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EventHorizon is a framework for creating MVVM applications [WIP in progress] (all rights reserved for now)
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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namespace EventHorizon.Backend.Model | |
open System | |
open System.Data.Entity | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Extension.DbContextModule | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Extension.DbModelBuilderModule | |
module Config = | |
//Extend with new members. | |
type DbModelBuilder with | |
//Set some defaults so we can have convention over configuration. | |
member this.DefaultConfiguration ( context : DbContext ) = | |
this.PrimaryKey( "Id" ) | |
.Require<DateTime>() | |
.Require<decimal>() | |
.Require<int>() | |
.Require( "Name" ) | |
.Require( "Description" ) | |
.HasDefaultSchema ( context.Name ) |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
namespace EventHorizon.Backend.Extension | |
open System | |
open System.Linq | |
open System.Data.Common | |
open System.Data.Entity | |
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations | |
open System.Data.Entity.Migrations | |
open System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure | |
open System.Data.Entity.Core.Metadata.Edm | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.ExpressionHelpers | |
module DbContextModule = | |
exception RelationShipException of string | |
//Return if an entity of type T is attached to this context. | |
let isAttached ( context : DbContext, getId, entity ) = | |
let memberSet = context.Set<'T> () | |
memberSet.Local.Any ( fun e -> getId e = getId entity ) | |
//Return an entity of type T that is attached to this context. | |
let getAttached ( context : DbContext, getId, entity ) = | |
let memberSet = context.Set<'T> () | |
memberSet.Local.Single ( fun e -> getId e = getId entity ) | |
//Classify our entity state. | |
let (| NewEntity | AttachedEntity | DetachedEntity |) | |
( context : DbContext, getId, entity ) = | |
match entity with | |
| e when getId e = 0 -> NewEntity | |
| e when isAttached ( context, getId, e ) -> | |
AttachedEntity ( getAttached ( context, getId, e ) ) | |
| _ -> DetachedEntity | |
//Table creation facility type. | |
type Table<'T when 'T : not struct> () = | |
[<DefaultValue>] | |
val mutable table : DbSet<'T> | |
//Function used to declare Tables on DbContext. | |
let inline table<'T when 'T : not struct> () = | |
let table = new Table<'T> () | |
table.table | |
//Extend with new members. | |
type DbContext with | |
//Don't mutate the context in case of errors. | |
member this.SafeSaveChanges () = | |
try | |
this.SaveChanges () | |
with e -> | |
let entries = this.ChangeTracker.Entries () | |
entries |> Seq.iter ( fun entry -> | |
entry.State <- EntityState.Detached ) | |
raise e | |
//list all the entities. | |
member this.Seq () = | |
this.Set<'T> () |> seq | |
//Add an entity or update based on its state. | |
member this.AddOrUpdate getId entity = | |
let memberSet = this.Set<'T> () | |
let newState = | |
match this, getId, entity with | |
| NewEntity -> | |
memberSet.Add entity | |
| AttachedEntity attached -> | |
let entry = this.Entry<'T> attached | |
let o = box entity | |
entry.CurrentValues.SetValues o | |
attached | |
| _ -> | |
let entry = this.Entry<'T> entity | |
memberSet.Attach entity |> ignore | |
entry.State <- EntityState.Modified | |
entity | |
// try | |
this.SafeSaveChanges () |> ignore | |
// with | |
// | :? System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException as s -> | |
// RelationShipException s.Message |> raise | |
newState | |
//Remove an entity or delete it based on its state. | |
member this.Delete getId entity = | |
let entry = this.Entry<'T> entity | |
let memberSet = this.Set<'T> () | |
match this, getId, entity with | |
| AttachedEntity attached -> | |
memberSet.Remove attached |> ignore | |
| _ -> | |
memberSet.Attach entity |> ignore | |
entry.State <- EntityState.Deleted | |
// try | |
this.SafeSaveChanges () |> ignore | |
// with | |
// | :? System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException as s -> | |
// RelationShipException s.Message |> raise | |
//Add or update a list of entities. | |
