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Last active February 12, 2017 17:07
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  • Save Lord-Haji/8d7db0928bf1e74c663e699cfdef2c65 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Profile: Refactor a bit to display userGroup symbol rather than 'Group' Label
* profile.js
* Displays to users a profile of a given user.
* For order's sake:
* - vip, dev, customtitle, friendcode, and profie were placed in here.
* Updated and restyled by Mystifi; main profile restyle goes out to panpawn/jd/other contributors.
'use strict';
let geoip = require('geoip-lite-country');
// fill in '' with the server IP
let serverIp = Config.serverIp;
function isVIP(user) {
if (!user) return;
if (typeof user === 'object') user = user.userid;
let vip = Db.vips.get(toId(user));
if (vip === 1) return true;
return false;
function isDev(user) {
if (!user) return;
if (typeof user === 'object') user = user.userid;
let dev = Db.devs.get(toId(user));
if (dev === 1) return true;
return false;
function showTitle(userid) {
userid = toId(userid);
if (Db.customtitles.has(userid)) {
return '<font color="' + Db.customtitles.get(userid)[1] +
'">(<b>' + Db.customtitles.get(userid)[0] + '</b>)</font>';
return '';
function devCheck(user) {
if (isDev(user)) return '<font color="#009320">(<b>Developer</b>)</font>';
return '';
function vipCheck(user) {
if (isVIP(user)) return '<font color="#6390F0">(<b>VIP User</b>)</font>';
return '';
function showBadges(user) {
if (Db.userBadges.has(toId(user))) {
let badges = Db.userBadges.get(toId(user));
let css = 'border:none;background:none;padding:0;';
if (typeof badges !== 'undefined' && badges !== null) {
let output = '<td><div style="float: right; background: rgba(69, 76, 80, 0.4); text-align: center; border-radius: 12px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset; margin: 0px 3px;">';
output += ' <table style="' + css + '"> <tr>';
for (let i = 0; i < badges.length; i++) {
if (i !== 0 && i % 4 === 0) output += '</tr> <tr>';
output += '<td><button style="' + css + '" name="send" value="/badges info, ' + badges[i] + '">' +
'<img src="' + Db.badgeData.get(badges[i])[1] + '" height="16" width="16" alt="' + badges[i] + '" title="' + badges[i] + '" >' + '</button></td>';
output += '</tr> </table></div></td>';
return output;
return '';
function getLeague(userid) {
return false; //TEMPORARY
//return SG.getLeague(userid);
function getLeagueRank(userid) {
return 'N/A';
exports.commands = {
vip: {
give: function (target, room, user) {
if (!this.can('declare')) return false;
if (!target) return this.parse('/help', true);
let vipUsername = toId(target);
if (vipUsername.length > 18) return this.errorReply("Usernames cannot exceed 18 characters.");
if (isVIP(vipUsername)) return this.errorReply(vipUsername + " is already a VIP user.");
Db.vips.set(vipUsername, 1);
this.sendReply("|html|" + SG.nameColor(vipUsername, true) + " has been given VIP status.");
if (Users.get(vipUsername)) Users(vipUsername).popup("|html|You have been given VIP status by " + SG.nameColor(, true) + ".");
take: function (target, room, user) {
if (!this.can('declare')) return false;
if (!target) return this.parse('/help', true);
let vipUsername = toId(target);
if (vipUsername.length > 18) return this.errorReply("Usernames cannot exceed 18 characters.");
if (!isVIP(vipUsername)) return this.errorReply(vipUsername + " isn't a VIP user.");
this.sendReply("|html|" + SG.nameColor(vipUsername, true) + " has been demoted from VIP status.");
if (Users.get(vipUsername)) Users(vipUsername).popup("|html|You have been demoted from VIP status by " + SG.nameColor(, true) + ".");
users: 'list',
list: function (target, room, user) {
if (!Db.vips.keys().length) return this.errorReply('There seems to be no user with VIP status.');
let display = [];
Db.vips.keys().forEach(vipUser => {
display.push(SG.nameColor(vipUser, (Users(vipUser) && Users(vipUser).connected)));
this.popupReply('|html|<b><u><font size="3"><center>VIP Users:</center></font></u></b>' + display.join(','));
