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Last active August 28, 2024 19:09
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Run stuff in the editor with all the convenience of co-routines! Add a status UI super easily to see readouts what your long running code is actually doing! nice~ There is a short API demo at the top of the class. This is a prefect companion for my inspector buttons
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
public class EditorCoroutineRunner
[MenuItem("Window/Lotte's Coroutine Runner: Demo")]
public static void DemoEditorCoroutines()
// adds a menu item to test the coroutine system.
if (!Application.isPlaying)
// lets fire off the demo coroutine with a UI so we can see what its doing. We could also run it without a UI by using EditorCoroutineRunner.StartCoroutine(...)
EditorCoroutineRunner.StartCoroutineWithUI(DemoCoroutiune(), "Lotte's Coroutine Demo", true);
static IEnumerator DemoCoroutiune()
// You can code editor coroutines exactly like you would a normal unity coroutine
Debug.Log("Step: 0");
yield return null;
// all the normal return types that work with regular Unity coroutines should work here! for example lets wait for a second
Debug.Log("Step: 1");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
// We can also yeild any type that extends Unitys CustomYieldInstruction class. here we are going to use EditorStatusUpdate. this allows us to yield and update the
// editor coroutine UI at the same time!
yield return new EditorStatusUpdate("coroutine is running", 0.2f);
// We can also yield to nested coroutines
Debug.Log("Step: 2");
yield return EditorCoroutineRunner.StartCoroutine(DemoTwo());
EditorCoroutineRunner.UpdateUIProgressBar(0.35f); // we can use the UpdateUI helper methods to update the UI whenever, without yielding a EditorStatusUpdate
yield return DemoTwo(); // it shouldnt matter how we start the nested coroutine, the editor runner can hadle it
// we can even yield a WWW object if we want to grab data from the internets!
Debug.Log("Step: 3");
// for example, lets as to generate us a list of random numbers and shove it into the console
var www = new WWW("");
yield return www;
EditorCoroutineRunner.UpdateUI("Half way!", 0.5f);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
// Finally lets do a long runnig task and split its updates over many frames to keep the editor responsive
Debug.Log("Step: 4");
var test = 1000;
yield return new WaitUntil(() => {
EditorCoroutineRunner.UpdateUI("Crunching Numbers: " + test, 0.5f + (((1000 - test) / 1000f) * 0.5f));
return (test <= 0);
static IEnumerator DemoTwo()
Debug.Log("TESTTWO: Starting second test coroutine");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.2f);
Debug.Log("TESTTWO: finished second test coroutine");
[MenuItem("Window/Lotte's Coroutine Runner: Force kill coroutines")]
public static void KillAllCoroutines()
// force kills all running coroutines if something goes wrong.
uiCoroutineState = null;
private static List<EditorCoroutineState> coroutineStates;
private static List<EditorCoroutineState> finishedThisUpdate;
private static EditorCoroutineState uiCoroutineState;
/// <summary>
/// Start a coroutine. equivilent of calling StartCoroutine on a mono behaviour
/// </summary>
public static EditorCoroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator coroutine)
return StoreCoroutine(new EditorCoroutineState(coroutine));
/// <summary>
/// Start a coroutine and display a progress UI. only one EditorCoroutine can display a UI at once. equivilent of calling StartCoroutine on a mono behaviour
/// </summary>
/// <param name="coroutine">coroutine to run</param>
/// <param name="title">Text to show in the UIs title bar</param>
/// <param name="isCancelable">Displays a cancel button if true</param>
public static EditorCoroutine StartCoroutineWithUI(IEnumerator coroutine, string title, bool isCancelable = false)
if (uiCoroutineState != null)
Debug.LogError("EditorCoroutineRunner only supports running one coroutine that draws a GUI! [" + title + "]");
return null;
EditorCoroutineRunner.uiCoroutineState = new EditorCoroutineState(coroutine, title, isCancelable);
return StoreCoroutine(uiCoroutineState);
// Creates objects to manage the coroutines lifecycle and stores them away to be processed
private static EditorCoroutine StoreCoroutine(EditorCoroutineState state)
if (coroutineStates == null)
coroutineStates = new List<EditorCoroutineState>();
finishedThisUpdate = new List<EditorCoroutineState>();
if (coroutineStates.Count == 0)
EditorApplication.update += Runner;
return state.editorCoroutineYieldInstruction;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the status label in the EditorCoroutine runner UI
/// </summary>
public static void UpdateUILabel(string label)
if (uiCoroutineState != null && uiCoroutineState.showUI)
uiCoroutineState.Label = label;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the progress bar in the EditorCoroutine runner UI
/// </summary>
public static void UpdateUIProgressBar(float percent)
if (uiCoroutineState != null && uiCoroutineState.showUI)
uiCoroutineState.PercentComplete = percent;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the status label and progress bar in the EditorCoroutine runner UI
/// </summary>
public static void UpdateUI(string label, float percent)
if (uiCoroutineState != null && uiCoroutineState.showUI)
uiCoroutineState.Label = label ;
uiCoroutineState.PercentComplete = percent;
// Manages running active coroutines!
