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Last active February 20, 2025 05:47
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Finding contours in binary images and approximating polylines. Implements the same algorithms as OpenCV's findContours and approxPolyDP.
/** Finding contours in binary images and approximating polylines.
* Implements the same algorithms as OpenCV's findContours and approxPolyDP.
* <p>
* Made possible with support from The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO For Creative Inquiry
* At Carnegie Mellon University.
* @author Lingdong Huang
var FindContours = new function(){let that = this;
// give pixel neighborhood counter-clockwise ID's for
// easier access with findContour algorithm
function neighborIDToIndex(i, j, id){
if (id == 0){return [i,j+1];}
if (id == 1){return [i-1,j+1];}
if (id == 2){return [i-1,j];}
if (id == 3){return [i-1,j-1];}
if (id == 4){return [i,j-1];}
if (id == 5){return [i+1,j-1];}
if (id == 6){return [i+1,j];}
if (id == 7){return [i+1,j+1];}
return null;
function neighborIndexToID(i0, j0, i, j){
let di = i - i0;
let dj = j - j0;
if (di == 0 && dj == 1){return 0;}
if (di ==-1 && dj == 1){return 1;}
if (di ==-1 && dj == 0){return 2;}
if (di ==-1 && dj ==-1){return 3;}
if (di == 0 && dj ==-1){return 4;}
if (di == 1 && dj ==-1){return 5;}
if (di == 1 && dj == 0){return 6;}
if (di == 1 && dj == 1){return 7;}
return -1;
// first counter clockwise non-zero element in neighborhood
function ccwNon0(F, w, h, i0, j0, i, j, offset){
let id = neighborIndexToID(i0,j0,i,j);
for (let k = 0; k < N_PIXEL_NEIGHBOR; k++){
let kk = (k+id+offset + N_PIXEL_NEIGHBOR*2) % N_PIXEL_NEIGHBOR;
let ij = neighborIDToIndex(i0,j0,kk);
if (F[ij[0]*w+ij[1]]!=0){
return ij;
return null;
// first clockwise non-zero element in neighborhood
function cwNon0(F, w, h, i0, j0, i, j, offset){
let id = neighborIndexToID(i0,j0,i,j);
for (let k = 0; k < N_PIXEL_NEIGHBOR; k++){
let kk = (-k+id-offset + N_PIXEL_NEIGHBOR*2) % N_PIXEL_NEIGHBOR;
let ij = neighborIDToIndex(i0,j0,kk);
if (F[ij[0]*w+ij[1]]!=0){
return ij;
return null;
* Find contours in a binary image
* <p>
* Implements Suzuki, S. and Abe, K.
* Topological Structural Analysis of Digitized Binary Images by Border Following.
* <p>
* See source code for step-by-step correspondence to the paper's algorithm
* description.
* @param F The bitmap, stored in 1-dimensional row-major form.
* 0=background, 1=foreground, will be modified by the function
* to hold semantic information
* @param w Width of the bitmap
* @param h Height of the bitmap
* @return An array of contours found in the image.
* @see Contour
that.findContours = function(F, w, h) {
// Topological Structural Analysis of Digitized Binary Images by Border Following.
// Suzuki, S. and Abe, K., CVGIP 30 1, pp 32-46 (1985)
let nbd = 1;
let lnbd = 1;
let contours = [];
// Without loss of generality, we assume that 0-pixels fill the frame
// of a binary picture
for (let i = 1; i < h-1; i++){
F[i*w] = 0; F[i*w+w-1]=0;
for (let i = 0; i < w; i++){
F[i] = 0; F[w*h-1-i]=0;
//Scan the picture with a TV raster and perform the following steps
//for each pixel such that fij # 0. Every time we begin to scan a
//new row of the picture, reset LNBD to 1.
for (let i = 1; i < h-1; i++) {
lnbd = 1;
for (let j = 1; j < w-1; j++) {
let i2 = 0, j2 = 0;
if (F[i*w+j] == 0) {
//(a) If fij = 1 and fi, j-1 = 0, then decide that the pixel
//(i, j) is the border following starting point of an outer
//border, increment NBD, and (i2, j2) <- (i, j - 1).
if (F[i*w+j] == 1 && F[i*w+(j-1)] == 0) {
nbd ++;
i2 = i;
j2 = j-1;
//(b) Else if fij >= 1 and fi,j+1 = 0, then decide that the
//pixel (i, j) is the border following starting point of a
//hole border, increment NBD, (i2, j2) <- (i, j + 1), and
//LNBD + fij in case fij > 1.
} else if (F[i*w+j]>=1 && F[i*w+j+1] == 0) {
nbd ++;
i2 = i;
j2 = j+1;
if (F[i*w+j]>1) {
lnbd = F[i*w+j];
} else {
//(c) Otherwise, go to (4).
//(4) If fij != 1, then LNBD <- |fij| and resume the raster
//scan from pixel (i,j+1). The algorithm terminates when the
//scan reaches the lower right corner of the picture
if (F[i*w+j]!=1){lnbd = Math.abs(F[i*w+j]);}
//(2) Depending on the types of the newly found border
//and the border with the sequential number LNBD
//(i.e., the last border met on the current row),
//decide the parent of the current border as shown in Table 1.