member this.AddOrUpdateMany getId entities = | |
let save = this.AddOrUpdate getId | |
entities |> save | |
//Add or update a list of entities. | |
member this.DeleteMany getId entities = | |
let delete = this.Delete getId | |
entities |> List.iter delete | |
entities | |
//Name of the context. | |
member this.Name = this.GetType().Name | |
//Eager load an entity. | |
let eagerLoad ( loader : ('T -> 'R) Expr ) ( query : 'T IQueryable ) = | |
query.Include ( loader |> toLinq ) | |
//Eager load an entity. | |
let eagerLoadEntry ( loader : Func<'T, 'R> Expr ) ( context : DbContext ) = | |
let p = match loader with QuotedProperty pi -> pi | |
let r = p.PropertyType.Name | |
fun ( entity : 'T ) -> | |
context.Entry( entity ).Reference( r ).Load () | |
entity | |
//Eager load an entity. | |
let eagerLoadSubEntry extractor loader context = | |
fun entity -> | |
entity |> extractor |> eagerLoadEntry loader context |> ignore | |
entity | |
//Fake load a child entity, only used to avoid null errors on GetHashCode. | |
let fakeLoadEntry ( loader : Func<'T, 'R> Expr ) ( context : DbContext ) = | |
let p = match loader with QuotedProperty pi -> pi | |
let setter = p.GetSetMethod () | |
fun ( entity : 'T ) -> | |
let subEntity = Activator.CreateInstance p.PropertyType | |
setter.Invoke ( entity, [| subEntity |] ) |> ignore | |
entity | |
//Finds the associated relationship between two entities in the model. | |
let getRelationShip ( parentType : Type ) ( entityType : Type ) ( context : DbContext ) = | |
let adp = context :> IObjectContextAdapter | |
let ctx = adp.ObjectContext | |
let space = Core.Metadata.Edm.DataSpace.CSpace | |
let items = ctx.MetadataWorkspace.GetItems<AssociationType> ( space ) | |
items | |
|> Seq.filter ( fun a -> a.IsForeignKey ) | |
|> ( fun a -> | |
let refc = a.ReferentialConstraints |> Seq.exactlyOne | |
let pk = refc.FromProperties |> Seq.exactlyOne | |
let fk = refc.ToProperties |> Seq.exactlyOne | |
( pk, fk ) ) | |
|> Seq.filter ( fun ( pk, fk ) -> | |
let e1 = pk.DeclaringType.Name | |
let e2 = fk.DeclaringType.Name | |
( e1 = parentType.Name && e2 = entityType.Name ) ) | |
|> ( fun ( pk, fk ) -> | |
( pk.Name, fk.Name ) ) | |
|> Seq.exactlyOne | |
//Define the query used for navigation. | |
let inline navigatorQuery ( tmpContext : 'C ) ( t : 'T ) ( r : 'R ) = | |
let ( pkName, fkName ) = getRelationShip typeof<'T> typeof<'R> tmpContext | |
let queryPrimaryKey = quotedProperty<'T, int> pkName | |
let queryForeignKey = quotedProperty<'R, int> fkName | |
fun ( context : 'C ) parentEntity -> | |
let id = queryPrimaryKey |> runExpr <| parentEntity | |
<@ query { | |
for entity in context.Set<'R> () do | |
where ( (%queryForeignKey) entity = id ) | |
select entity } @> | |
//Define our EF navigator type. | |
type NavigatorMemoize<'C, 'T, 'R when 'T : not struct | |
and 'R : not struct | |
and 'C : (new : unit -> 'C) | |
and 'C :> DbContext> () = | |
static let query = | |
let tmpContext = new 'C () | |
let t = Unchecked.defaultof<'T> | |
let r = Unchecked.defaultof<'R> | |
navigatorQuery tmpContext t r | |
static member Query = query | |
//Function used to declare an EF navigator property. | |
let navigator<'C, 'T, 'R when 'T : not struct | |
and 'R : not struct | |
and 'C : (new : unit -> 'C) | |
and 'C :> DbContext> entity = | |
//TODO: new context not a good idea, it made things simpler though. | |
let context = new 'C () | |
let q = NavigatorMemoize<'C, 'T, 'R>.Query | |
entity |> q context |> runQuery | |
//Seed function to run when the context is initialized. | |
type ContextSeed = | |
//Execute some data seeding on preparation. | |
abstract OnSeed : unit -> unit | |
//Migrate the context database if needed. | |
type DatabaseCreate<'C when 'C :> DbContext | |
and 'C :> ContextSeed> () = | |
inherit CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<'C> () | |
//Seed the database when it's created for the first time. | |
override this.Seed context = | |
context.OnSeed () | |
//Base connection | |
type BaseDbConnection () = | |
[<ThreadStatic>] [<DefaultValue>] | |
static val mutable private instance : BaseDbConnection | |
static member Instance = | |
if obj.ReferenceEquals ( BaseDbConnection.instance, null ) | |
then BaseDbConnection.instance <- new BaseDbConnection () | |
BaseDbConnection.instance | |
