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Created March 25, 2018 13:48
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  • Save LukeCarrier/bbc3063f889177711825295f2a3c0df5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LukeCarrier/bbc3063f889177711825295f2a3c0df5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[SecureString] $SafeModeAdministratorPassword = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'P4$$word' -AsPlainText -Force),
[string] $DomainName = 'adds.localdev',
[string] $DomainNetbiosName = 'ADDSLOCALDEV',
[string] $DomainSuffix = 'DC=adds,DC=localdev',
[string] $UserName = 'Luke.Carrier',
[string] $UserFullName = 'Luke Carrier',
[SecureString] $UserPassword = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'P4$$word' -AsPlainText -Force),
[string] $RDHost = "$($env:ComputerName).$($env:UserDnsDomain)"
# Before running me...
# 1. Ensure that your two network adapters are configured:
# a. First one as NAT, DHCP
# b. Second one as Host-only, static IP
Import-Module -Name ServerManager
foreach ($module in @('ActiveDirectory', 'ADDSDeployment', 'RemoteDesktop')) {
try {
Import-Module -Name $module
} catch {
Write-Debug "Unable to import $($module) module -- is it installed yet?"
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$FeaturesAD = @('AD-Domain-Services', 'DNS', 'GPMC', 'RSAT-AD-Tools')
$FeaturesRD = @('RDS-Connection-Broker', 'RDS-RD-Server', 'RDS-Web-Access')
$GroupRDUsers = 'Remote Desktop Users'
if ((Get-WindowsFeature -Name $FeaturesAD) | ? { $_.Installed -eq $false }) {
Install-WindowsFeature -Name $FeaturesAD -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools
Restart-Computer -Force
try {
Get-ADDomain | Out-Null
} catch {
Install-ADDSForest -DomainName $DomainName -DomainNetbiosName $DomainNetbiosName `
-DomainMode 'WinThreshold' -ForestMode 'WinThreshold' `
-CreateDnsDelegation:$false -InstallDns -NoRebootOnCompletion `
-DatabasePath 'C:\Windows\NTDS' -SysvolPath 'C:\Windows\SYSVOL_DFSR' `
-SafeModeAdministratorPassword $SafeModeAdministratorPassword -Force
Restart-Computer -Force
if ((Get-WindowsFeature -Name $FeaturesRD) | ? { $_.Installed -eq $false }) {
Install-WindowsFeature -Name $FeaturesRD -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools
Restart-Computer -Force
try {
Get-ADUser -Identity "CN=$($UserName),CN=Users,$($DomainSuffix)" | Out-Null
} catch {
New-ADUser -SamAccountName $UserName -AccountPassword $UserPassword -Name $UserFullName `
-Enabled:$true -PasswordNeverExpires:$true -ChangePasswordAtLogon:$false
try {
Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership `
-Identity "CN=$($UserName),CN=Users,$($DomainSuffix)" `
-MemberOf "CN=Enterprise Admins,CN=Users,$($DomainSuffix)" | Out-Null
} catch {
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership `
-Identity "CN=$($UserName),CN=Users,$($DomainSuffix)" `
-MemberOf "CN=Enterprise Admins,CN=Users,$($DomainSuffix)" | Out-Null
try {
Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership `
-Identity "CN=$($UserName),CN=Users,$($DomainSuffix)" `
-MemberOf "CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,$($DomainSuffix)" | Out-Null
} catch {
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership `
-Identity "CN=$($UserName),CN=Users,$($DomainSuffix)" `
-MemberOf "CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users,$($DomainSuffix)" | Out-Null
try {
New-RDSessionDeployment -ConnectionBroker $RDHost -SessionHost $RDHost -WebAccessServer $RDHost `
} catch {}
try {
New-RDSessionCollection -CollectionName 'Personal' `
-ConnectionBroker $RDHost -SessionHost $RDHost -PersonalUnmanaged
} catch {}
Set-RDPersonalSessionDesktopAssignment -CollectionName 'Personal' -Name $RDHost `
-User "$($DomainNetbiosName)\$($UserName)"
New-RDRemoteApp -DisplayName 'Notepad' -FilePath "$($env:WinDir)\system32\notepad.exe" -CollectionName 'Personal'
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