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Components V2 Soon! Get ready!

Lala Sabathil Lulalaby

Components V2 Soon! Get ready!
View GitHub Profile
Lulalaby / thanks.txt
Created January 16, 2025 02:27
AITSYS Security Thanks
- None yet
Lulalaby / ow cmd
Created March 11, 2022 01:58 — forked from Toyz/OW1 CMD
All command line options to Overwatch
----------POSSIBLE OPTIONS----------------------------------------------
--account : [optional] account name to login with
--key : [optional] connection key for the server (defaults to 1 in debug)
--automationRoutine : [optional] automation routine to run after login
--startAutomationGraph : [optional] start up and execute automation global graph using provided guid
--gatherEffectStats : [optional] enables effect stat gathering
--noautoconnect : [optional] Do not automatically connect to a server
--dumpAssetNames : Write to <file> a JSON map of GUID (String "0xabc...") to asset name for all soft assets
--startPosition : [optional] start position when joining a map
"id": 0,
"name": {
"default": "General"
"is_primary": true
"id": 15,
Lulalaby /
Created December 3, 2021 00:48 — forked from Dobby233Liu/
superb edit of an old parameterless script
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
"""Edge Microsoft TTS for Python."""
import sys
from ws4py.client.threadedclient import WebSocketClient
import binascii
import argparse
import json
import requests
import re
Lulalaby / .gitignore
Created September 15, 2021 21:37
Gitignore Template for C# projects
# Prerequisites
# Compiled Object files
# Precompiled Headers
if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]))
//check for ip from share internet
elseif (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]))
// Check for the Proxy User

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am lulalaby on github.
  • I am lulalaby ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 3DCB 25BF 5BBF 1D73 56EE FA28 9898 5E8C 3C81 6420

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Lulalaby /
Created February 18, 2019 09:43 — forked from windytan/
Visualize SSH public key fingerprints using Unicode emoji
# Oona Räisänen 2013
# ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/ | perl
@emoji = qw( 🌀 🌂 🌅 🌈 🌙 🌞 🌟 🌠 🌰 🌱 🌲 🌳 🌴 🌵 🌷 🌸
🌹 🌺 🌻 🌼 🌽 🌾 🌿 🍀 🍁 🍂 🍃 🍄 🍅 🍆 🍇 🍈
🍉 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍍 🍎 🍏 🍐 🍑 🍒 🍓 🍔 🍕 🍖 🍗 🍘
🍜 🍝 🍞 🍟 🍠 🍡 🍢 🍣 🍤 🍥 🍦 🍧 🍨 🍩 🍪 🍫
🍬 🍭 🍮 🍯 🍰 🍱 🍲 🍳 🍴 🍵 🍶 🍷 🍸 🍹 🍺 🍻