member val Cns : DbConnection option = None with get, set | |
//Setup the connection, inherit from this on contexts. | |
//We replace the EF's default initialization behavior. | |
type BaseDbContext<'C when 'C :> DbContext | |
and 'C :> ContextSeed> () = | |
inherit DbContext ( BaseDbContext<'C>.Connect () , false ) | |
//Use that specific database connection (per Thread). | |
static member Connect () : DbConnection = | |
match BaseDbConnection.Instance.Cns with | |
| Some i -> i | |
| _ -> | |
let d = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings | |
let cns = d.Item "DefaultConnection" | |
let prov = cns.ProviderName | |
let factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory prov | |
let cn = factory.CreateConnection () | |
cn.ConnectionString <- cns.ConnectionString | |
cn | |
//Do some preparation before. | |
abstract PrepareDatabase : unit -> unit | |
//We replace the default initializer with ours so we can get the Seed hook. | |
default this.PrepareDatabase () = | |
//FIXME: hack, find a better way to know if we are a debug build. | |
#if DEBUG | |
let lastest = new DatabaseCreate<'C> () | |
#else | |
let lastest = new NullDatabaseInitializer<'C> () | |
#endif | |
Database.SetInitializer<'C> lastest |> ignore | |
this.Database.Initialize false | |
//Forward a seed function. | |
interface ContextSeed with | |
//Do nothing here for now. | |
override this.OnSeed () = () | |
//This is used only to create the database itself, regardless of the context. | |
type EmptyContext () = | |
inherit BaseDbContext<EmptyContext> () | |
//Create the database when the preparation happens. | |
override this.PrepareDatabase () = | |
this.Database.CreateIfNotExists () |> ignore |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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namespace EventHorizon.Backend.Model.Selection | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Helpers | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.TypeHelpers | |
[<AutoOpen>] | |
module DataSelectionModule = | |
//Column name. | |
type DataColumn = string | |
//Column ordering. | |
type Operator = | |
| LessThan | |
| LessOrEqualThan | |
| Equal | |
| GreaterOrEqualThan | |
| GreaterThan | |
| Like | |
//List of filters, filter are combined by logical AND. | |
[<CLIMutable>] | |
type DataFiltering<'T> = { | |
Filters : ( DataColumn * obj * Operator ) list | |
} | |
//Column ordering. | |
type Ordering = Ascending | Descending | |
//Data sorting. | |
[<CLIMutable>] | |
type DataSorting = { | |
Columns : ( DataColumn * Ordering ) list | |
} | |
//Paging. | |
[<CLIMutable>] | |
type DataPaging = { | |
PageNumber : int | |
PageCount : int | |
RecordCount : int | |
TotalRecordCount : int | |
} | |
//Relational algebra selection (where/order). | |
[<CLIMutable>] | |
type DataSelection<'T> = { | |
Sorter : DataSorting | |
Paginator : DataPaging | |
Filter : 'T DataFiltering | |
} | |
//An input type to filter data. | |
type DataSelect<'T> = | |
| AllData | |
| Key of int | |
| Selector of 'T DataSelection | |
| Total of 'T DataFiltering | |
//An output type for processed data. | |
type DataReturn<'T> = | |
| Records of 'T seq | |
| Totals of int | |
//Helper function. | |
let ofRecords = function | |
| Records r -> r |> Seq.filter isNotNull | |
| _ -> Seq.empty | |
let nullListCheck l = l |> nullCheck |> whenNone ( fun _ -> [] ) | |
//Deep copy. | |
let inline sortingDeepCopy o = | |
match nullCheck o with | |
| Some s -> { Columns = s.Columns |> nullListCheck |> ( id ) } | |
| _ -> { Columns = [] } | |
//Deep copy. | |
let inline pagingDeepCopy o = | |
match nullCheck o with | |
| Some p -> { PageNumber = p.PageNumber | |
PageCount = p.PageCount | |
RecordCount = p.RecordCount | |
TotalRecordCount = p.TotalRecordCount } | |
| _ -> { PageNumber = 1 | |
PageCount = 1 | |
RecordCount = 10 | |
TotalRecordCount = -1 } | |
//Deep copy. | |
let inline filteringDeepCopy o = | |
match nullCheck o with | |
| Some f -> | |
let copy ( columns, template, operator ) = ( columns, cloneObject template, operator ) | |
{ Filters = f.Filters |> nullListCheck |> copy } | |
| _ -> | |
{ Filters = [] } | |
//Deep copy. | |
let inline selectionDeepCopy s = | |
{ Sorter = s.Sorter |> sortingDeepCopy | |
Paginator = s.Paginator |> pagingDeepCopy | |
Filter = s.Filter |> filteringDeepCopy } | |
