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Created December 12, 2022 19:25
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Pokestory translation

The Dittos had slowly but surely evolved into a powerful force. They had always been able to transform into any Pokémon, but now they had learned to control and coordinate their abilities.

Instead of openly attacking and conquering world domination, they decided to act stealthily and slowly expand their power. They began to kidnap people and replace them with dittos that could perfectly transform into their victims.

No one noticed what was going on until it was too late. The Dittos had already replaced a considerable number of humans and now controlled many important positions in the government and economy.

The humans and Pokémon that were still free did not know how to fight back. They were outnumbered and the Dittos were everywhere. But a small group of brave humans and Pokémon decided to fight the Dittos and save the world.

They fought valiantly and eventually succeeded in exposing and defeating the Dittos. The world breathed a sigh of relief and the humans and Pokémon lived in peace and freedom once again. However, they learned to always be vigilant and protect themselves from insidious enemies.

Translated with (free version)

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