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Save LoranKloeze/0b21b2a563340091b5b3b9069ea51168 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Special for OSX: this script grabs 802.11 probe requests from the air and puts them on your screen or in a sqlite3-db
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# 802.11 probe requests processor
# Copyright (C) 2017 Ralon cybersecurity
# Loran Kloeze - [email protected] - @lorankloeze
# MIT license: do with it what you want but use it for good
# Tested on OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 - MacBook Air
# This script grabs probe requests from the air and outputs them on the screen
# and/or saves them to a sqlite3-db.
# On the screen it will simply prints a request as it comes in. If the database
# already contains a ssid/mac combination, it is overwritten.
# Reconnect your wifi if your network connection
# is lost after after using this script
# Prerequisites
# - make sure 'tcpdump' is installed and in working order
# - if tcpdump crashes, run this script again using sudo and doublecheck
# your interface
# It should output something like this when screen output is enabled
# Time SSID Mac-address Signal
# 11:23:44 GuestWIFI 23:dd:89:12:3d:ff -89
# 11:24:01 GuestWIFI 23:dd:89:12:3d:ff -87
# 11:23:44 ThomsonFF56D1 67:d1:99:5a:bc:73 -76
# . . . .
# . . . .
# . . . .
import subprocess
import re
import sqlite3
import time
import datetime
import os
### Settings
# The interface that is to be inspected. Make sure monitor mode is enabled for
# this interface.
monitor_dev = "en0"
# Enable output to stdout
output_to_stdout = True
# Enable save output to sqlite3-database
save_to_db = False
# Path of the sqlite3-database.
db_path = "/tmp/probes.db"
# Tcpdump may stop/crash if monitor_dev goes offline. Restart tcpdump in
# restart_delay_sec seconds after it stops/crashes.
restart_delay_sec = 5
### Program
mainConn = 0
mainCursor = 0
def prettyPrint(ant, mac, ssid):
pad_spaces = 32 - len(ssid) # 32 is the max length of a 802.11 SSID
while pad_spaces > 0:
ssid += ' '
pad_spaces -= 1
niceTime ='%H:%M:%S')
print niceTime, ssid, mac, ant
def startProbing():
FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
proc = subprocess.Popen(['tcpdump','-l', '-I', '-i', monitor_dev, '-e', '-s', '256', 'type', 'mgt', 'subtype', 'probe-req'],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=FNULL)
patt = "(-\\d+)dB signal .+SA:([0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+:[0-9a-f]+) .+Probe Request \\((.+)\\)"
while True:
line = proc.stdout.readline()
line = line.rstrip()
if line != '':
m =, line)
if m is not None and len(m.groups()) == 3:
ant =
mac =
ssid =
timestamp = int(time.time())
if output_to_stdout:
prettyPrint(ant, mac, ssid)
if save_to_db:
mainCursor.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO probes VALUES (?,?,?,?)", (ssid, mac, ant, timestamp))
def printIntro():
print '+------------------------------------------------------------+'
print '+ Scanner for enumerating probe requests from base stations +'
print '+ +'
print '+ (c) 2017 Ralon cybersecurity +'
print '+ Loran Kloeze - [email protected] - @lorankloeze +'
print '+ License: MIT +'
print '+ +'
print '+------------------------------------------------------------+'
print 'Using monitor device', monitor_dev
if save_to_db:
print 'Saving requests to database at', db_path
if output_to_stdout:
print 'Pretty printing request is enabled'
print 'It may take a while before the first requests appear'
print 'Start scanning...'
if output_to_stdout:
print 'Time SSID Mac-address Signal'
def main():
if save_to_db:
global mainConn
global mainCursor
mainConn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
mainCursor = mainConn.cursor()
mainCursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS probes
(ssid text, mac text, ant numeric, last_seen numeric)''')
mainCursor.execute('''CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ssid_index ON probes
mainCursor.execute('''CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS last_seen_index ON probes
while True:
print "Tcpdump crashed/stopped, waiting for", restart_delay_sec, "seconds to restart"
if save_to_db:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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