//Deep copy. | |
let inline selectorDeepCopy selector = | |
match selector with | |
| AllData -> AllData | |
| Key i -> Key i | |
| Selector s -> s |> selectionDeepCopy |> Selector | |
| Total i -> i |> filteringDeepCopy |> Total | |
//Provide a constructor for the cloning framework. | |
type DataSelection<'T> with | |
static member Create ( from : obj ) = | |
let o = from :?> DataSelection<obj> | |
selectionDeepCopy o | |
//Provide a constructor for the cloning framework. | |
type DataFiltering<'T> with | |
static member Create ( from : obj ) = | |
let o = from :?> DataFiltering<obj> | |
filteringDeepCopy o |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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namespace EventHorizon.Backend.Model.ChangedData | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Helpers | |
[<AutoOpen>] | |
module DataStoreModule = | |
//Type used to tell what kind of data we're working with, | |
//used to avoid errors when misordering some parameters that have | |
//the same type. | |
type NewData<'T> = NewData of 'T with | |
member this.value = match this with NewData d -> d | |
//Type used to encapsulate new data besides old data. | |
type ChangedData<'T> = ChangedData of 'T option * 'T NewData option with | |
member this.value = match this with ChangedData ( a, b ) -> ( a, b ) | |
//Function used to encapsulate new data with no old data. | |
let changedData data = | |
ChangedData ( None, Some ( NewData data ) ) | |
//Function used to create the before mentioned type. | |
let toChangedData ( data, newData ) = | |
( ChangedData ( data, newData ) ) | |
//Function used to retrieve new data from the encapsulated type or | |
//the old one if there isn't any new data. | |
let fromChangedData data = | |
match data with | |
| ChangedData ( _, Some ( NewData d ) ) -> d | |
| ChangedData ( Some d, _ ) -> d | |
| _ -> dbNull None | |
//Obtain old data. | |
let obtainChangedData readSome entity = | |
let oldData = readSome entity | |
let newData = NewData entity | |
( oldData, Some newData ) |> toChangedData | |
//Mark old data as deleter. | |
let markDeletedData entity = | |
match entity with | |
| ChangedData ( Some d, _ ) -> | |
ChangedData ( Some d, None ) | |
| _ -> | |
ChangedData ( None, None ) |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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namespace EventHorizon.Backend.Controller.Entity | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
type OldIdSelector = { Id : int } | |
type SubKeyType = int | |
type EntityController<'T when 'T : not struct> ( controller ) = | |
inherit Controller<Entities, 'T, 'T> ( controller ) | |
type ProcessEntityController<'T when 'T : not struct> ( controller ) = | |
inherit ReadWriteController<Entities, 'T, 'T> ( controller ) | |
type ReadOnlyEntityController<'T when 'T : not struct> ( controller ) = | |
inherit ReadOnlyController<Entities, 'T, 'T> ( controller ) | |
type SubEntityController<'T, 'S when 'T : not struct | |
and 'S : not struct> ( controller ) = | |
inherit ParametrizedReadOnlyController<Entities, 'S, SubKeyType, 'S> ( controller | |
( | |
fun context λ -> | |
let tmp = entitySet context | |
let entity : 'T = tmp.Create () | |
{ entity with Id = id } | |
) ) | |
type SubSubEntityController<'T, 'I, 'S when 'T : not struct | |
and 'I : not struct | |
and 'S : not struct> ( controller ) = | |
inherit ParametrizedReadOnlyController<Entities, 'S, SubKeyType, 'S> ( controller ) | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
module EntityModule = | |
//Filter some input mask. | |
let filterMask s = | |
[| "/"; "."; "-"; "_" |] | |
|> Seq.fold ( fun ( p : string ) i -> p.Replace ( i, String.Empty ) ) s | |
open EntityModule | |
type AddressController () = | |
inherit EntityController<Address> ( controller simpleMapper ) | |
type CustomerController () = | |
inherit EntityController<Customer> ( controller | |
<| onResult | |
( | |
eagerLoadEntry <@ Func<_, _> ( fun λ -> λ.Address ) @> | |
) | |
@+ onAddOrUpdate | |
( | |
fun ctx λ -> | |
let changes = | |
{ λ with | |
Eid = filterMask λ.Eid | |
Address = | |
{ λ.Address with | |
PostalCode = filterMask λ.Address.PostalCode } } | |
ctx.AddOrUpdate getId changes.Address |> ignore | |
changes | |
