fortran_order,
data: data
npy.tobuffer = function(ndarray){
var data =;
var shape = ndarray.shape;
var Typ = data.constructor
var dtype_bytes = constructorNameToNumBytes[];
var headerStr = `{'descr': '${constructorNameToDescr[]}', 'fortran_order': ${['False','True'][Number(ndarray.fortran_order)]}, 'shape': (${shape.join(", ")},), } `
// 64-byte alignment requirement
var p = 0; while ((headerStr.length+10+p) % 64 != 0){p += 1;}
var headlen = headerStr.length+p;
var metalen = headlen+10;
// entire buffer contianing meta info and the data
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(metalen+data.length*dtype_bytes);
var view = new DataView(buf);
view.setUint8(0,147); // \x93
view.setUint8(1,78); // N
view.setUint8(2,85); // U
view.setUint8(3,77); // M
view.setUint8(4,80); // P
view.setUint8(5,89); // Y
//HEADER_LEN (little endian)
var n = ((headlen << 8) & 0xFF00) | ((headlen >> 8) & 0xFF)
for (var i = 0; i < headlen; i++){
if (i < headerStr.length){
view.setUint8(10+i, headerStr.charCodeAt(i));
}else if (i == headlen-1){
view.setUint8(10+i, 0x0a); //newline terminated
view.setUint8(10+i, 0x20); //space pad
// pretend the entire buffer is the same type as the TypedArray
// and modify the underlying data
new Typ(buf).set(data,metalen/dtype_bytes);
return buf;
if (is_node){
npy.load = function(path){
var buf = (new Uint8Array(fs.readFileSync(path))).buffer;
return npy.frombuffer(buf);
} = function(path,ndarray){
var buf = Buffer.from(npy.tobuffer(ndarray));
if (is_node){
module.exports = npy
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