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Created October 21, 2020 16:23
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This short code challenge can help the local zoo look after its denizens.
camel = r"""
Switching on the camera in the camel habitat...
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Look at that! Our little camel is sunbathing!"""
lion = r"""
Switching on the camera in the lion habitat...
,YWMMw ,M ,
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The lion is roaring!"""
deer = r"""
Switching on the camera in the deer habitat...
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/_//_/ /_/ /_/
Our 'Bambi' looks hungry. Let's go to feed it!"""
goose = r"""
Switching on the camera in the goose habitat...
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The goose is staring intently at you... Maybe it's time to change the channel?"""
bat = r"""
Switching on the camera in the bat habitat...
_________________ _________________
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This bat looks like it's doing fine."""
rabbit = r"""
Switching on the camera in the rabbit habitat...
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It looks like we will soon have more rabbits!"""
animals = [camel, lion, deer, goose, bat, rabbit]
# write your code here
while True:
habitat_number = input("Please enter the number of the habitat you would like to view: >")
if habitat_number == "exit":
print("See you later!")
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