) ) | |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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namespace EventHorizon.Backend.Controller.Entity | |
open System | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Helpers | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Controller | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.TypeHelpers | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Model.Entities | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Model.Selection | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Model.ChangedData | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.ExpressionHelpers | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Controller.Selector | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Extension.DbContextModule | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Model.HighOrder.EntitySetModule | |
[<AutoOpen>] | |
module EntityControllerModule = | |
//Add traits and connect to the store. | |
let inline controller mapper context operation = | |
let table = entitySet context | |
selectorController table.Query restController table.FindById operation | |
|> mapper context | |
|> mapResult table.AddOrUpdateMany table.DeleteMany | |
//Add traits and connect to the store. | |
let inline postController mapper context operation = | |
let table = entitySet context | |
let readSome = getId >> table.FindById | |
let obtain = obtainChangedData readSome | |
let deleted _ = markDeletedData | |
selectorController table.Query rpcController table.FindById operation | |
|> applyOperation ( obtain ) | |
|> onRemove deleted None | |
|> mapper context | |
|> applyOperation ( fromChangedData ) | |
|> mapResult table.AddOrUpdateMany table.DeleteMany | |
//Add traits and connect to the store. | |
let inline readOnlyController mapper context operation = | |
let table = entitySet context | |
selectorController table.Query readController table.FindById operation | |
|> mapper context | |
|> mapResult pass pass | |
open SingleControllerModule | |
//This is the relationship navigator controller. | |
let subController mapper convert context operation parameter = | |
let navigate = navigatorQuery context _tp<'T> _tp<'R> | |
let readOne _ = None | |
let readData _ = | |
parameter | |
|> convert context | |
|> navigate context | |
|> runQuery | |
|> Seq.toList //stop lazy loading, fetch the IEnumerable | |
|> Seq.ofList | |
|> Records | |
readController readData readOne <| Get None | |
|> mapper context | |
|> mapResult pass pass | |
//Parametrized controller, inverse curried. | |
let inline subSubController convert mapper = | |
subController mapper convert | |
//Custom query controller. | |
let queryController query mapper context operation parameter = | |
let readOne _ = None | |
let readData _ = | |
parameter | |
|> query context | |
|> runQuery | |
|> Seq.toList //stop lazy loading, fetch the IEnumerable | |
|> Seq.ofList | |
|> Records | |
readController readData readOne <| Get None | |
|> mapper context | |
|> mapResult pass pass | |
//Encapsulate function to pass to onResult | |
let onChangedResult fn ctx = | |
let wrap c = fromChangedData >> fn c >> changedData | |
onResult wrap ctx | |
//Encapsulate function to pass to onOperation | |
let onOperationResult filter ctx = | |
onOperation ( fun _ -> filter ) ctx | |
>> applyOperation ( Seq.filter Option.isSome ) | |
>> applyOperation ( Option.get ) |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
namespace EventHorizon.Backend.Model.HighOrder | |
open System | |
open System.Linq | |
open System.Data.Entity | |
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.ExpressionHelpers | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Extension.DbContextModule | |
module EntitySetModule = | |
//Just a type helper. | |
type KeyType = int | |
//Just a type helper. | |
type EntityKey<'T> = ('T -> KeyType) | |
//Just a type helper. | |
type CompareEntity<'T> = ('T -> 'T -> bool) | |
//Type T must have a member called Id that is a property | |
//of the type of the key. | |
let inline getId ( entity : ^T ) = | |
(^T : (member Id : KeyType) entity) | |
//Type T must have a member called queryId that returns a | |
//lambda expression that gets the value of a property of | |
//the type of the key. | |
let inline queryId () = | |
