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Lewis Liu LuLuSaBee

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tanaikech /
Last active August 12, 2024 04:21
Managing Shared Drive using Drive Service of Google Apps Script

Managing Shared Drive using Drive Service of Google Apps Script

When the method of "Files: list" in Drive API v3, the official document of includeItemsFromAllDrives and supportsAllDrives says as follows.

Deprecated - Whether both My Drive and shared drive items should be included in results. This parameter will only be effective until June 1, 2020. Afterwards shared drive items are included in the results. (Default: false)

Deprecated - Whether the requesting application supports both My Drives and shared drives. This parameter will only be effective until June 1, 2020. Afterwards all applications are assumed to support shared drives. (Default: false)

From this situation, I thought that Drive service might be able to manage the shared Drive from June 1, 2020. So I tested this as follows. As the results, I could confirm that now, the shared Drive got to be able to be mana

rmcdongit /
Last active March 3, 2025 05:38
Apple System Preferences URL Schemes

macOS 10.15 System Preference Panes

Below are a list of System Preference pane URLs and paths that can be accessed with scripting to assist users with enabling macOS security settings without having to walk them through launching System Preferences, finding panes, and scrolling to settings. Not all panes have an accessible anchor and some are OS specific.

To find the Pane ID of a specific pane, open the System Preferences app and select the desired Preference Pane. With the pane selected, open the and run the following script to copy the current Pane ID to your clipboard and display any available anchors:

tell application "System Preferences"
	set CurrentPane to the id of the current pane
	set the clipboard to CurrentPane


Apple will reject apps that are using private url schemes (Ugh, Apple....) if they are pretty much obvius. Some apps are rejected and others are not, so, be aware of this issue before implementing any of those URL's in your app as a feature.


  • [UPDATE 4] iOS 10 update: apparently settings now can be reached using App-Pref instead of prefs
  • [UPDATE 3] For now you just can use url schemes to open your apps's settings with Swift 3.0 (Xcode 8). I'll keep you informed when OS preferences can be reached
  • [UPDATE 2] The openURL() method of UIApplication is now deprecated. You should use application(_:open:options:) instead
  • [UPDATE 1] Not yet tested in iOS 10. It will fail because of policies changes in URL scheme handling.