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Justin Linn LinnJS

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# Main Menu Cheat Sheet
> Open a Widget that displays the Main Menu Cheat Sheet
// Name: Main Menu Reference
// Description: List of Main Menu Features
// Index: 0
# Todos "App"
- Creates a json file to read/write todos
- Allows to add, toggle, and remove todos
- Demonstrates using "onTab" and advanced "arg" features
// Name: Todos "App"
// Description: Create/read/update/delete db example
// Author: John Lindquist
# Main Menu Cheat Sheet
| Script | Key |
| ------------------------- | - |
| App Launcher | ; |
| File Browser | / |
| Terminal | > |
| Clipboard | < |
| Calculator | 1-9 |
# Query the OpenAI API
- Prompts the user for an OPENAI_API_KEY
- Prompts the user for a prompt to send to OpenAI
- Sends the prompt to OpenAI
- Displays the response from OpenAI in the built-in editor
// Name: OpenAI Playground
LinnJS /
Last active November 28, 2023 03:29
Philosophies, Technologies, and Acceptance Criteria

Philosophies, Technologies, and Acceptance Criteria

  • Philosophy

    • When building applications I always try to Keep It Super Simple with the least amount of complexities as possible. Just incase use cases do get very complexed I like to make sure our design is as modular as possible so we can be flexible and deal with the complexity in an isolated fashion and to use libraries that have escape hatches out of their patterns just in case we need to overcome a edge case library maintainers did not expect.
    • I always try to keep the patterns as clean and simple as possible so it can be junior developer friendly so people can be productive as early as possible and skill up along the way. I was lucky enough to have an awesome first project so I always try to paying that favor forward.
    • For documentation I always try to write docs that wont have to be updated as we pivot and reference documentation of the libraries we use to demonstrate patterns. This way our docs wont go stale and we will follow the p
LinnJS /
Last active June 7, 2023 16:59
# Homebrew Script for OSX
# To execute: save and run command `chmod +x ./ && ./`
echo "Installing homebrew 🍺..."
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# Set HOME path for homebrew
echo "Configuring homebrew 🎉..."
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am linnjs on github.
* I am linnjs ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASBzE-Slzi4dcoezqpUSO7z4ObxaCuRW0-S-cVoaLEmgMAo
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