(^T : (static member queryId : 'T EntityKey Expr) ()) | |
//Extended entity set for all the entities types. | |
//This is our high-order type extended with the needed | |
//functions that are common to all entities of that type. | |
//We are actually emulating Haskell's type-classes here. | |
type EntitySet<'T, 'C | |
when 'T : not struct | |
and 'C :> DbContext> = { | |
context : 'C | |
getId : 'T EntityKey | |
queryId : 'T EntityKey Expr | |
} with | |
//Add an entity or update an entity. | |
member this.Create () = | |
Activator.CreateInstance<'T> () | |
//Return a fresh entity for the specified id. | |
member this.FindById id = | |
<@ query { | |
for entity in this.context.Set<'T> () do | |
where ( (%this.queryId) entity = id ) | |
select entity } @> | |
|> runQuery |> Seq.tryHead | |
//List all the entities of the type. | |
member this.Seq () = | |
this.context.Seq<'T> () | |
//Add an entity or update an entity. | |
member this.AddOrUpdate entity = | |
this.context.AddOrUpdate<'T> this.getId entity | |
//Add or update a list of entities. | |
member this.AddOrUpdateMany entities = | |
this.context.AddOrUpdateMany<'T> this.getId entities | |
//Remove or delete an entity. | |
member this.DeleteMany entity = | |
this.context.DeleteMany<'T> this.getId entity | |
//Return an IQueryable for the type. | |
member this.Query () = | |
<@ query { | |
for entity in this.context.Set<'T> () do | |
select entity } @> | |
//Count the records. | |
member this.Count () = | |
<@ query { | |
for entity in this.context.Set<'T> () do | |
count } @> | |
|> runQueryValue | |
//This function specialize the type because the dotnet framework doesn't | |
//support generalized high-order types on object definitions. | |
//Template is only used to know the correct entity type, you can use None | |
//for F# to infer it, it will return an infered EntitySet type. | |
let inline entitySet context = | |
{ | |
context = context | |
getId = getId | |
queryId = queryId () | |
} |
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namespace EventHorizon.Frontend.Controller | |
open System | |
open System.Net | |
open System.Web | |
open System.Linq | |
open System.Web.Mvc | |
open System.Net.Http | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Helpers | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Controller | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.TypeHelpers | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Model.Queues | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.WebApiHelpers | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Model.Entities | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Model.Selection | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Controller.Queue | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Controller.Entity | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Controller.Selector | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Controller.Identity | |
open EventHorizon.Frontend.Model | |
open EventHorizon.Frontend.Extension.ViewDataExtension | |
[<AutoOpen>] | |
module RouteControllerModule = | |
type InputOverload = | |
| All | |
| Id of int Nullable | |
| Filter of string | |
| Total of string | |
| Parameter of (int * int Nullable) | |
let inline fGetAll ( controller : ^C ) = | |
fun () -> (^C : (member GetAll : unit -> 'T seq) ( controller ) ) | |
let inline fGetById ( controller : ^C ) = | |
fun id -> (^C : (member GetById : int Nullable -> 'T seq) ( controller, id ) ) | |
let inline fGetByFilter ( controller : ^C ) = | |
fun query -> (^C : (member GetByFilter : string -> 'T seq) ( controller, query ) ) | |
let inline fGetTotal ( controller : ^C ) = | |
fun query -> (^C : (member GetTotal : string -> int) ( controller, query ) ) | |
let inline fGetParameter ( controller : ^C ) = | |
fun i1 i2 -> (^C : (member Get : int * int Nullable -> 'T seq) ( controller, i1, i2 ) ) | |
type Backend ( m : Type , vm : Type, f : InputOverload -> obj seq ) = | |
member this.M = m | |
member this.VM = vm | |
member this.Fn = f | |
let inline backend<'M, 'C, 'VM when 'C : (new : unit -> 'C) | |
and 'C : (member GetAll : unit -> 'M seq) | |
and 'C : (member GetById : int Nullable -> 'M seq) | |
and 'C : (member GetByFilter : string -> 'M seq) | |
and 'C : (member GetTotal : string -> int) > () = | |
