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Last active June 18, 2018 14:24
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mpi.h"
//------Common base------
typedef int bool;
enum { false, true };
//------Define a struct of four digit number------
typedef struct {
int thousand;
int hundred;
int ten;
int one;
} Number;
//------Exchange the value of two number------
void exchange(int *a, int *b) {
int temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
//------Fill the values of array to struct Number------
void fill(Number *num, int *arr) {
num->thousand = arr[0];
num->hundred = arr[1];
num->ten = arr[2];
num->one = arr[3];
//------Bubble Sort------
void bubbleSort(int *arr, int size, bool (*predicate)(int, int)) {
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
int *prev = arr+i;
for(int j=i+1; j<size; j++) {
int *current = arr+j;
if((*predicate)(*prev, *current) == true) exchange(prev, current);
//------If a is less than b, then the return value is true------
bool less(int a, int b) {
if(a<b) return true;
else return false;
//------If a is greater than or equal to b, then the return value is true------
bool greaterEqual(int a, int b) {
if(less(a,b)==true) return false;
else return true;
//------Substract two number and return the result------
int diff(Number *arr) {
int bigger = arr->thousand*1000 + arr->hundred*100 + arr->ten*10 + arr->one;
int smaller = (arr+1)->thousand*1000 + (arr+1)->hundred*100 + (arr+1)->ten*10 + (arr+1)->one;
int result = bigger-smaller;
//printf("%d - %d = %d\n", bigger, smaller, result);
return result;
//------Reorder orignal number to get two number while one is biggest and other smallest------
//------ and then return the result of substraction------
int get(Number ori) {
int num[4] = {ori.thousand, ori.hundred, ori.ten,};
Number ret[2];
bubbleSort(num, 4, less);
fill(ret, num);
bubbleSort(num, 4, greaterEqual);
fill(ret+1, num);
return diff(ret);
//------Give a number to see whether it can be computed to be 6174 in limited trials------
bool compute(int num, int cnt) {
if(cnt==0) return false;
Number n;
int rem = 0;
n.thousand = num/1000;
rem = num%1000;
n.hundred = rem/100;
rem = rem%100;
n.ten = rem/10;
rem = rem%10; = rem;
if(n.thousand==n.hundred && n.hundred==n.ten && return 0;
int newNum = get(n);
if(newNum == 6174) return true;
else return compute(newNum, cnt-1);
int DEFAULT_CNT = 7;
//------Entry method------
void calc(int low, int high) {
//compute(num, DEFAULT_CNT);
int cnt = 0;
bool hasFailed = false;
printf("Testing %d-%d \n", low, high);
for(int i=low; i<high; i++) {
bool result = compute(i, DEFAULT_CNT);
if(result == false) {
if(hasFailed == false) {
printf("Failed number => ");
hasFailed = true;
printf("%d ", i);
if(cnt==0) {
printf("\n Testing finished, All passed. \n");
} else {
printf("\n Testing finished, Failed count: [%d]\n", cnt);
int main(void)
int rank;
int size;
MPI_Init( 0, 0 );
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int lowBound = 1000;
int highBound = 9999;
int last = size-1;
int total = highBound-lowBound+1;
int eachSize = total/size;
printf("===Running on node0%d===\n", rank+1);
if(rank==last) {
calc(lowBound+rank*eachSize, highBound);
} else {
calc(lowBound+rank*eachSize, lowBound+(rank+1)*eachSize);
return 0;
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