'': 'help',
help: function (target, room, user) {
'<div style="padding: 3px 5px;"><center>' +
'<code>/vip</code> commands.<br />These commands are nestled under the namespace <code>vip</code>.</center>' +
'<hr width="100%">' +
'<code>give [username]</code>: Gives <code>username</code> VIP status. Requires: & ~' +
'<br />' +
'<code>take [username]</code>: Takes <code>username</code>\'s VIP status. Requires: & ~' +
'<br />' +
'<code>list</code>: Shows list of users with VIP Status' +
dev: {
give: function (target, room, user) {
if (!this.can('declare')) return false;
if (!target) return this.parse('/help', true);
let devUsername = toId(target);
if (devUsername.length > 18) return this.errorReply("Usernames cannot exceed 18 characters.");
if (isDev(devUsername)) return this.errorReply(devUsername + " is already a DEV user.");
Db.devs.set(devUsername, 1);
this.sendReply('|html|' + SG.nameColor(devUsername, true) + " has been given DEV status.");
if (Users.get(devUsername)) Users(devUsername).popup("|html|You have been given DEV status by " + SG.nameColor(, true) + ".");
take: function (target, room, user) {
if (!this.can('declare')) return false;
if (!target) return this.parse('/help', true);
let devUsername = toId(target);
if (devUsername.length > 18) return this.errorReply("Usernames cannot exceed 18 characters.");
if (!isDev(devUsername)) return this.errorReply(devUsername + " isn't a DEV user.");
this.sendReply("|html|" + SG.nameColor(devUsername, true) + " has been demoted from DEV status.");
if (Users.get(devUsername)) Users(devUsername).popup("|html|You have been demoted from DEV status by " + SG.nameColor(, true) + ".");
users: 'list',
list: function (target, room, user) {
if (!Db.devs.keys().length) return this.errorReply('There seems to be no user with DEV status.');
let display = [];
Db.devs.keys().forEach(devUser => {
display.push(SG.nameColor(devUser, (Users(devUser) && Users(devUser).connected)));
this.popupReply('|html|<b><u><font size="3"><center>DEV Users:</center></font></u></b>' + display.join(','));
'': 'help',
help: function (target, room, user) {
'<div style="padding: 3px 5px;"><center>' +
'<code>/dev</code> commands.<br />These commands are nestled under the namespace <code>dev</code>.</center>' +
'<hr width="100%">' +
'<code>give [username]</code>: Gives <code>username</code> DEV status. Requires: & ~' +
'<br />' +
'<code>take [username]</code>: Takes <code>username</code>\'s DEV status. Requires: & ~' +
'<br />' +
'<code>list</code>: Shows list of users with DEV Status' +
title: 'customtitle',
customtitle: {
set: 'give',
give: function (target, room, user) {
if (!this.can('declare')) return false;
target = target.split(',');
if (!target || target.length < 3) return this.parse('/help', true);
let userid = toId(target[0]);
let targetUser = Users.getExact(userid);
let title = target[1].trim();
if (Db.customtitles.has(userid) && Db.titlecolors.has(userid)) {
return this.errorReply(userid + " already has a custom title.");
let color = target[2].trim();
if (color.charAt(0) !== '#') return this.errorReply("The color needs to be a hex starting with '#'.");
Db.customtitles.set(userid, [title, color]);
if (Users.get(targetUser)) {
'|html|You have recieved a custom title from ' + SG.nameColor(, true) + '.' +
'<br />Title: ' + showTitle(toId(targetUser)) +
'<br />Title Hex Color: ' + color
this.logModCommand( + " set a custom title to " + userid + "'s profile.");
return this.sendReply("Title '" + title + "' and color '" + color + "' for " + userid + "'s custom title have been set.");
take: 'remove',
remove: function (target, room, user) {
if (!this.can('declare')) return false;
if (!target) return this.parse('/help', true);
let userid = toId(target);
if (!Db.customtitles.has(userid) && !Db.titlecolors.has(userid)) {
return this.errorReply(userid + " does not have a custom title set.");
if (Users.get(userid)) {
'|html|' + SG.nameColor(, true) + " has removed your custom title."