let c = new 'C () | |
let outp = ( cloneObject<'VM> >> box ) | |
let outv = box >> Seq.singleton | |
let runController input = | |
match input with | |
| All -> () |> fGetAll c |> outp | |
| Id i -> i |> fGetById c |> outp | |
| Filter f -> f |> fGetByFilter c |> outp | |
| Total t -> t |> fGetTotal c |> outv | |
| _ -> Seq.empty | |
Backend ( typeof<'M>, typeof<'VM>, runController ) | |
let inline backend2<'M, 'C, 'VM when 'C : (new : unit -> 'C) | |
and 'C : (member Get : int * int Nullable -> 'M seq) > () = | |
let c = new 'C () | |
let outp = ( cloneObject<'VM> >> box ) | |
let runController input = | |
match input with | |
| Parameter ( p1, p2 ) -> fGetParameter c p1 p2 |> outp | |
| _ -> Seq.empty | |
Backend ( typeof<'M>, typeof<'VM>, runController ) | |
let typeList = [| | |
backend< Address , AddressController , AddressModel > () | |
backend< Customer , CustomerController , CustomerModel > () | |
backend< Journal , JournalController , JournalModel > () | |
|] | |
let typeList2 = [| | |
backend2< CustomerProduct , CustomerCustomerProductController , CustomerProductModel > () | |
backend2< UserPermission , UserUserPermissionController , UserPermissionModel > () | |
backend2< SaleProduct , SaleSaleProductController , SaleProductModel > () | |
backend2< PaymentItem , PaymentPaymentItemController , PaymentItemModel > () | |
backend2< PaymentItemSelector , PaymentPaymentItemSelectorController , PaymentItemSelectorModel > () | |
|] | |
let tryFind ( name : string ) types = | |
types | |
|> Seq.tryFind ( fun ( b : Backend ) -> b.VM.Name.ToLower () = name + "model" ) | |
let mapController controllers name input = | |
controllers | |
|> tryFind name | |
|> whenSome ( fun i -> i.Fn input ) | |
|> whenNone ( fun _ -> Seq.empty ) | |
let noLazy = Seq.toList >> Seq.ofList | |
let controllerGetAll this entity = | |
All | |
|> mapController typeList entity | |
|> noLazy | |
let controllerGetId this entity id = | |
Id id | |
|> mapController typeList entity | |
|> noLazy | |
|> Seq.head | |
let controllerGetFilter this entity selector = | |
selector | |
|> encodeParameter | |
|> Filter | |
|> mapController typeList entity | |
|> noLazy | |
let controllerGetTotal this entity filter = | |
filter | |
|> encodeParameter | |
|> Total | |
|> mapController typeList entity | |
|> Seq.tryHead | |
|> whenSome unbox | |
|> whenNone ( fun _ -> 0 ) | |
let controllerGetParameter this entity parameter id = | |
( parameter, id ) | |
|> Parameter | |
|> mapController typeList2 entity | |
|> noLazy | |
[<Authorize>] | |
[<HandleError>] | |
type EntityController () = | |
inherit Controller () | |
member this.Create ( entity, parent : int Nullable ) = | |
SetEntity this entity | |
SetParentEntity this parent | |
this.PartialView ( entity + "/Create" ) | |
:> ActionResult | |
member this.Update ( entity, id ) = | |
let data = controllerGetId this entity id | |
SetEntity this entity | |
this.PartialView ( entity + "/Update", data ) | |
:> ActionResult | |
member this.Delete ( entity, id ) = | |
let data = controllerGetId this entity id | |
SetEntity this entity | |
this.PartialView ( entity + "/Delete", data ) | |
:> ActionResult | |
member this.List ( entity, selector : Selector ) = | |
let sel = selector.ToBackEnd () | |
let tot = controllerGetTotal this entity sel.Filter | |
let data = controllerGetFilter this entity sel | |
let nsel = selector.UpdateTotal tot | |
SetEntity this entity | |
SetEntityData this data | |
SetParameter this nsel | |
this.PartialView ( entity + "/List" ) | |
:> ActionResult | |
member this.ListBy ( entity, parent : int Nullable ) = | |
let key = parent.GetValueOrDefault () | |
let data = controllerGetParameter this entity key parent | |
SetEntity this entity | |
SetEntityData this data | |
SetParentEntity this parent | |
this.PartialView ( entity + "/List" ) | |
:> ActionResult |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
namespace EventHorizon.Backend.Model.Entities | |
open System | |
open System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations | |
open System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Helpers | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Model.Config | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Extension.DbContextModule | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Extension.DbModelBuilderModule | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Model.HighOrder.EntitySetModule | |
