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Created March 3, 2010 14:42
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$style = '';
$userid_array = $wp_user_search->get_results();
foreach ($userid_array as $userid ) {
$user_object = new WP_User($userid);
$roles = $user_object->roles;
$role = array_shift($roles);
$userobject_array[] = $user_object;
function cmp($a, $b)
if ($a->roles == $b->roles) {
if ($a->user_registered == $a->user_registered)
return 0;
return ($a->user_registered < $b->user_registered) ? 1 : -1;
return ($a->roles < $b->roles) ? 1 : -1;
usort($userobject_array, "cmp");
foreach ($userobject_array as $user_object ) {
$roles = $user_object->roles;
$role = array_shift($roles);
$style = ( ' class="alternate"' == $style ) ? '' : ' class="alternate"';
echo "\n\t" . user_row($user_object, $style, $role);
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