this.logModCommand( + " removed " + userid + "'s custom title.");
return this.sendReply(userid + "'s custom title and title color were removed from the server memory.");
'': 'help',
help: function (target, room, user) {
if (!user.autoconfirmed) return this.errorReply("You need to be autoconfirmed to use this command.");
if (!this.canTalk()) return this.errorReply("You cannot do this while unable to talk.");
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return;
return this.sendReplyBox(
'<center><code>/customtitle</code> commands<br />' +
'All commands are nestled under the namespace <code>customtitle</code>.</center>' +
'<hr width="100%">' +
'- <code>[set|give] [username], [title], [hex color]</code>: Sets a user\'s custom title. Requires: & ~' +
'- <code>[take|remove] [username]</code>: Removes a user\'s custom title and erases it from the server. Requires: & ~'
fc: 'friendcode',
friendcode: {
add: 'set',
set: function (target, room, user) {
if (room.battle) return this.errorReply("Please use this command outside of battle rooms.");
if (!user.autoconfirmed) return this.errorReply("You must be autoconfirmed to use this command.");
if (!target) return this.parse('/help', true);
let fc = target;
fc = fc.replace(/-/g, '');
fc = fc.replace(/ /g, '');
if (isNaN(fc)) {
return this.errorReply("Your friend code needs to contain only numerical characters.");
if (fc.length < 12) return this.errorReply("Your friend code needs to be 12 digits long.");
fc = fc.slice(0, 4) + '-' + fc.slice(4, 8) + '-' + fc.slice(8, 12);
Db.friendcodes.set(toId(user), fc);
return this.sendReply("Your friend code: " + fc + " has been saved to the server.");
remove: 'delete',
delete: function (target, room, user) {
if (room.battle) return this.errorReply("Please use this command outside of battle rooms.");
if (!user.autoconfirmed) return this.errorReply("You must be autoconfirmed to use this command.");
if (!target) {
if (!Db.friendcodes.has(toId(user))) return this.errorReply("Your friend code isn't set.");
return this.sendReply("Your friend code has been deleted from the server.");
} else {
if (!this.can('lock')) return false;
let userid = toId(target);
if (!Db.friendcodes.has(userid)) return this.errorReply(userid + " hasn't set a friend code.");
return this.sendReply(userid + "'s friend code has been deleted from the server.");
'': 'help',
help: function (target, room, user) {
if (room.battle) return this.errorReply("Please use this command outside of battle rooms.");
if (!user.autoconfirmed) return this.errorReply("You must be autoconfirmed to use this command.");
return this.sendReplyBox(
'<center><code>/friendcode</code> commands<br />' +
'All commands are nestled under the namespace <code>friendcode</code>.</center>' +
'<hr width="100%">' +
'<code>[add|set] [code]</code>: Sets your friend code. Must be in the format 111111111111, 1111 1111 1111, or 1111-1111-1111.' +
'<br />' +
'<code>[remove|delete]</code>: Removes your friend code. Global staff can include <code>[username]</code> to delete a user\'s friend code.' +
'<br />' +
'<code>help</code>: Displays this help command.'
profile: function (target, room, user) {
target = toId(target);
if (!target) target =;
if (target.length > 18) return this.errorReply("Usernames cannot exceed 18 characters.");
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return;
let self = this;
let targetUser = Users.get(target);
let username = (targetUser ? : target);
let userid = (targetUser ? targetUser.userid : toId(target));
let avatar = (targetUser ? (isNaN(targetUser.avatar) ? "http://" + serverIp + ":" + Config.port + "/avatars/" + targetUser.avatar : "" + targetUser.avatar + ".png") : (Config.customavatars[userid] ? "http://" + serverIp + ":" + Config.port + "/avatars/" + Config.customavatars[userid] : ""));
if (targetUser && targetUser.avatar[0] === '#') avatar = '' + targetUser.avatar.substr(1) + '.png';
let userSymbol = (Users.usergroups[userid] ? Users.usergroups[userid].substr(0, 1) : "Regular User");
let userGroup = (Config.groups[userSymbol] ? 'Global ' + Config.groups[userSymbol].name : "Regular User");
let regdate = '(Unregistered)';
SG.regdate(userid, date => {
if (date) {
let d = new Date(date);
let MonthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December",
regdate = MonthNames[d.getUTCMonth()] + ' ' + d.getUTCDate() + ", " + d.getUTCFullYear();
function getLastSeen(userid) {
if (Users(userid) && Users(userid).connected) return '<font color = "limegreen"><strong>Currently Online</strong></font>';
let seen = Db.seen.get(userid);
if (!seen) return '<font color = "red"><strong>Never</strong></font>';
return Chat.toDurationString( - seen, {precision: true}) + " ago.";
function getFlag(userid) {
let ip = (Users(userid) ? geoip.lookup(Users(userid).latestIp) : false);
if (!ip || ip === null) return '';
return '<img src="' + + '.png" alt="' + + '" title="' + + '" width="20" height="10">';
function showProfile() {
Economy.readMoney(toId(username), currency => {
let profile = '';
profile += showBadges(toId(username));
profile += '<img src="' + avatar + '" height="80" width="80" align="left">';
profile += '&nbsp;<font color="#24678d"><b>Name:</b></font> ' + SG.nameColor(username, true, true) + '&nbsp;' + getFlag(toId(username)) + ' ' + showTitle(username) + ' ' + devCheck(username) + vipCheck(username) + '<br />';
profile += '&nbsp;<font color="#24678d"><b>Registered:</b></font> ' + regdate + '<br />';
profile += '&nbsp;<font color="#24678d"><b>' + global.currencyPlural + ':</b></font> ' + currency + '<br />';
profile += '&nbsp;<font color="#24678d"><b>League:</b></font> ' + (getLeague(toId(username)) ? (getLeague(toId(username)) + ' (' + getLeagueRank(toId(username)) + ')') : 'N/A') + '<br />';
profile += '&nbsp;<font color="#24678d"><b>Last Seen:</b></font> ' + getLastSeen(toId(username)) + '</font><br />';
if (Db.friendcodes.has(toId(username))) {
profile += '&nbsp;<div style="display:inline-block;height:5px;width:80px;"></div><font color="#24678d"><b>Friend Code:</b></font> ' + Db.friendcodes.get(toId(username));
profile += '<br clear="all">';
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