[<CLIMutable>] | |
type Address = { | |
Id : int | |
StreetName : string | |
StreetNumber : string | |
Complement : string | |
Region : string | |
City : string | |
State : string | |
Country : string | |
PostalCode : string | |
} | |
[<CLIMutable>] | |
type Customer = { | |
Id : int | |
Name : string | |
SocialName : string | |
Eid : string | |
AddressId : int | |
Address : Address | |
} | |
[<CLIMutable>] | |
type Journal = { | |
Id : int | |
Key : int | |
EquipmentId : int | |
Customer : Customer | |
CustomerId : int | |
Quantity : Decimal Nullable | |
SalePrice : Decimal Nullable | |
Total : Decimal Nullable | |
} | |
type Entities () = | |
inherit BaseDbContext<Entities> () | |
member val Addresses = table<Address> () with get, set | |
member val Customers = table<Customer> () with get, set | |
member val Journals = table<Journal> () with get, set | |
override this.OnModelCreating modelBuilder = | |
modelBuilder | |
.DefaultConfiguration( this ) | |
.Require( fun ( λ : User ) -> λ.Salt ) | |
.Relationship( (fun ( λ : Customer ) -> λ.Address), (fun λ -> λ.AddressId) ) | |
.Relationship( (fun ( λ : Journal ) -> λ.Customer), (fun λ -> λ.CustomerId) ) | |
.UniqueKey( (fun ( λ : Journal ) -> λ.EquipmentId), (fun λ -> λ.Key) ) | |
|> ignore | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
type Address with | |
static member queryId = <@ fun ( λ : Address ) -> λ.Id @> | |
type Journal with | |
static member queryId = <@ fun ( λ : Journal ) -> λ.Id @> | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
type Journal with | |
static member queryUniqueKey = <@ fun ( λ : Journal ) customer key -> | |
λ.CustomerId = customer && λ.Key = key @> | |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
type Journal with | |
member λ.UniqueKey = ( λ.EquipmentId, λ.Key ) |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
namespace EventHorizon.Backend | |
open Owin | |
open System | |
open log4net | |
open System.Web | |
open Newtonsoft.Json | |
open System.Web.Http | |
open System.Web.Routing | |
open Elmah.Contrib.WebApi | |
open System.Web.Http.Tracing | |
open Microsoft.Owin.Security | |
open System.Web.Http.Controllers | |
open System.Web.Http.ModelBinding | |
open Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth | |
open Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies | |
open System.Web.Http.ExceptionHandling | |
open System.Web.Http.ModelBinding.Binders | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Model | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Helpers | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Controller | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.TypeHelpers | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.Authorization | |
open EventHorizon.Backend.WebApiHelpers | |
type ApiRouteTerminal = { | |
controller : string | |
key : RouteParameter | |
action : string } | |
module GlobalConfig = | |
// Maps a route to a controller that inherits from a the specified base type in some namespace. | |
let mapHttpRoute addRoutes name isInNamespace ( route : string ) ( tbase : Type ) = | |
let assemb = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly () | |
assemb.GetTypes () | |
|> Seq.filter ( fun t -> not t.IsAbstract && not t.IsGenericType && | |
t.IsDerivedFromOpenGenericType tbase ) | |
|> Seq.filter ( fun t -> isInNamespace t.Namespace ) | |
|> Seq.iter ( fun t -> | |
let tpath = | |
t.BaseType.GetGenericArguments () | |
|> ( fun i -> i.Name ) | |
|> Seq.reduce ( fun l i -> l + "/" + i ) | |
let tCustomPath = | |
t.GetCustomAttributes ( typeof<CustomRoute>, true ) | |
|> Seq.cast<CustomRoute> | |
|> Seq.tryHead | |
|> whenSome ( fun i -> i.Template ) | |
let routeName = name + "_" + t.FullName | |
let routeArityPath = tCustomPath |> whenNone ( fun () -> tpath ) | |
let routePath = route.Replace ( "{controller}", routeArityPath ) | |
let controllerName = t.Name.Replace ( "Controller", String.Empty ) | |
addRoutes | |
routeName | |
routePath | |
{ controller = controllerName | |
key = RouteParameter.Optional | |
action = String.Empty } ) | |
|> ignore |
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