private static void Runner()
// Tick all the coroutines we have stored
for (int i = 0; i < coroutineStates.Count; i++)
// if a coroutine was finished whilst we were ticking, clear it out now
for (int i = 0; i < finishedThisUpdate.Count; i++)
if (uiCoroutineState == finishedThisUpdate[i])
uiCoroutineState = null;
// stop the runner if were done.
if (coroutineStates.Count == 0)
EditorApplication.update -= Runner;
private static void TickState(EditorCoroutineState state)
if (state.IsValid)
// This coroutine is still valid, give it a chance to tick!
// if this coroutine is the active UI coroutine, give it a chance to update the UI
if (state.showUI && uiCoroutineState == state)
// We have finished running the coroutine, lets scrap it
// Special thanks to Thomas for donating the following two methods
// Github: @ThomasBousquet
// Twitter: @VimesTom
private static bool KillCoroutine(ref EditorCoroutine coroutine, ref List<EditorCoroutineState> states)
foreach (EditorCoroutineState state in states)
if (state.editorCoroutineYieldInstruction == coroutine)
states.Remove (state);
coroutine = null;
return true;
return false;
public static void KillCoroutine(ref EditorCoroutine coroutine)
if (uiCoroutineState.editorCoroutineYieldInstruction == coroutine)
uiCoroutineState = null;
coroutine = null;
EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar ();
if (KillCoroutine (ref coroutine, ref coroutineStates))
if (KillCoroutine (ref coroutine, ref finishedThisUpdate))
internal class EditorCoroutineState
private IEnumerator coroutine;
public bool IsValid
get { return coroutine != null; }
public EditorCoroutine editorCoroutineYieldInstruction;
// current state
private object current;
private Type currentType;
private float timer; // for WaitForSeconds support
private EditorCoroutine nestedCoroutine; // for tracking nested coroutines that are not started with EditorCoroutineRunner.StartCoroutine
private DateTime lastUpdateTime;
// UI
public bool showUI;
private bool cancelable;
private bool canceled;
private string title;
public string Label;
public float PercentComplete;
public EditorCoroutineState(IEnumerator coroutine)
this.coroutine = coroutine;
editorCoroutineYieldInstruction = new EditorCoroutine();
showUI = false;
lastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
public EditorCoroutineState(IEnumerator coroutine, string title, bool isCancelable)
this.coroutine = coroutine;
editorCoroutineYieldInstruction = new EditorCoroutine();
showUI = true;
cancelable = isCancelable;
this.title = title;
Label = "initializing....";
PercentComplete = 0.0f;
lastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;
public void Tick()
if (coroutine != null)
// First check if we have been canceled by the UI. If so, we need to stop before doing any wait processing
if (canceled)
// Did the last Yield want us to wait?
bool isWaiting = false;
var now = DateTime.Now;
if (current != null)
if (currentType == typeof(WaitForSeconds))
// last yield was a WaitForSeconds. Lets update the timer.
