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Working from space
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LogIN- / chunked-processor.js
Created February 20, 2025 14:48
NodeJS Module for Partial / Chunked reads of large JSON and XML files
* Chunked/Partial Readers for Large JSON, XML, and Text Files
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* This module provides functions for efficiently reading and processing
* very large files (up to hundreds of gigabytes) in a streaming manner,
* preventing memory overload. It supports JSON, XML, and text formats.
* Usage:
* 1. `xml(parser, callback)`: Stream-process XML files line by line.
* 2. `text(parser, callback)`: Stream-process plain text files line by line.
LogIN- / SailingBoatMetrics.js
Last active January 28, 2024 20:12
A comprehensive JavaScript class for evaluating sailing boat performance and safety. This class, `SailingBoatMetrics`, includes methods to calculate essential metrics such as the Capsize Screening Formula (CSF), Angle of Vanishing Stability (AVS), Displacement to Length Ratio (D/L), Sail Area to Displacement Ratio (SA/D), Ballast Ratio, Length t…
* Class representing the metrics of a sailing boat.
* This class provides functionalities to calculate various metrics relevant to a sailing boat's
* performance and safety. It includes methods to compute ratios and coefficients such as the
* Capsize Screening Formula (CSF), Displacement to Length Ratio (D/L), and others.
* It also allows for normalization and scoring of these metrics for a comprehensive evaluation.
* Measurements can be input in either metric or imperial units, with conversion capabilities
* included. The class provides a scoring system to evaluate the overall performance and safety
## Trick Slack on Linux to always have active status
## Get current pointer location
## xdotool getmouselocation
while [ 1 ]; do
## Move to Outlook
xdotool mousemove 818 38 click 1
Fiduciary License Agreement 2.0 based on the Individual Contributor exclusive License Agreement
Thank you for your interest in contributing to genular development foundation ("We" or "Us").
The purpose of this contributor agreement ("Agreement") is to clarify and document the rights
granted by contributors to Us.
0. Preamble
Software is deeply embedded in all aspects of our lives and it is important that it empower, rather
| feature_count|sql                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |features_hash                    | donors_count|data_source |


LogIN- / frexp.R
Created August 17, 2017 23:49
Extract Mantissa and Exponent of the Floating-Point Value
#!/usr/bin/Rscript --vanilla
# Author: LogIN- <info{@/at}ivantomic{.}com
# License: MIT
# Description:
# Extract Mantissa and Exponent of the Floating-Point Value
# frexp() returns an list containing Mantissa and Exponent of the Floating-Point Value
LogIN- / list_intersect.R
Created August 17, 2017 22:53
Computes the intersection of lists in R
#!/usr/bin/Rscript --vanilla
# Author: LogIN- <info{@/at}ivantomic{.}com
# License: MIT
# Description:
# Computes the intersection of lists
# list_intersect() returns an list containing all the values of list1 that are present in all the arguments. Note that positions are NOT preserved.
LogIN- /
Created August 10, 2017 22:04
Transmission CLI add trackers in BULK
# I was looking for a way to add/modify all trackers in all torrents in my remote transmission instance.
# So I had bunch of old torrents like 500 of them with mostly broken outdated trackers.
# This is a small helper script that will loop over all your torrents and add trackers that finds on torrentz domain.
# I came out on this: little script and modify it a bit.
# Please modify this script that it suits your environment.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# names of latest versions of each package
export NGINX_VERSION=1.7.10
export VERSION_PCRE=pcre-8.36
export VERSION_LIBRESSL=libressl-2.1.3
LogIN- / magento_helpers.php
Created January 24, 2017 08:36
Magento direct database helper functions for faster speed
* Get array of available product SKUs in the Database
* @param array $skus
* @return array
private function _getProductIds($skus)