Using AWS RDS we can export default MySQL logs to CloudWatch. This can include the slow query log.
As standard, CloudWatch logs will just show the log message, which allows reading the log, but not doing useful analysis, such as finding the slowest queries over a time range, or the slow query which repeats the most often.
Using CloudWatch Insights we can write custom log search queries to try and extract more information. It starts with a parse step, where the "glob" parser can be used to take a single block log message and pull out individual data points:
PARSE @message '# Time: * *\n# User@Host: *[*] @ * Id: *\n# Query_time: * Lock_time: * Rows_sent: * Rows_examined: *\n*' as date,time,user,host,ip,id,duration,lock,rows,examined,query
From here we could improve the query using filters, groups or sorting to highlight slowest queries or most common slow queries