Create a file "Manifest.txt" in the root of the project with the code below Open the Terminal/CMD and paste the commands located in file
Change the Main-Class variable with your package name and .java name file Actually :
Main-Class:{.java name file}
Actually :Main-Class: me.loule.Main
Change the direction of the directories Actually :
javac -cp src/ {locate your java file}/*.java -d bin
Exemple :javac -cp src/ src/com/company/*.java -d bin n
Change the direction of the directories Actually :
jar -cvfm build/{Name of your Jar file}.jar Manifest.txt -C bin/ . src/
Exemple :jar -cvfm build/MyGame.jar Manifest.txt -C bin/ . src/
Change the direction of the directories Actually :
java -jar build/{Name of your Jar file}.jar
Exemple :java -jar build/MyGame.jar
I actually have java installed on my laptop nut it still says: "The command jar is either misspelled or could not be found." And I couldn't ind any information on how to install it on Windows 10/11. How did you install it or do I have to move it to WSL every time I want to compile it, compile it and then move it back? Also I tried finding a msys2/mingw64 or 32 executeable that could handle it but sadly no luck there.