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Last active February 12, 2017 18:40
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  • Save Lutzifer/96dd92e6ac5a52351d9ac0900bcb90d7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Lutzifer/96dd92e6ac5a52351d9ac0900bcb90d7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Number42 iOS Bootstrap Script - Install rbenv, gems, pods and run fastlane
# exit script, if error
set -e
# defne colors
RED=`tput setaf 1`
GREEN=`tput setaf 2`
NOCOLOR=`tput sgr0`
echo "${GREEN}Running N42 Bootstrap v1.13 (2017-02-12)${NOCOLOR}"
echo "${GREEN}If the script fails, there might be a newer Version on $BOOTSTRAP_SOURCE ${NOCOLOR}"
echo "${GREEN}You can directly download it with 'curl -L $BOOTSTRAP_SOURCE -o' ${NOCOLOR}"
echo "${GREEN}You can update the script by running "sh -u"' ${NOCOLOR}"
if [[ $1 == "-u" ]] ; then
echo 'Updating'
curl -L $BOOTSTRAP_SOURCE?$(date +%s) -o $0
exit 1
# install dependency, if is not installed
brew list $1 || brew install $1 || echo "${RED} FAILED TO INSTALL $1 ${NOCOLOR}";
# upgrade dependency, if it is outdated
brew outdated $1 || brew upgrade $1 || echo "${RED} FAILED TO UPGRADE $1 ${NOCOLOR}";
# updaet brew to keep dependencies up to date
brew update || echo "${RED} FAILED TO UPDATE BREW ${NOCOLOR}";
installDependencyWithBrew rbenv
installDependencyWithBrew ruby-build
# install ruby version from .ruby-version, skipping if already installed (-s)
rbenv install -s
# install bundler gem for ruby dependency management
gem install bundler || echo "${RED} FAILED TO INSTALL BUNDLER ${NOCOLOR}";
bundle install || echo "${RED} FAILED TO INSTALL BUNDLE ${NOCOLOR}";
if [ -e "podfile" ]; then
# install cocoapods dependencies
bundle exec pod repo update
bundle exec pod install || echo "${RED} FAILED TO INSTALL PODS ${NOCOLOR}";
installDependencyWithBrew carthage
# keep submodules up to date, see
git submodule init || echo "${RED} FAILED TO INIT SUBMODULES ${NOCOLOR}";
git submodule update || echo "${RED} FAILED TO UPDATE SUBMODULES ${NOCOLOR}";
if [ -e "fastlane/Fastfile" ]; then
if bundle exec fastlane lanes | grep "match_all"; then
# Run fastlane to ensure certs and profiles are installed
bundle exec fastlane ios match_all || echo "${RED} FAILED TO RUN MATCH ${NOCOLOR}";
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