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  • Save Lorenz29/7119da4052e08626aa446677cafca024 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Attestation for MACI v2 Trusted Setup Ceremony MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm Lorenz29-31110255 and I have contributed to the MACI v2 Trusted Setup Ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (processmessages_14-9-2-3)
Contributor # 52
Contribution Hash:
db8a3f4b ce755302 b80cd5d4 d5215d08
8ac88db3 1bb64795 e371477a 366ed371
718173d7 8fbccfa9 75709327 c57d5833
728c8f7f a0ca5700 a17347ed d43b68e7
Circuit # 2 (processmessagesnonqv_14-9-2-3)
Contributor # 52
Contribution Hash:
0c10cb85 a6d1be16 d184f798 8f3b0cb4
bf4c2f83 10894639 5b106d2a 2fd51520
6f77641a ab706f44 45f0d4c8 e752c5cc
738188d6 68bb1167 913a406d b28d1d22
Circuit # 3 (tallyvotes_14-5-3)
Contributor # 50
Contribution Hash:
992c1ac7 8d074c38 d6d3ed94 998f0c16
a2d26c82 557a0d94 1e987cbc 708e25ad
942c5a4e 6a7e56e9 f35b0ebd ffdcde7c
6dc7048c cb4b1db9 66cbb38c 12a50e18
Circuit # 4 (tallyvotesnonqv_14-5-3)
Contributor # 48
Contribution Hash:
0aeeaa7e 64e0ea17 ec9bd120 115c2d33
9e620fc8 71a96fd1 1bee686f 4afcaeda
5890c6e9 1e436414 38c60c98 d2fe4ed3
c2a5aeaf 1f1801ff 4f671efd 848d6d78
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