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Lyle Scott III LyleScott

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Integralist / Import
Last active September 25, 2024 02:05
[Fastly Terraform Import] #fastly #terraform #go #import

NOTE: these instructions have been genericised from a real example, and so your mileage may vary.

I first create a file.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    fastly = {
      source  = "fastly/fastly"
 version = "0.28.2"

Rust Error Handling Cheatsheet - Result handling functions

Introduction to Rust error handling

Rust error handling is nice but obligatory. Which makes it sometimes plenty of code.

Functions return values of type Result that is "enumeration". In Rust enumeration means complex value that has alternatives and that alternative is shown with a tag.

Result is defined as Ok or Err. The definition is generic, and both alternatives have

LyleScott /
Last active June 25, 2019 13:14
A little Python 3.x script i wrote to help me manage local virtual environments
#!/usr/bin/env python3
A custom utility to manage Python virtualenvs. Requires Python 3.6+
I've written it mainly as a wrapper around venv, but it's pluggable. // [email protected] //
USAGE list [-r]