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Created August 18, 2011 04:04
Show Gist options
  • Save Lobstrosity/1153272 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Lobstrosity/1153272 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gist Embeds Redux
var gistPrefix = '',
fileAnchorPrefix = '#file_',
// Cache document.write so that it can be restored once all Gists have been
// embedded.
cachedWrite = document.write,
body = $('body'),
// Map each p.gist to an object that contains the paragraph to be replaced,
// the Gist's identifier, and the file name (if specified).
gists = $('p.gist').map(function(n, p) {
p = $(p);
var a = $('a', p),
href = a.attr('href'),
// Only return the mapping if a valid a exists in the p.
if (a.length && href.indexOf(gistPrefix) == 0) {
parts = href.substring(gistPrefix.length).split(fileAnchorPrefix);
return {
p: p,
id: parts[0],
else {
return undefined;
embedNextGist = function() {
// If there are no more Gists to embed, restore document.write.
if (gists.length == 0) {
document.write = cachedWrite;
else {
var gist = gists.shift();
// The Gist javascript file consists of a call to document.write to
// write the stylesheet link element and a second call to
// document.write to write the div containing the marked up Gist.
// So, override document.write to catch the first call. And inside
// that override, override document.write again to catch the second
// call.
document.write = function(styleLink) {
// I have a slightly modified version of GitHub's Gist
// stylesheet already included in my page template, so I ignore
// stylesheet written here. If you don't want to do that, you
// could do something here like $('head').append(styleLink);
document.write = function(gistDiv) {
// Replace the original paragraph with the formatted div
// written by the Gist javascript file.
'<scr' + 'ipt src="' + gistPrefix + + '.js' +
(gist.file ? '?file=' + gist.file : '') + '"></scr' + 'ipt>'
// One call to embedNextGist to get the ball rolling.
var e=document.write,f=$("body"),g=$("p.gist").map(function(b,a){var a=$(a),d=$("a",a),c=d.attr("href");if(d.length&&c.indexOf("")==0)return c=c.substring(23).split("#file_"),{a:a,id:c[0],"file")}}).get();function h(){if(g.length==0)document.write=e;else{var b=g.shift();document.write=function(){document.write=function(a){b.a.replaceWith(a);h()}};f.append('<scr'+'ipt src="'".js"+(b.file?"?file="+b.file:"")+'"><\/scr'+'ipt>')}}h();
<p class="gist"><a href="" data-file="firstFile.js">Gist 123: firstFile.js</a></p>
<p class="gist"><a href="">Gist 637764</a></p>
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