var delta = now - lastUpdateTime;
timer -= (float)delta.TotalSeconds;
if (timer > 0.0f)
isWaiting = true;
else if (currentType == typeof(WaitForEndOfFrame) || currentType == typeof(WaitForFixedUpdate))
// These dont make sense in editor, so we will treat them the same as a null return...
isWaiting = false;
else if (currentType == typeof(WWW))
// Web download request, lets see if its done!
var www = current as WWW;
if (!www.isDone)
isWaiting = true;
else if (currentType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(CustomYieldInstruction)))
// last yield was a custom yield type, lets check its keepWaiting property and react to that
var yieldInstruction = current as CustomYieldInstruction;
if (yieldInstruction.keepWaiting)
isWaiting = true;
else if (currentType == typeof(EditorCoroutine))
// Were waiting on another coroutine to finish
var editorCoroutine = current as EditorCoroutine;
if (!editorCoroutine.HasFinished)
isWaiting = true;
else if (typeof(IEnumerator).IsAssignableFrom(currentType))
// if were just seeing an enumerator lets assume that were seeing a nested coroutine that has been passed in without calling start.. were start it properly here if we need to
if (nestedCoroutine == null)
nestedCoroutine = EditorCoroutineRunner.StartCoroutine(current as IEnumerator);
isWaiting = true;
isWaiting = !nestedCoroutine.HasFinished;
else if (currentType == typeof(Coroutine))
Debug.LogError("Nested Coroutines started by Unity's defaut StartCoroutine method are not supported in editor! please use EditorCoroutineRunner.Start instead. Canceling.");
canceled = true;
Debug.LogError("Unsupported yield (" + currentType + ") in editor coroutine!! Canceling.");
canceled = true;
lastUpdateTime = now;
// have we been canceled?
if (canceled)
if (!isWaiting)
// nope were good! tick the coroutine!
bool update = coroutine.MoveNext();
if (update)
// yup the coroutine returned true so its been ticked...
// lets see what it actually yielded
current = coroutine.Current;
if (current != null)
// is it a type we have to do extra processing on?
currentType = current.GetType();
if (currentType == typeof(WaitForSeconds))
// its a WaitForSeconds... lets use reflection to pull out how long the actual wait is for so we can process the wait
var wait = current as WaitForSeconds;
FieldInfo m_Seconds = typeof(WaitForSeconds).GetField("m_Seconds", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (m_Seconds != null)
timer = (float)m_Seconds.GetValue(wait);
else if (currentType == typeof(EditorStatusUpdate))
// Special case yield that wants to update the UI!
var updateInfo = current as EditorStatusUpdate;
if (updateInfo.HasLabelUpdate)
Label = updateInfo.Label;
if (updateInfo.HasPercentUpdate)
PercentComplete = updateInfo.PercentComplete;
// Coroutine returned false so its finally finished!!
private void Stop()
// Coroutine has finished! do some cleanup...
coroutine = null;
editorCoroutineYieldInstruction.HasFinished = true;
public void UpdateUI()
if (cancelable)
canceled = EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar(title, Label, PercentComplete);
if (canceled)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(title, Label, PercentComplete);
/// <summary>
/// Coroutine Yield instruction that allows an Editor Coroutine to update the Coroutine runner UI
/// </summary>
public class EditorStatusUpdate : CustomYieldInstruction
public string Label;
public float PercentComplete;
public bool HasLabelUpdate;
public bool HasPercentUpdate;
public override bool keepWaiting
// always go to the next update
return false;
public EditorStatusUpdate(string label)
HasPercentUpdate = false;
HasLabelUpdate = true;
Label = label;
public EditorStatusUpdate(float percent)
HasPercentUpdate = true;
PercentComplete = percent;
HasLabelUpdate = false;
public EditorStatusUpdate(string label, float percent)
HasPercentUpdate = true;
PercentComplete = percent;
HasLabelUpdate = true;
Label = label;
/// <summary>
/// Created when an Editor Coroutine is started, can be yielded to to allow another coroutine to finish first.
/// </summary>
public class EditorCoroutine : YieldInstruction
public bool HasFinished;
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