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Created September 7, 2019 03:55
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package main
import (
// Note: Add route first.
// $ sudo ip route add dev enp0s3
func main() {
// neigh_list, _ := netlink.NeighList(2, netlink.FAMILY_V4);
// for _, neigh := range neigh_list {
// s := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", neigh.IP, neigh.HardwareAddr)
// fmt.Println(s)
// }
route_list, _ := netlink.RouteList(nil, netlink.FAMILY_V4);
for _, route := range route_list {
dst := "";
if route.Dst != nil {
dst = route.Dst.String();
if dst == "" {
// NOTE: delete route, but does not work.
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("$ ip route del %s", dst));
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