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Pierre Jacomet Luv2C0d3

  • Seattle, WA USA
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Luv2C0d3 / gist:02cd3ddac39d0c65b9aca27171ba6d7b
Created March 3, 2025 19:13
Setting up tailscale on Raspberry Pis (debian 12 bookworm)
# Burn debian into sd card
# Follow instructions on tailscale site
# install with one command tailscale
curl -fsSL | sudo sh
# eventually enable systemd-resolved to prevent fights over who writes /etc/resolv.conf
sudo apt install -y systemd-resolved
# check that /etc/resolv.conf is now a link instead of a file.
# -- For security --
# Mostly from this
# Install globally or in venv
pip install jupyter-book
# Create a template jupyter-book
jupyter-book create mynewbook
# Build book
cd mynewbook
jupyter-book build .
# From an elevated Powershell prompt:
# Note: This installs both traditional conda + mamba, but mambe seems to work
# only on Linux.
choco install mambaforge
# Once that is done, need to initialize mamba forge for Powershell / CMD
# This will add an autorun in the Commandshell key in windows.
# Note: Conda creates a `base` environment and uses that as startup
conda init
$ cat test-expand.rkt
#lang racket
The purpose of this file is to better understand how
macros are expanded.
The first variable in_s holds the results of
reading the input and transforming to s-exps,
every parentheses like [ and { are converted to regular (
without still expanding macros.
In my S21, in order to achieve this, I had to go via
Settings / General Management / Physical Keyboard (subtitle DEX Keyboard) / Samsung Keyboard - English US
once you click the last item you should be in "Language and Layout"
Look for English US, Dvorak Style
That should do it.
-- update 2024-10-08
I noticed, that the keyboard switch, is NOT what the settings suggests, (Alt+Left-Shift), but rather Left-Cmd+Space and the keyboards
sudo dnf install ncurses-devel
sudo dnf install libX11-devel
sudo dnf install libuuid-devel
git clone
cd ChezScheme
# Install racket
# (Windows) Update PATH environment variable to include racket's install
# WSL2 Ubuntu: May need to install libssl-dev before raco package manager works:
# apt install libssl-dev
# In Fedora, instead install openssl-devel
# sudo dnf install openssl-devel
# Install beautiful-racket package
raco pkg install beautiful-racket
Frow within windows:
Enum things
PS C:\> bcdedit /enum "{fwbootmgr}"
Set order
** DANGER!!! --> Make sure you use Guids ONLY from above command. If you splatter
** {bootmgr} guids into fwbootmgr you MAY CORRUPT YOUR BIOS.
PS C:\> bcdedit /set "{fwbootmgr}" displayorder ...
sudo zypper in libuuid-devel
sudo zypper in libX11-devel
git clone
cd ChezScheme
# To test without installing
Luv2C0d3 / llvm_setup
Last active August 18, 2022 22:07
Configure LLVM development environment in several WSL flavors
Objective: Install llvm toolchain + voltron for debugging
Voltron source:
For voltron, I needed to install:
* Modify the script a little. -- Will fork and add that change.
* python3, tmux
* Need to fix the library paths for llvm libraries
* python3-lldb site package
Ubuntu 22.04: