type Color =
| Red
| Green
| Blue
type BinaryTree =
| Node of BinaryTree * BinaryTree
| Leaf
type Point = { X: float; Y: float; Z: float; }
type User =
{ firstname: string
lastname: string
age: int }
# Type is infered automatically...
let p1 = { X = 1.0; Y = 2.0; Z = -1.0 }
# ...or explicitly
let p2 = { Point.X = 1.0; Y = 2.0; Z = -1.0 }
# Update syntax
let p3 = { p1 with Z = 5.0 }
# Anonymous record
let foo = {| bar = 5; baz = "test" |}
type BinaryTree =
| Node of Node
| Leaf
and Node =
{ name: string
left: BinaryTree
right: BinaryTree }
let t:string*int*float = ("one", 1, 2.0)
let (a, b, c) = ("one", 1, 2.0)
let world = "World"
let multiline = """
let interpolated = $"Hello {world}!"
Check if string is empty:
System.String.IsNullOrEmpty "test"
match color with
| Red -> "red"
| Green -> "green"
| Blue -> "blue"
There doesn't seem a generic way to call an instance method like a regular function but most builtin types provide a lowercase function for each uppercase method:
let list = [1..10]
let len1 = List.length list
let len2 = list.Length
Both are basically the same, but use
calls Dispose
when the variable goes out of scope. Details
Generics can be postfix ML style (int list
) or prefix .NET style (list<int>
). Postfix should only be used for list
, option
, voption
, array
and ref
Works well enough and can be used with different assertion libraries. A test looks like this:
open Xunit
let ``test add`` () =
Assert.Equal(5, 3 + 2)
Alternative assertions for xUnit and others.
open Xunit
open FsUnit.Xunit
let ``test add`` () =
3 + 2 |> should equal 5
Unfortunately, the assertion are basically untyped which leads to issues with e.g. Result. Also the error messages for failed assertions are confusing.
Alternative assertions for xUnit and others based on Quoted Expressions.
open Xunit
open Swensen.Unquote
let ``test add`` () =
test <@ 2 + 3 = 5 @>
Gives very nice error messages for failed assertions.
Property-based testing. Works with different testing frameworks including xUnit and Unquoted.
open Xunit
open FsCheck.Xunit
open Swensen.Unquote
let ``test reverse`` (l:list<int>) =
test <@ (List.reverse (List.reverse l)) == l @>
Works nice for standard elements but XAML didn't convince me.
Converts LINQ to SQL. Couldn't get this to work with SQLite and gave up after one hour.
Maps SQL to F# records. SQL queries are written with Computation Expressions and are therefore typesafe to some extend. However, Dapper does not verify queries against the db schema during compile time, e.g. typos in table names will lead to runtime exceptions. The F# records have to reflect the table layout which leads to annoying conversions when the domain model e.g. doesn't include the primary key.
Executes raw SQL queries and provides some helpers to convert the result to F#. Only works with PostgreSQL.