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Created January 8, 2017 16:47
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LED panel control over MQTT for Node-RED
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import paho.mqtt.client as paho
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
from PIL import ImageFont
import time
from rgbmatrix import RGBMatrix
#from samplebase import SampleBase
from rgbmatrix import graphics
matrix = RGBMatrix(32, 2, 1) # rows, chain, parallel
#canvas = matrix
#canvas2 = matrix.CreateFrameCanvas()
image ="RGB", (64, 32)) # Can be larger than matrix if wanted!!
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) # Declare Draw instance before prims
background = (0, 0, 0)
print '> loading fonts'
font_list = [
['Objective-Bold.ttf', 12],
['Objective-Bold.ttf', 14],
['Objective-Bold.ttf', 16],
['Objective-Bold.ttf', 18],
['Objective-Bold.ttf', 20],
['Objective-Bold.ttf', 22],
['Objective-Bold.ttf', 24],
['Objective-Bold.ttf', 25],
['Objective-Bold.ttf', 26],
['Objective-Bold.ttf', 28],
['Objective-Bold.ttf', 30],
['The Gould St.ttf', 20],
['gomarice_usuazi_hosomozi.ttf', 28],
['helvetica-normal.ttf', 10], # 13
['helvetica-normal.ttf', 12],
['helvetica-normal.ttf', 14],
['helvetica-normal.ttf', 16],
['helvetica-normal.ttf', 18],
['helvetica-normal.ttf', 20],
['helvetica-normal.ttf', 22], #18
fonts = []
for f in font_list:
print ' >', f[0], f[1]
fonts.append(ImageFont.truetype(f[0], f[1]))
print '> fonts loaded'
def on_message(clnt, userdata, msg):
global background
global matrix
j = json.loads(str(msg.payload))
if 'function' in j:
if j['function'] == 'set_text':
canvas = matrix.CreateFrameCanvas()
json_text = j['text']
json_red = int(j['red'])
json_green = int(j['green'])
json_blue = int(j['blue'])
json_font = int(j['font'])
json_x = int(j['x'])
json_y = int(j['y'])
font = fonts[json_font]
text_w, text_h = draw.textsize(json_text, font=font)
draw.rectangle((json_x, json_y, json_x+text_w, json_y+text_h), fill=background)
draw.text((json_x, json_y), json_text, font=font, fill=(json_red, json_green, json_blue))
canvas.SetImage(image, 0, 0)
canvas = matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
if j['function'] == 'clear':
#print '> clear'
canvas = matrix.CreateFrameCanvas()
json_red = int(j['red'])
json_green = int(j['green'])
json_blue = int(j['blue'])
background = (json_red, json_green, json_blue)
draw.rectangle((0, 0, matrix.width, matrix.height), fill=background)
canvas.SetImage(image, 0, 0)
canvas = matrix.SwapOnVSync(canvas)
mqtt = paho.Client()
mqtt.on_message = on_message
mqtt.username_pw_set("admin", "admin") # credentials from Node-RED installation
mqtt.connect("", 1883)
print '> Ready'
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trlafleur commented Dec 1, 2018

Interesting idea, have you expanded on this in the last few years???

where do the fonts come from?? where are they loaded on Linux??


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