// TABLE 1
// Decision Rule for the Parent Border of the Newly Found Border B
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Type of border B'
// \ with the sequential
// \ number LNBD
// Type of B \ Outer border Hole border
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Outer border The parent border The border B'
// of the border B'
// Hole border The border B' The parent border
// of the border B'
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
let B = {};
B.points = []
B.isHole = (j2 == j+1); = nbd;
let B0 = {}
for (let c = 0; c < contours.length; c++){
if (contours[c].id == lnbd){
B0 = contours[c];
if (B0.isHole){
if (B.isHole){
B.parent = B0.parent;
B.parent = lnbd;
if (B.isHole){
B.parent = lnbd;
B.parent = B0.parent;
//(3) From the starting point (i, j), follow the detected border:
//this is done by the following substeps (3.1) through (3.5).
//(3.1) Starting from (i2, j2), look around clockwise the pixels
//in the neigh- borhood of (i, j) and tind a nonzero pixel.
//Let (i1, j1) be the first found nonzero pixel. If no nonzero
//pixel is found, assign -NBD to fij and go to (4).
let i1 = -1, j1 = -1;
let i1j1 = cwNon0(F,w,h,i,j,i2,j2,0);
if (i1j1 == null){
F[i*w+j] = -nbd;
//go to (4)
if (F[i*w+j]!=1){lnbd = Math.abs(F[i*w+j]);}
i1 = i1j1[0]; j1 = i1j1[1];
// (3.2) (i2, j2) <- (i1, j1) ad (i3,j3) <- (i, j).
i2 = i1;
j2 = j1;
let i3 = i;
let j3 = j;
while (true){
//(3.3) Starting from the next elementof the pixel (i2, j2)
//in the counterclock- wise order, examine counterclockwise
//the pixels in the neighborhood of the current pixel (i3, j3)
//to find a nonzero pixel and let the first one be (i4, j4).
let i4j4 = ccwNon0(F,w,h,i3,j3,i2,j2,1);
var i4 = i4j4[0];
var j4 = i4j4[1];
//(a) If the pixel (i3, j3 + 1) is a O-pixel examined in the
//substep (3.3) then fi3, j3 <- -NBD.
if (F[i3*w+j3+1] == 0){
F[i3*w+j3] = -nbd;
//(b) If the pixel (i3, j3 + 1) is not a O-pixel examined
//in the substep (3.3) and fi3,j3 = 1, then fi3,j3 <- NBD.
}else if (F[i3*w+j3] == 1){
F[i3*w+j3] = nbd;
//(c) Otherwise, do not change fi3, j3.
//(3.5) If (i4, j4) = (i, j) and (i3, j3) = (i1, j1)
//(coming back to the starting point), then go to (4);
if (i4 == i && j4 == j && i3 == i1 && j3 == j1){
if (F[i*w+j]!=1){lnbd = Math.abs(F[i*w+j]);}
//otherwise, (i2, j2) + (i3, j3),(i3, j3) + (i4, j4),
//and go back to (3.3).
i2 = i3;
j2 = j3;
i3 = i4;
j3 = j4;
return contours;
function pointDistanceToSegment(p, p0, p1) {
let x = p[0]; let y = p[1];
let x1 = p0[0]; let y1 = p0[1];
let x2 = p1[0]; let y2 = p1[1];
let A = x - x1; let B = y - y1; let C = x2 - x1; let D = y2 - y1;
let dot = A*C+B*D;
let len_sq = C*C+D*D;
let param = -1;
if (len_sq != 0) {
param = dot / len_sq;
let xx; let yy;
if (param < 0) {
xx = x1; yy = y1;
}else if (param > 1) {
xx = x2; yy = y2;
}else {
xx = x1 + param*C;
yy = y1 + param*D;
let dx = x - xx;
let dy = y - yy;
return Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
* Simplify contour by removing definately extraneous vertices,
* without modifying shape of the contour.
* @param polyline The vertices
* @return A simplified copy
* @see approxPolyDP
that.approxPolySimple = function(polyline){
let epsilon = 0.1;
if (polyline.length <= 2){
return polyline;
let ret = []
for (let i = 1; i < polyline.length-1; i++){
let d = pointDistanceToSegment(polyline[i],
if (d > epsilon){
return ret;
* Simplify contour using Douglas Peucker algorithm.
* <p>
* Implements David Douglas and Thomas Peucker,
* "Algorithms for the reduction of the number of points required to
* represent a digitized line or its caricature",
* The Canadian Cartographer 10(2), 112–122 (1973)
* @param polyline The vertices
* @param epsilon Maximum allowed error
* @return A simplified copy
* @see approxPolySimple
that.approxPolyDP = function(polyline, epsilon){
// David Douglas & Thomas Peucker,
// "Algorithms for the reduction of the number of points required to
// represent a digitized line or its caricature",
// The Canadian Cartographer 10(2), 112–122 (1973)
if (polyline.length <= 2){
return polyline;
let dmax = 0;
let argmax = -1;
for (let i = 1; i < polyline.length-1; i++){
let d = pointDistanceToSegment(polyline[i],
if (d > dmax){
dmax = d;
argmax = i;
// console.log(dmax)
let ret = [];
if (dmax > epsilon){
let L = that.approxPolyDP(polyline.slice(0,argmax+1),epsilon);
let R = that.approxPolyDP(polyline.slice(argmax,polyline.length),epsilon);
ret = ret.concat(L.slice(0,L.length-1)).concat(R);
return ret;
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gnodar01 commented Feb 19, 2023

Would you be okay adding a permissive license to this gist? I'd like to use it in a project, if possible.

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